This is why i dont leave the trap out at night. That, and you wont catch groundhogs at night. i have a fox that rolls through my yard often at night, and i have seen a racoon, but no skunk. Anyways, if i did catch any night dweller, i would call someone. no way i am fucking around with a fox, skunk, or racoon. @indiggio has more balls than a pool table for releasing a skunk.
i dont know if groundhogs all have the same mindset or what, or like travel the same path as others have before, but they all want to go under my fence in my backyard at the same spot for some reason. so, i put some rocks in the little spot they dug out. so, if the rocks get disturbed, its a pretty good indication one is roaming around.
a coworker is always trapping groundhogs. he has a small crick on his property. He gives them swimming lessons.