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I arrived a little around 9:35 after some morning meetings and ran until around 10:45. Nothing else to add really other than CS was interesting in that kinda terrible kinda fun way.7 points
Hey All, I’m back from another fun morning at Blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot at 830am and it was 41 degrees under sunny skys. In the house were TP4, Atomic Jeff, C1er, Johnny Law, Oz, Rodney, Harold, Dirtwolf, Jimmy and a handful of others. First run on Paradise was pretty nice soft cord and lots of leaves, half width and semi thin cover in a few spots. Lazy had decent coverage and not quite as soft as Paradise as it was in a shadow. Back to Paradise again and Jeff’s friend skied Coming soon which was apparently half width rock hard frozen bumps. Over to Chute and it was nice corn, and I skied that three times in a row. Then skied challenge which was softening up on the top half and chunky second half. The falls was initially chunky but softened fast. I finished up with another chute run and peaches out at 1030 with the temperature up to 54 degrees. It was not as epic spring conditions as past days as it’s down to the base snow which is thick but pleasant skiing. JADIP6 points
Mr. Solum Canis Lupis is seriously underselling coming soon. Imagine a cobble stone street set by dead heads still tripping balls from the 70's. Everything is everywhere and none of it makes sense, like what turn shape generated that pile shape and why does it go across the mtn ? I went there first run........Spring skiing is catching a falling knife and I bounced it off my hand and stabbed myself in the dick. It is great fun and some stuff like lower main and dis were actually good but rotd to coming soon.5 points
Every year we do a ski weekend for Mrs SnoBunSki’s birthday, so even though she’s still on the IRL for the rest of the season recovering from rotator cuff surgery, we headed North early Friday morning. First stop was a lunch break and a few runs at Magic Mountain. I’m trying to get a little value out of my mostly unused Indy Pass - I think I’m down to around 33 bucks a run lol - and check out the Black Line lift that is finally up and running. My second ride up I spotted the rope drop on Talisman and lapped that a few times, fun corn with a little walk across a grass patch to get back out. It was fuckin’ blue bird! Got back on the road to Lake Bomoseen, a beautiful evening to light a fire to watch the sunset while we waited for the other couple we were skiing with to arrive. Saturday we ski’d Killington, overcast and temps in the low thirties, conditions were rough with sugar piles and ice after the week’s rain. I ski’d tele all day as one of the other skiers was a beginner, it was fun social skiing putting new root combos together and I didnt feel like I was missing much with the conditions. I thought about hitting the Killington-Pico traverse and checked out the entrance, it wasn’t roped but didn’t look inviting either so will save it for another time. Mrs S made the best of her time The forecast had changed from rain/mix to snow and it started coming down hard during apres. Sunday morning woke up to a coating of slush but at Pico they had reported 9”. Got there at opening to 10” or so of thiiiiick snow. Tracked out the lower mountain solo while waiting for the summit lift to spin. The heavy snow was a lot of work, took a quick break followed by a few more down low then got word that the summit lift had opened. The snow was a little better up high, one of my favorite trails anywhere is Summit Glades and lapped that until my legs were cooked. The intermittent wet snow and sleet changed to full on nice snow after lunch. I went back out to do a few more summit runs with our friend but visibility was bad and I had no gas left in the tank so I ski’d right past the summit loading area to call it a day. Ended the trip with a nice dinner pit stop at Rip VanWinkle Brewing.4 points
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Rode from 2 to close. Snow was suprisingly good for how warm it was. To sum it up after those 2 hours my feets were still bone dry. Coming soon is basicly a narrow burm run along the guns on the steeper part. Looks like they have plenty of snow to push around to get through the weekend. WROD on the very bottom stretch of lower paradise but plenty depth where it's wide above to keep that going. Chances are we may lose Coming Soon and Paradise soon but NMDW, Razors and Lazy all have excellent coverage. All in all JADIP at Blue The True.3 points
Thats why im somewhat interested in the place. Im super jealous of the owners. that place was a steal, no mater what was on the property.3 points
maybe it'll be a ski it til you can't event. the fact that they tried to blow in those temps the last couple nights leads me to believe they'll try to freshen things up early next week for the following wknd2 points
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So many people were heading for Coming soon, don’t they know…nope I wasn’t gonna waste a run on that.2 points
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Also... https://www.midwestskiers.com/post/fixed-grip-highspeed-why-so-many-midwest-hills-go-fixed I posted that on a different thread earlier in the year. Very interesting read on the trade offs between fixed grip and detachable. BLUF: If no one falls and they never have to slow it, they're identical uphill capacity... That is driven by the time between chairs which was optimized sixty+ years ago at 6 seconds per chair and pretty much every lift on the plant, fixed and detachable, spaces their chairs at that. The two benefits of high speed are, fewer people falling and slowing or stopping it (which reduces uphill capacity) and in the very rare condition (even at elk, pretty much only weekdays and very slow weekends) that they aren't using all that capacity you can actually lap the mountain faster. But if they're filling every seat at elk (most weekends this year at least) you're not in that condition. Otherwise it's just a question of sitting on the lift vs. standing in the lift line. Detachables take half those people off the lift seats (because there's half as many chairs, because, math) and puts them in the lift line instead. Personally, I'm fine sitting on the chair instead of standing in line if it keeps the crowds away. Bottom line got lengthy .. But interesting read.2 points
You can reference a topo map if you want. The bottom by the creek is ~700ft. The "summit" is around 1040ft. I've been there, albeit I didn't see every trail, but it all seemed pretty much the same fall line and didn't really get that steep anywhere. Somebody said like JF but with less vertical and no east mountain. That's about accurate.2 points
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i think that would require them running a compressor. Nobody would see the compressor running, so it doesnt add to the show. Kudos for turning some stuff on, im sure it will go a long way on the FB, but they are just fighting the weather, and the weather is going to always win. i work in a very weather dependent business, and i learned this a long time ago.2 points
