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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/23 in all areas

  1. Few more Hawaii pics. We went to this beach and took surfboards and paddled out to this little island called Chinamen’s cap. Full disclosure on what a complete dork I am; even though I grew up in Jersey I never really surfed, I was having a hard time paddling in the choppy water. My son graciously told me to just hold on to his ankle about half way there and he got me the rest of the way. We hiked/climbed to the top. There was a section with a rope someone put there, but since I couldn’t see the top anchor point I didn’t really trust it. So we went another way, no rope. Going up wasn’t bad, coming down there was a sketchy move that took me about 10 min to get the courage to do. This is the wall. All Lava rock which is not only sharp but gets hot in the sun. I beat the crap out of my feet. Me climbing up for scale. It’s pretty vertical. Maybe a 5.5? If I had shoes or was roped in it would have been super easy. Since it was consequential I took more time. views from the top were sweet. There was a military base nearby and we saw 3 big planes fly right over our heads.
    6 points
  2. Had another awesome session at Big Snow today. Felt amazing walking into the now familiar fridge. Very light crowds as usual again and a new park build. Ended up grabbing the 6 pack which drops the 2 hour sessions to $33.33. All in all JADIP! 20230515_152655.mp4
    1 point
  3. Did the Distinguished gentleman’s charity ride this morning. Beautiful day to be out on the bike. Had about 60 riders
    1 point
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