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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/17/23 in all areas

  1. New guns arrive... https://fb.watch/kAm-2qPVgZ/
    5 points
  2. You guys act like KSL is going to start running this place with good desicions this quick? lol, lol. I dont know how it would be if it wasnt at least a little fucked up.
    3 points
  3. Yup. They suck. @Ski2Live Live2Ski
    3 points
  4. everywhere i have gone lately with recently improved snowmaking has those new stick guns with the orange anodized heads like the ones on coming soon
    2 points
  5. 26 fan new fan guns is a lot. I wonder where they will be putting them? I didn't really see anything about that. Love to see them investing in the place!
    2 points
  6. Possible frost up this way tomorrow overnight. That can be a buzzkill. Wish it killed weeds like it does vegetables . . .
    2 points
  7. Love the new gun placement!
    1 point
  8. Also construction of the chair storage rail is coming along
    1 point
  9. 15 on razors and the remaining 11 on tubing
    1 point
  10. Honestly if they can get conditions that we saw on coming soon and spread that across the mountain it would be a huge upgrade. I know CS doesn't have fan guns but whatever they did there I'm hoping they do everywhere.
    1 point
  11. Potatoes are well on their way a month in.
    1 point
  12. Accurate. Here they are burying the new water line right now:
    0 points
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