I can't believe this is still a thing. It's discriminatory against people who want to post about their Chevy T.r.a.x. Since Root is no longer a mod I demand this nonsensical filter be removed at once!1 point
Ahh it’s tough but if I lose the pack on weekend mornings it’s so easy to spot or I end up riding with enjo and pops and Matt edge. I also got to ride the quad with TP4 twice today including opening bell but didn’t get to witness his Wawa coffee cup toss prob happened on the next lift ride.1 point
I saw you on Nightmare dreamweaver maybe 830..you were 1/3 of a lap ahead of me especially with Skytop or whatever out of commission. Touch the Sky Mont Bleu1 point
It would have been nice to ski tonight. Spring sunset sessions are what's up. Not this year I guess1 point
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Nice pictures, I wanted to get one of Chute earlier but phone in my car. I might have to return tomorrow AM to get that picture.1 point
It was less slushy this morning than Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings despite being warmer..maybe less traffic had to do with it but I just think that base snow is just so glacial. What’s left of it. Also there was fist sized rock halfway buried in the snow a several feet behind the quad entrance gates that Atomic Jeff uprooted and moved off the snow…that could have owned somebody..gotta be careful out there..little hazards and somebody is going to get sucked into the river running under lower Main Street. Also in years past, homestretch used to be an issue late season and still deep coverage on Homestretch. As some had said, maybe just Razors and Nightmare dreamweaver for closing…coming soon ice axe requires lol1 point
Came in 4th in men’s moguls 2018 Olympics. His technique is to keep the foot all the way in the front of the boot.1 point
Maybe they know something we don’t know…base was going fast this morning I’ll be thrilled if they make it to Sunday.1 point
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Yeah and most of them are doing their best Chris Christies while C1er is working on his carving and angulation.1 point
A lot of people flail their poles and snowplow the bumps, so your mistake is understandable. 😂1 point
I don't think his look alike had the flash of green. There are many c1 look alikes but you can normally tell it's not him without the green.1 point
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Ate in that new lodge once and it was much nicer than what preceded it. I was actually there twice when it was free for us - the first time alone and the next time with the kids - who I thought might still be at a level that it could interest them - and we had fun but they did mock their idea of "black diamonds".1 point
Lifts are still there but would need to be replaced. Lodge was renovated the year before they closed but I heard there were some issues. Electrical or plumbing not done right so they couldn't open the bar that they had installed or something. Not sure what shape the lodge is in now though. Nobody has been there in almost ten years. It was all boarded up a couple of years ago. I imagine people have gotten inside by now.1 point
When I was up during the middle of the night they were blowing water on vista. 41 degrees at the base and the sun is bright. Jimmy just pulled in.1 point
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Alpine was 346 vertical to Roundtops 578 per Jollyturns. So it was 60% the vertical, not the 50% I estimated from memory A little bit shorter than either the shortest TTB lifts at the west end of JF or the biggest lifts at BB. Also shorter than Spring. Bigger than Campgaw or Big Snow1 point
They sold the whole place for $412k back in 2015ish. PASR could float that. We can all pitch in for the down payment. The owners were bikers who wanted to turn the place into a biker hangout but it never happened. Maybe they're looking to sell.1 point
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Ride time is 9 minutes no stops, 12 on average... 960ft of vertical excitement ain't that far. How slow do you ski!? ;-).1 point
I like to do my reports in word or g docs, its only an issue if you cut and paste boomer, lol1 point
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No because RT has twice the vertical of Alpine and RT's Upper Gunbarrel (and arguably Upper Ramrod) are more challenging than anything at Blue. Like Frost if it only had the runs from Lehigh through River Run, had no trees, and had a bit less vertical1 point
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Those are private ski areas. Pocono Ranchlands, The Hideout and Saw Creek both operate 1970s era double chairs on like 100ft of vertical. They're in the middle of vacation home communities. You have to own property there to use the ski area. Not even sure if these still operate currently. I haven't checked their social media in a couple years. I know Hideout and Saw Creek did some upgrades on their chairlifts a few years ago though, so those are probably still active. Sky Top runs a Poma on a couple of beginner runs with like 100ft of vert for hotel guests. They used to have a second poma or t-bar that served more terrain but it no longer operates. Eagle Rock is somehow still operating. They lost their beginner lifts and since their mountain is upside down in arrangement, they have to shuttle skiers back uphill via some weird oversized snowmobile thing as the top to bottom runs all require you to go through their advanced terrain. Given that scenario I'm surprised they're still operating at all but they apparently were open this year. Big Bear at Masthope was also formerly a private ski area, but larger than the aforementioned. It was designed by the same person who designed Pocono Ranchlands and Shawnee. It's public now and a good option if you want some place quiet and not crowded. It's a long drive from anything though. I believe people who own property in the adjacent vacation community still get some kind of perks there like discounted passes, or maybe you get a pass if you own there for a fee or something. Last time I was there lots of the folks had houses there and were from NYC. There were more private ski areas like that. Ski Cove in Hazelton next to Eagle Rock and Winona Lakes outside Stroudsburg were some examples. Tanglewood was never private and actually predates the vacation community around it. It opened as Paper Birch back in the 60s.1 point
I got to ski for free and sometimes even rent skis for free.1 point
Got at least ten runs on learning hill a and b. Also checked off the learning hill connector. Was surprised to see @theprogram4 and learn he was just arriving. Didn't make it to paradise but a solid session for her. Thanks @Schif for going out of your way to say hi. Good day today overall, surprised they didn't lose more snow.1 point
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