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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/23 in all areas

  1. Did a 4 hour ride today in the new (used) bike. BMW K1600 GT. It feels really solid, like it better then our old touring bike. About 165 miles then the last 20 min we got caught in monsoon rain. Lol. Did not go into the park but this is Black Canyon of the Gunnison. You can skirt the road on top without having to pay the fee and still see some nice views.
    4 points
  2. i hope so. they're laying new pipeline down. one spot i had always considered skiing if there was a lot of snow now has a fresh 30ft wide swath of flattened dirt parallel to it if that makes any sense. as in its not overgrown yet
    2 points
  3. Still like my daily drivers for Blue, been looking at some powder skis, because the farmers almanac says we are gonna get hammered this year with multiple 10" pow days.
    2 points
  4. That’s a serious motorcycle..I googled it. When Atomic Jeff finds out your husband is a BMW owner, he might get an invitation to his mens only car wash club. @NMSKI doesn’t even have a BMW but they let him be in charge of the towels. What park are you talking about? On my Colorado geology trip we saw the black canyon of the Gunnison between going from Gunnison and marble.
    1 point
  5. now that my shed is finally going up I ordered this bad boy.
    1 point
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