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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/09/24 in all areas

  1. I'd consider getting a season pass for Shawnee just for the uphill. Yesterday was a spring treat. Really enjoy it there.
    8 points
  2. Idk…rather than bring something that folks probably won’t eat or drink thinking I’d rather just make a donation to @enjoralas to go towards whatever he’ll be purchasing food wise. Enjo let me know what’s good and shoot me your Venmo (or whatever you use.)
    5 points
  3. Gonna be a toned down Gaper Day for sure. Not planning to have the salt blocks or raclette or anything crazy there this year. Suckling pig will have to wait for another time,
    5 points
  4. Hey All, I’m back from another session at Blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot at 715am and it was 39 degrees under overcast skys with moderate winds. Despite the ambient temperature, it felt much cooler. In the house was everybody except Tarpenhead, Bethlehem Ford Guy, PARidge, Zonked, Toast, MBike and Nastar Glenn. I began on the quad and second civilian chair. First run was nightmare to dreamweaver, while the snow was decent the features get in the way, was smooth cord, semi firm. Next run I skied lazy to the falls which was nice and smooth and empty. After the falls is pretty narrow and also Skytop is a bit tricky because they moved some of that snow onto upset paradise. I skied lazy again then Come Around to the falls to lower Main Street all decent some light chop on lower main. I didn’t make it to coming soon but I heard it wasn’t that good. I skied Challenge several times and it was fun. It began as big soft bumps at the narrow entrance, then smaller bumps and the. Another semi narrow area in the middle. Widowmaker also had decent snow and a few bare areas. Midway which I did not ski is about half width. Paradise was also pretty nice with minimal chop early and I skied lazy again later and still decent. While I was skiing from 8-10am there were only a few sprinkles, the rain started picking up more steadily around 1030 but luckily Enjorales brought his tent so we avoided getting wet while having parking lot chips and beer. I peaced out just after Noon when PASRs most dedicated rider, TP4 was just finishing up. JADIP and no pictures because I left my phone at the hotel house…
    5 points
  5. Hey All, I got confirmation from PASRs own grillmaster that Sunday 3/17 will be our end of season party. Bring beer, champagne, cups, OJ, snacks and breakfast food and things to grill if you’d like. Pond skimming is also that day as well. That will probably be closing day unless some miracle occurs from Mother Nature. JADIP
    4 points
  6. Inventory check, we good. Plenty peanut butters.
    4 points
  7. It was a fun morning regardless of the looks of the place, kinda like an ugly prostitute, she may not look good, but she knows how to satisfy. First run down Coming Soon was horrendous, as it was ungroomed and firm with random bumps and ridges all the way down. I wasn't prepared for that and came rolling in with some speed as usual thinking it was groomed, nope. Never returned to the mess. Paradise and Nightweaver had soft carveable snow, as did Challenge which was tight up top and widened down below. Later some of Glenn's bump kids set a line on the upper headwall with a kicker at the bottom but they were way tight, which kept the speed in check. We ended up setting a line all the way down lower Main which was a real burner if you did them all in one shot. We also set a haphazard line down Chute that was just a mess, as they started out just right, but got way too tight at the bottom. Unfortunately the rain started coming down too hard about 11 and we all bailed for beers in the lot.
    3 points
  8. Are they gonna do the cardboard box derby up in Vermont lol
    3 points
  9. It was grate. I meant to take a picture of the tent with my jitterbug telephone device but forgot. I did capture a radical photograph of all the perder
    3 points
  10. Just go to Blue, Bear Creek and Spring Mountain all in the same day and you can add 3 days to your stats
    2 points
  11. I'll bring plenty of beer. Might make alcoholic iced coffee to share. And some sort of food item, any suggestions?
    2 points
  12. If they take all the snow on NMDW and then also import 500000 gigatons of snow maybe they can do cardboard box derby right here in Pennsyltucky
    2 points
  13. This is awesome. i will bring some pre made warm breakfast goodies.
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Cardboard box derby on the 23rd, pond skim on 17th
    2 points
  16. Challenge was bad this afternoon. Weirdly bad. Razors was super fun. Raceway to midway is spicy. They cut midway in half farming snow on it. groomers will need to really put that oscilloscope or whatever to good use to keep some trails open. 24th? LOL. yeah, i’ll be the first to say it.
