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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/24 in all areas

  1. Snagged a pair. Seem like a good blue mountain ski. I also had a credit at the local ski shop for selling old skis at consignment. Snagged a pair of marker griffons with that to go with the Rossis. LFG
    2 points
  2. Got my Epic NE midweek value pass; booked a week at Mt. Snow. Don't need anything else. Keeping eyes open for sale on replacing my Spruce skiboards.
    1 point
  3. The dates for September 24 are: 9/7, 1-4 PM 9/21, 1-4 PM
    1 point
  4. 138 new snowmaking thingy-mobobbies for this year. Thats some serious shit right there. so after 75 get used up on Raisins, that still leaves quite a few to spread around for the lower tier individuals like myself. And Comet got a whole bunch of new electronics, and sheeves, that will probably in the end render it completely useless, but at least they are trying to fix some of its issues. i will say this, they arent shy on spending money on the place. But, its really probably all the green they pulled in with the paid parking.
    1 point
  5. Good deal for sure and I just about never get FOMO except for the heli skiing Atomic Jeff @NMSKI and @Johnny Law did I think everybody had it thanks @skiincy for the photoshoot and also April VT trip sugarbush part. WTGAI
    1 point
  6. Went to check on the eagles nest yesterday. We were looking with our binoculars from bottom lot, security was there immediately. He was nice, but I think he was just checking we weren’t going to try and approach the nest. Apparently Pa Game Commission aware of the nest, and security is making it a priority to look out for it, fine by me. Then we walked top of Blue-still a pile of snow on Lazy
    1 point
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