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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/15/25 in Posts
It’s a slow day at work and i just read through this thread. Im a current season pass holder at mountain creek. I have ridden there in the past and their super cheat 270 dollar season pass was cheap enough that I completely forgot that it sucks. The good: Their snowmaking investments have paid off big time. Conditions have been fantastic. The allow for uphill and open an hour early for season pass holders on weekends and holidays. The bad: The steep stuff is the last to open, despite only having 3 trails i would consider steep. 2 of them are on the main peak and have a green trail cutting each route down in half. Despite them claiming a new six pack is coming to replace the triple lift, we are still stuck riding that stupid gondola. The triple serves as backup on weekends. And there’s one narrow trail down to the triple so it’s always a clusterf*ck getting to it. They have removed more than one trail. Attached is a screenshot of the trails removed. The removal of those trails absolutely ruins any flow of the mountain. They claim they are bringing 2 back on Vernon when the six pack goes in. Marked in red on the attached photo are the removed trails. Will I be back? This season, yes for uphill and some early weekends, but I’ve already broken even on my pass and will most likely do some midweek days at the ‘Tage for 40 bucks, and go ikon or ‘tage next season unless this elk mountain rumored sale happens.6 points
Hey All, I’m back from another fun session at Blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot at 840am and it was around 20 degrees with moderate winds from the north. In the house were Bethlehem Ford crew, Rodney, Johnny Law, C1er, Boo Bear and a handful of boomers. Me and JLaw started off on the super summit safari six since it wasn’t under the guns like the quad. The OG six was not running. First run on Main Street was a carpet, was a western groomer, I skied that again then raceway to midway, raceway was nice midway a little stiff but not bad. Switchback was the best it’s been this season and I got a little air off the mini roller at the entrance. Over and up the quad and down sidewinder which was pretty good but not quite as good as Main Street. Challenge skied real well, razors was closed with fresh cord and a broken down groomer. Coming soon wasn’t great but better than it’s been as I think they blew some new snow on it. I repeated Main Street again and ended my session with Lazy to the falls which was very pleasent. All in all one of the better sessions this season and now back at work ready to sell a tombstone at noon and another one at 130. JADIP5 points
5 points
When you get that first arc and you can see, hear and feel it's fucking mint it's like pure electric flowing from the edges directly into your brain. Pretty much everything was good but some where about as good as blue gets. Main in particular you could do any angle or turn shape you wanted at any speed, just absolute bliss. There is still the groomer on Razors and nmdw is probably over as they were blowing whales but it didn't matter at all as everything was just so good. Up against the clock I took three more one more runs and when I ran into boo bear on the way out one half of my brain was trying to con the other half into taking another run. Rare to not get your phil like Mickelson and assuming Fri and Sat don't get too warm could be a good weekend.5 points
It was still there last night when we put in an evening session. I’ll be up today and tomorrow with my schools field trip. About 100 kids reporting to blue at 9am, but they give them learning hill passes and a lesson before seeing if they want to change their pass to whole mountain. Hopefully it’s a good day!4 points
3 points
Makes me sad that Wildcat isn’t being given the attention it deserves. It’s a great mountain, with a ton of potential. I got a 3 day Epic NE local pass this year, mostly so I could ski with my son, who lives in Carlisle. Not many choices close to there that aren’t Epic. Otherwise, I wouldn’t get an Epic pass. I’m just not that impressed with them.3 points
I would go a step ahead and say that Vail has negatively impacted PA skiing as a whole. If you’re in the DC area or southern/central PA your options are Vail. If your out by Pittsburg, your options are vail (including the Ohio areas). I believe in competition in business, but what vail has done in PA should not have been allowed. They own so many ski areas in one state (8 to be exact) with those areas properly positioned to all but force people to buy an epic pass unless they want to go to blue knob or Boyce park, that all they have to do is the bare minimum to exist. That does not spur competition when all you have to do to be better than them is 1% more. I mean, what are you going to do if you live in central PA and don’t want to ski vail? Hoof it for hours to get to the poconos? Hope that blue knob hasn’t blown their miniscule snowmaking budget on that sweet Altoona meth? I think the poconos have it slightly better than the rest of the state as you can go to blue, camelback, or Shawnee which other than camelback the rest seem to have stepped up their operations a bit as they have to compete with each other.3 points
When I taught at BC I had a repeat student whose mom was a bunny at Vernon Valley...2 points
It's in NJ, that's all you need to know.......no matter the snow it's always still mtn creek2 points
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It was on far skier’s right a ways above Razors Edge. The ski patrol put an orange fence around it.2 points
Thanks for the info. I’m going with someone who rode strictly park for years. Now kinda aged out, and has skis with edges now. 😂2 points
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CBK doesn't want to operate the ski area anymore. They're focused on their waterparks. That leaves Blue and Shawnee. Blue is ridiculously crowded now and Shawnee is, well Shawnee. It's nice for what it is but it's small and doesn't even have the small geographic advantage of being on top of the plateau. Plus it's in an awkward location. It's the same drive to Montage as it is to Shawnee for me coming from Montgomery County.2 points