    2 points
  17. Day 46. Another bluebird day.
    2 points
  18. I don’t want to get banned. Then I’ll come back as VTMArk3
    1 point
  19. Ill bring my box of shooters 😇
    1 point
  20. I could do that...some berks/Lancaster county meats, cheeses, and pretzels
    1 point
  21. Blue being open this upcoming midweek kinda screwed me lol. I was totally at peace with 48 days this year, my second busiest season ever. Now I gotta get in 3 days between Tuesday and Friday, while hoping they have night hours Friday as the day is a no go so I can get to 51
    1 point
  22. Id like a run just like that top to bottom and steeper and afterwards my skis would be faster from the extra texture in the base..if you wanna ski challenge I found the high traverse to be the best. I’m guessing tomorrow will be way different ho near the peak..tuts lane still good…
    1 point
  23. The only logical sense I can see is marketing to show people. "Look what we do we push it as far as we can for our passholders, buy our pass or Ikon for 24/25." How much does maybe 10 snowguns for 20-30 hours last week of March expense vs the potential marketing value, I dont know? It probably isnt far off.
    1 point
  24. Me and Toast had a blast in Jackson hole in 2016…he’s been busy slapping skins…on his skis lol
    1 point
  25. Hahaha good one @saltyant when I came to the lot and saw you showing Falco and Charles your Droid IPad, I knew y’all were up to serious business.
    1 point
  26. @DiMe back before the most recent climate change that truly turned this area into MASH mid Atlantic ski hell, Blue would typically close the very end of March or sometimes squeak into early April and typical close with wall to walk coverage on all their runs. Granted, they had much less runs back then to cover but also not as good snowmaking. In 1992 Hunter mountain stayed open until May 5th… This year I truly think they’ll close down due to lack of snow and not lack of crowds…Dime you should try and do a summer trip somewhere. I get it…you’re still sort of in the honeymoon phase as you didn’t ride for a decade and we are all just old jaded..sometimes positive and not hating differences make us all unique. Id much rather have a customer like you than JFDan, you’d be way easier to extract more money out of with the bullshit I spew lol Are you gonna be at Blue tomorrow AM? Could be really nice!!!
    1 point
  27. I see we have a pond skim next weekend and carboard box the following scheduled. Who knows we shall see. Im just happy if it fact it does die this week its run it till its done mode.
    1 point
  28. The nice thing about Shawnee is you can avoid all of us lol
    1 point
  29. Where are these snowmaking temperatures? If they have an hour two of 30 degree temperature, it will just make conditions worse.
    1 point
  30. You warned me in the lot and I found out why. Was it left ungroomed? It didn’t get any better with the middle having no lights on. Rode for an hour with GSSucks and then skied with DirtWolf and Edge for another 2.5ish. Super fun soft spring skiing. Lazy and Pdis were hammer down and prob my RsOTN. Got to yell at Ridge for the lift but never caught up to him
    1 point
  31. Such a negative nancy. If they push all the features on NMDW we can have that on the 23rd & 24th 😇
    1 point
  32. It's a gorgeous night out here. Crowds are minimal. Skiing right onto the lifts. Snow is excellent,spring mashed potatoes. Some places still have base. Others are grass. 24th may be wishful thinking at this point. Either way hella fun spring night... Even if it is a little too early. Some closings.. Other trails are cut in half. Coming soon is going fast. Enjoy it while you can
    1 point
  33. They underestimated how much abuse their customers can put up with. 😂
    1 point
  34. I really want skiing to go on forever, but im a realist. NMDW has tons of snow. But paradise will be a problem. Razors has tons of snow until you get to the runout before homie stretch. I guess they can start pushing from the sides. Next weekend it will certainly be “experts only”. Lol.
