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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/24/24 in all areas

  1. Loveland is now on indy pass...hoping to do a trip to Colorado in 2025
    2 points
  2. True. In my defense though when I went to a Patriots vs Jets game I popped in to check it out (I like how there's a bridge that leads from the mall to the stadium... actually a pretty cool setup). As for big snow itself, idk I wasn't feeling it. The indoor roller coasters and water park actually intrigued me more. I'm sure I'll try it at some point. Skiing, for me, is multi faceted ...50% (or more) is about the experience of being outdoors, on the mountain, in nature, that feeling of freedom etc. the other 50% is about the sport itself, the fun of flying down the mountain with 2 pieces of wood (or one) strapped to your feet....not necessarily the technicalities of it, more so pointing them down hill and just skiing. I hated certain aspects of instructing (when I did it) because they were so focused on the bullshit related to technique. That shit drives certain people. For me it's more than that. Sorry for the long post lol
    1 point
  3. Your right. I just looked at my account and was initially disappointed because I seen the voucher offered 1 use but then below it I seen they added a seperate 24/25 buddy voucher on 10/7.
    1 point
  4. There's a popup on the main page touting a price freeze and 2 buddy passes if you buy now. I noticed it a couple weeks ago. I had wondered if they retroactively gave us all two, and when I was in my account last week to redeem my summit adventure park tickets for the boys I saw there are two vouchers in there. Meant to post about it and forgot.
    1 point
  5. No offense taken, I wouldn't enjoy it near as much if I wasn't partially a park rat at heart. Can't knock it until you try it though. You should try it with the Blue bumpers one time when they set up the bumps.
    1 point
  6. Wolf creek is open with 26” so far this season.
    1 point
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