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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/20/23 in all areas

  1. I'd end up taking me ear off or something, the control is impressive and I bet those motors can put out a shit ton of power to weight
    2 points
  2. I owned an F-14 twin 64mm EDF for a few months..Super fun to fly...The bitch was getting it in the air....Heavy and underpowered you needed to throw it with Herculean strength to get it to glide until it came up to power..Full power the entire flight...all the time humming Danger Zone... Need to get these back in the air...
    1 point
  3. Yup, R/C planes are cool, but it really cranks when you get to see guys flying shit like this!
    1 point
  4. i think there are some RC enthusiasts here. went to some RC air show basically down the road from me yesterday that i had never heard of until the day before. it's their annual event (i wish they had more) but i'd highly recommend it if you manage to be in / near the area when they do next year's. the org is called west end wings and it's in brodheadsville. a shitload more fun than expected, free, amazing scenery and tons of planes -- from a wicked witch on a broom, to a stop sign plane, a superman plane and a race car shaped plane. it was bananas. unfortunately, the pig one didn't get airborne
    1 point
  5. Our yard is full of clover and I’m loving it. I guess some of y’all are apoplectic looking at it.
    1 point
  6. Got a good cut in tonight and some sunset time with the pup.
    1 point
  7. Surprisingly no damage I can see. I think because the hail itself was relatively small. It was a very intense storm. It looks like it snowed all over town. Streets are full of hail
    1 point
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