No Rohrbacks garage. That’s where my delivery guy goes now for inspections and service..he needs brake stuff and inspection so I met him there and gave him a ride back. All those roads like Longswamp and dogleg and Schlossberg I’ve never been on before and I had no idea lower Macungie went that far my friend that lives near Lehigh valley hospital on cedar crest also lower Macungie.
I was in Berks county all of 20 minutes. Actually back and forth between Lehigh and Berks county a few times cause I got a little lost. This is where I was. Beautiful definitely the Midwest which I consider everything west of Root 100
I owned an F-14 twin 64mm EDF for a few months..Super fun to fly...The bitch was getting it in the air....Heavy and underpowered you needed to throw it with Herculean strength to get it to glide until it came up to power..Full power the entire flight...all the time humming Danger Zone...
Need to get these back in the air...