Wildcat had a lot of pre-existing issues with their snowmaking system pre-Vail. This is hardly the first time they've struggled. However, Vail really doesn't seem to understand any of the east coast mountains they bought and have failed to make the necessary investments to get Wildcat back up to a state of good repair. At least management seems to be giving some more leeway to operations at JF this year. Challenge was allowed to go ungroomed to bump up which is nice. They have everything open except Floyd's which I expect to open any day now. Full opening by mid-January isn't bad and puts them about even with pre-Vail opening schedules. And that's with a reduced snowmaking regime and less snow guns. But then all of that is really just relearning what the old operations staff already knew. Vail came in, gutted the place, got years of complaints and now falling revenue and visitor counts, so they're kicking back some operations to the staff with any experience on local operations. It's like every dumbass corporate job you ever had where your MB business casual boss reinvents your job then gives up and eventually lets you do things the way you already knew they were supposed to be done. Like, it's a waste of time. Thanks for nothing, Vail. I hope their stock price is buried. They've ruined a bunch of good local ski hills. I would suggest the entire Poconos ski experience has been degraded by them. Multiple competitor hills have jumped on the suck bandwagon to try and squeeze blood from the stone that is Poconos skiing and now we've got multiple underinvested hills with aloof leadership looking at spreadsheets and planning their slide deck to talk MB buzzwords like an AI chatbot at their next business retreat in Palm Springs. What a load of crap. I hate Vail.2 points
That was a thing of beauty. You should write a book like shadows1 point
1 point
We are a Mountain of immigrants. We must open our electronic borders and invite all citizens of the Camelback nation to our ski slopes, and share our bountiful harvests of delicious meats, tacos, and creme brulee with these poor souls who have suffered so much, and lend an ear to hear their tales of woe and misery of riding one high speed lift with long lines on weekends, and riding one slow fixed grip lift to hit some gaper trails, and paying to park or having to hang a paper parking pass to their car mirrors. We will unite with our new friends who hail from Tannersville, East Stroudsburg and Stroudsburg, but not West Stroudsburg, and all come together and hold hands while singing "We Are The World" and "Kumbaya". We will teach these new citizens the way of the Blue Mountain culture, to properly bash Camelback, to enjoy the muddy parking lots, to sip an ice cold Yoo-Hoo, and to learn the language of the Blue people and their dialect and accents, like "sick bird" and "Blue Mountain is the best".1 point
My dad learned to ski there in the 60s when it was called Vernon valley/Great gorge and a bit later they even had a Playboy club there. Was a mountain hideaway for schmancy New Yorkers, now they go to Hunter1 point
A lot of Camelback trash talking on the Blue lifts today from Camelback regulars.1 point
Nate your best man was asking about you earlier at Blue, give him a call and let him know wazup1 point
Grooming and snow conditions were top notch. Did huge turns on Sidewinder. Up to 13,000 turns this season. Unfortunately saw a skier get clobbered by a boarder coming off midway. Wasn’t moving, ski patrol got there quickly. Be safe out there.1 point
1 point
The Knob is fun. Road up is dangerous when it snows because it's an upside down resort on top of a 3200 ft mountain. The lodge is where the old missile defense shield radar base was. That's why its upside down, when the military closed the radar base they repurposed it to a ski area, but the road and facilities were all at the top. Snowmaking is marginal. It's an old system that's in need of a lot of maintenance and upgrades. Really shines when there's a lot of natural snowfall. Sometimes it can get that owing to elevation and catching the same weather pattern WV resorts benefit from.1 point
1 point
Sometime when the natural snow is good, you should check out Blue Knob. It's still a ways past Carlisle but worth it when the snow is good.1 point
1 point
Reminds me I need to get my skis tuned up…the other day was doing the Tokyo drift a few times in the corners..but the park rats with detuned edges just do a shimmy shuffle skid straightline which half of us do on an average day at blue. have fun with your son at whitetail and post a report. I’ve never visited but intrigued as it’s one of the newer ski areas in the country1 point
He’s actually somebody who I’ve seen over 100 times before and I don’t even know his name. I’ve also seen him before at Millers Market… @Johnny Law I think they’re finally starting to carry Snapple.1 point
I don’t think many folks even read signs. And many people just don’t give a rats ass. They think they are entitled to just throw their garbage everywhere.1 point
Toast I will say you always take good pictures…you can have one of my buddy passes if you want…Zonked has left me on read in her DMs lol1 point
Saw him today rooting around in the cans in the lot. I hope he wears gloves, there’s gotta be all sorts of disgusting things in those cans.1 point
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Nice job by BMR setting up two courses, the brushes helped, those darn poles get in your head at first - Finally started feeling it at the end....Looking forward to next week1 point
I vote that they let the lower lot can guy go official and let him clean up the hill. All cans will be gone by 730 Saturday morning.1 point
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That would be rad. I 'member when everyone was up in arms about Blue being sold to KSL. And look at things now. This is probably the best season at Blue ever. The only thing they should do is pave the parking lot so my ski boots don't get muddy.0 points
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