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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/11/24 in all areas

  1. That's an awesome development and I can't wait to see race parents lose their shit over it on the Facebook.
    7 points
  2. 5 points
  3. Awesome play this song…it won’t bring you down.
    3 points
  4. Been slowly getting back to normal after I got a gel injection in my knee last week. Woke up following morning with my knee looking like the elephant man and had to use a hiking pole to hobble around my house. Didn’t feel quite ready for downhill, so I went to a new to me xc place about 45 min away. It’s free (donation based) and there are marked trails and they do groom it. I brought both my ancient skinny skis and my newer backcountry xc skis. I assumed my old ones could be used with my newer backcountry xc boots but I guess the metal clip is too long. So I used my fatties on the skate ski part of the trails. Also got to test out my new Brynje mesh base layer shirt. It def made a difference, my back was wet, but dried quick and my secondary layer was dry by the time I got home. Anyone try these or similar? Anyway, nice sunny day, temp was 15 with light wind felt good to move the legs
    3 points
  5. Saturday and Sunday, maybe Friday night.
    3 points
  6. Just gunna say it. This rain blows.
    3 points
  7. Hey All, It’s almost another weekend, and Blue mountain the true mountain reopens tomorrow. Anybody skiing Thursday-Sunday? I’m gonna try to get up Friday morning, Saturday for sure and Saturday night I have a Xmas party so prob sleep in on Sunday. Looks like a couple short snowmaking windows to help resurface the conditions. JADIP
    2 points
  8. The monkees were my jam back in the day. True story...I was a wee one, but my parents took me to veterans stadium in 1986 (I think it was) to see them. Another true story...went to the Michael Jackson Victory tour also (83 or 84?) at JFK stadium.. I think I was 6. Lol I remember them both pretty well. Stay turned for "more crap about me that no one cares about but this is what happens when I'm stuck in the car waiting for my kid to finish volleyball practice."
    2 points
  9. If only I were 70 again... I hit Super Senior status a few years ago. I have two pairs of skis, both pretty old. Nordica Hell 'n' Backs for powder and K2 iKonic 84xTi for groomers. A third pair is still in use for the first few days of a season, but those have 300 days on them and decidedly showing their age. But the iKonics have 2 layers of metal and require aggression and confidence to perform, so they don't come out until I'm feeling that way.
    2 points
  10. @Barb I've read good things about mesh base layers but have yet to try any..
    2 points
  11. Planning on tomorrow evening or Friday evening. I'll be out of town for a wedding this weekend so i won't be at blue unless I do a Sunday afternoon or evening session
    2 points
  12. Thursday & Friday evening Sat and Sun
    2 points
  13. 2 points
  14. The Wisest Flower drops 2/7/2025 on Spotify and Everywhere! Pre-save today at too.fm/WisestFlower An early taste of our Soul On Fire album, coming out Summer 2025
    1 point
  15. Tomorrow, hopefully no more trees down on my driveway. Cut it up in the rain, skiing’s a priority 🙃 Hopefully Friday as well.
    1 point
  16. It was out after day 1. I def noticed it. It wasn't the carbon county dump just yet, but give it a minute.
    1 point
  17. @Ski2Live Live2SkiJuice box talk
    1 point
  18. This train goes to Miami so I might as well
    1 point
  19. It's nj transit. Richest county in jersey has the crappiest trains. Acelia got them seats
    1 point
  20. Arrows have the doors, Septa which is Silverliners does not at least if my memory is correct. Septa was allegedly getting new multilevel bombardier cars like amtrak but they broke soooooo..........still I dream to ride the rails from reading.
    1 point
  21. Ridiculous not having the funnel trash cans up. I don’t know where they expected me to toss the coffee cup this weekend 😥
    1 point
  22. I don’t even know what beatbox cartons are.
    1 point
  23. Ski2Live was telling me if you get a second hand guitar you’ll go far…and it’s true…he and Joy are always rubbing each others titties
    1 point
  24. I was thinking NJ Transit. Been a long time since I’ve been on that. I used to take it from Princeton Junction to NYC with my ex. There’s even a little 2-3 mile long line from downtown Princeton to Princeton junction called the Dinky
    1 point
  25. Gotta be, the only other one I know that looks like that is the train that runs from Midway to Chicago but it's blue not beige/white.
    1 point
  26. Heard from an employee on the chair on Saturday that "Something needs resurfacing" so bearing makes sense. Also makes sense why they didn't waste blowing snow on Coming Soon, useless if they can't run the quad. Otherwise I'm sure it would have been in the opening lineup
    1 point
  27. I got one too. Will say the same.
    1 point
  28. I took time out of my busy day on Monday, as there was a survey in my email, to remind the wonderful people at blue mountain that we dont like that.
    1 point
  29. there was a huge snowmobile track down the middle of paradise (i think) this weekend. thought of you @Dirtwolf
    1 point
    1 point
  31. Should we start our daily emails again??
    1 point
  32. Just sharing some interesting snow observations/conditions from Colorado. After the large storm we had around Thanksgiving, we have been in a pattern of high pressure with cold nights and sunny days. As a result, there has been widespread surface hoar seemingly throughout the state. I went to a CAIC talk over the weekend and seen plenty of people comparing notes with pictures on FB. I thought it was only here where I am, but seems to be everywhere. Here is an image someone shared on FB. The surface hoar has grown to 2” feather like crystals. Needless to say, when we get our next big storms, if this layer is still present we are going to have a very weak layer.
    1 point
  33. Love the pics! Looks like a whiteout.
    1 point
  34. Oops - should have gone in The Lounge- please remove thread from here
    1 point
  35. Got there at 10. Spur of the moment decision, was supposed to hike today, but hubby has a project going, and he wanted to work on that. What a fun day! Snow was perfect, not crowded. So glad I went, seeing how they’re gonna be closed next 3 days.
    1 point
  36. I had to bail around 930 today but great day and a pretty damn good first 3 days at Blue mountain to kick off the year with decent conditions overall and more terrain each day. Excellent way to start the ski season!
    1 point
  37. My understanding is that one crew of two people can run just about any train now. Even if there are two locomotives they are hooked up so that they are controlled by the first one. There's also a new trend of putting two locomotives in the middle of a mile plus long train that are controlled by the one in the front as well. So in that situation there could be a crew of two running 4 engines, two of which are 3/4 of a mile behind them.
    1 point
  38. They have been running with minimal crews lately because of increased technology. usually a minimum of two but it depends and the load, the length, and destination usually. There are not specific crews for each engine.
    1 point
  39. Very much so. this is starting to get reminiscent of last year. I think we are a little better off right now, but after this rain resources will go to refresh whats open, then new stuff. Rinse and repeat for next week.
    0 points
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