    1 point
  35. Today Aspen had a ladies uphill event at Buttermilk. I uphilled the Tiehack side earlier this week and my heart *almost* burst out of my chest. So I decided to skin up West Buttermilk, which is the easiest. Beat my pace by 11 min since last time I did it so maybe the Tiehack lap helped me somewhat. Free swag is always nice The road to the west parking lot is rough and so so muddy. started snowing on my drive home. Next 2 days supposed to be lots of sunshine and mud 30’s, I will take it!
    1 point
  36. Last year Main Street was better..I will say home stretch has a lot of base..In seasons past a early March warmspell would decimate HS and barbs way can always get a little hairy near the crux
    1 point
  37. When I go on a ski trip, first of all I’m happy to be away from work, I’m happy to be skiing many days in a row and conveniently staying pretty close to the slopes…I’m happy to eat at all kinds of different restaurants..I’m happy to be skiing big mountain terrain……if there’s powder great…but it’s never really expected…the weather changes..last year in Jh, atomic Jeff didn’t even bring his fattest skis cause it wasn’t supposed to snow much and it snowed three and a half feet in like 36 hours. Also try to get a day in at powder mountain..
    1 point
  38. I rode with a long time ridin partner who I had not seen in quite a few years....Had to park at the top lot to redeem my buddy pass...I pulled in to park at the usual when I was met with a road block..That area is paid parking...The gravel lot sucks...Lower is soooo much better....Today was good...Lots of sun/no wind....Coming Soon was extra spicy....About 11:30 it softened up to a pretty sweet ride...Lots of crumbs here and there early....Super fun spring skiing...Rode from 9-1....Long session..Saw GSS,TP4and JLaw...and I think I saw ZZSlope....Had lunch and a beer Slope Side....Always good catching up with a friend you haven't seen in a long time...
    1 point
  39. Lol … @GrilledSteezeSandwich did a good job of staying upright. That first run down was no fall zone. In the afternoon it was a 1000% better. Before I ran into the bumpers I hiked up Barneys and ran the tail end of the line. The Bumpers built a line on chute and we hit that a bunch. Razors softened up nicely, last run down challenge was heavy but fun. The line was better after lunch even before the six opening. Stayed till 2 , glad I played hooky today Pretty sweet but the weather is not looking good.
    1 point
  40. A few weeks ago I won Platty vouchers at the Tele Colo movie and figured what better way to celebrate World Telemark Day on Tele Sunday. The ride up on the back roads yielded a mix of sun, clouds and fog along with a bald eagle snatching up a squirrel along root 42. Arrived to a socked in Platty with the sun trying to burn thrugh but it never quite happened, temps in the mid / upperer 50's. Started on the double and ended up lapping Blockbuster. Although the entrance was a little spicy there was good coverage once you got onto the trail. bumps (*) on the left side were soft and manageable. Short beer/water break and then rode the face off the triple, good coverage and mix of nice spring snow with some sticky man made here and there. Tele'd until lunch, chicken pesto wrap and ascension pils were bangin'. Legs were cooked after ten tele runs so clamped down the heels for another 4 or 5 in the afternoon. Nice day with a beverage stop as Catskill Brewery on the way home, love that place! * bumps photo credit lifted from @Harvey at nyskiblog - i couldn't find the sun lol
    1 point
  41. I got some exclusive lighter buttscotch shots from Mass cant get in PA. Also jager and some sheepdogs(peanut butter)
    0 points
  42. While I appreciate the suggestion, I’m trying not to spend money on lift tickets as blue’s midweek hours this week will cost me $120
    0 points
  43. Pond skimming is March 17th. We are under a flood watch today. And its going to be a little warm next week. Closing March 17th. It makes no sense to make snow after the 17th. Its spring. yes, there might be a few hours where they could blow some Blue Mountain Gak, but its too little, too late. Its spring. its only going to get warmer.
    0 points
  44. All they'll have next week is NMDW, Razors and Burma. Lazy looks good in the middle so far, but I doubt the bottom part will survive.
    0 points
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