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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/25 in Posts
Skied until 1145 and caught @Boo Bearfor a couple laps to finish. She ate her lunch on the lift to get some top to bottom laps since she was working with a group on the learning hill. What a champ. ROTD was a tie between Paradise and Main St WROTD was Lazy. Full marble field The fresh flakes were a nice touch and unexpected.10 points
Gah skier George and I hit up Bear last night since it's now on the Indy pass and why not? Haven't been there in years and needed a change of pace from Blue. Arrived in the lot about 5:15pm with 30' temps that felt a lot colder due to Bear's microclimate. The pond is WAY low, but looks like they're saving some for any impending warmup so they can recover. The place was, as expected, overrun with kids but no really long lines. First ride up the B lift, we couldn't help but notice the plethora of tiny little snow guns they have. Blue should abandon the behemoths and sprinkle the mountain with these little guys. Run down Kodiak and the snow was wonderful, fluffy powder on the edges with some firm packed powder in the middle that could still hold an edge, no boiler like up at Blue. How can this mountain, being so much farther South, put down such beautiful snow while Blue puts down ice skating rinks covered in marbles and cookies? Made our way over to the F lift and up. They have seeded bumps on Grizzly so we sampled them, ugh! Kudos to them for trying, but they need a lesson on spacing as they're so tight it's almost impossible to turn in them even with bump skis. Next up was Extreme where they just blew whales and left them. The middle was scraped off but the sides had some nice, fluffly, soft snow to play in. Final run was down Sasquatch that too had nice, firm, packed powder that would hold an edge with soft on the sides. A nice little diversion from the mayhem at Blue, but with all the kids and crossing runs, you still have to keep your head on a swivel.8 points
8 points
Hey all, It’s almost MLK weekend. Is anybody planning on skiing Blue mountain the true mountain? Looks like continued wintry weather with a chance of snow Saturday. Monday looks frigid, no better way to celebrate MLK weekend than participating in the whitest sport. For those off work Monday 8am opening.6 points
6 points
Hey All, I’m back from another fun session at Blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot around 840am and it was in the upper teens under mostly cloudy sky’s with fairly light winds. In the house were Harold, Jimmy, C1er, Rodney, Boo, Atomic Jeff, Mute and Johnny law. We began on the SSSSP and Main Street was real nice..not boner doner but almost western groomer. I skied that again and then switchback which was decent but some little crumbles. Up the quad and skied challenge which was alright some smooth some not so much. Coming soon was alright but I found paradise way better, one of the best PDizzles of the season. Sidewinder was good as well, the only thing that was ass was lazy Mile which was top to bottom cookies. I peaced out at 1038AM with a stop at chic fil A on the way back. Now at work like a dork. Ski some of you this weekend. Stay tuned for the weekend roll call thread dropping this afternoon like it’s hot.5 points
Today was super good! Arrived around 1:30 to falling snow and light crowds. The boys were busy building pioneer park and the whales on nightmare dreamweaver are looking like they’re about ready for a build too. Snow kept coming down till I left at 4:30. I spent most of my time lapping Come Around to Yeti but went to check out Coming Soon, Lazy Mile, Curzis, and Upper to Lower Main all of which had a lovely packed powder surface. Little to no concern of ice spots this afternoon. Groomer still broken down stuck on Razors keeping it closed. If it opens tomorrow it will be ROTD for you morning people without any doubt. Look for me tomorrow🤘 All in all JADIP.5 points
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This week has been very good top to bottom and while not as good as yesterday it's still pretty fucking good for blue mtn. You can go all out in spots but other spots there was some slip in the transition where the ski is flat for a moment. Lower left main was absolutely mint but the rest was a mixed bag. I thought the best was side but mostly just as it was relatively empty. Super dope to have a big weekday crew with special guest appearances by boo bear. I'm optimistic the weekend will be good at least for the first 20 mins, its snowing half decent too.4 points
3 points
Probably all three days. Cooking likely on Sunday, since Camelback is still not in the plans for this weekend3 points
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3 points
Just got back. Everything was good. I’m giving it a 9.7. The inch or two of fairy dust that fell from the sky made things pretty consistent throughout. Mostly chalky with a ton of grip. Not the fastest snow in the world but it didn’t matter. Even did a run through sleepy hollow for stoke. I’m assuming school groups canceled so the crowds were minimal with maybe 3 or 4 buses total. I thought it may be good when I left and saw how sketch the roads were. Took me and 15 minutes or so longer than normal keeping it in third pretty much the whole way. Our school just announced a 2 hour delay tomorrow. Fun night for sure. Ski you all on Sunday.2 points
Went to Buttermilk yesterday hoping it would be a bit warmer since it’s lower elevation. When I grabbed my skis from the shed they were so cold I could not carry them with bare hands. Been -10 here every morning for about a week. Temps were 12 when I arrived, 16 when I left BRR. Buttermilk was uneventful but quiet. Today was due to be warmer so went to Snowmass. Used the parking lot for the pass I bought for the first time. It is literally right next to the lift! Amazing. It’s the other, quiet side of the mountain. Dumps you off at top of elk camp Gondola. I took the second elk camp chair to the top, never been up there (Snowmass is absolutely huge). Really pretty views. that lift is about 1500’ of vert. Ended up at the bottom of Village express not meaning to, just meandering around. It was a gorgeous bluebird day and 30 degrees when I got back to the car. My plan is to cross country ski somewhere local tomorrow. Deep freeze coming in Sat-Tue. Temps due to be -30 at night, real temp not wind chill temp.2 points
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2 points
I’ll be in Lancaster for a volleyball tournament on Saturday. So looking like Sunday and Monday for me.2 points
Heard Blue sent a snowmaking crew over to CBK. Thinking about it... why would you want to ride a lift that keeps failing inspection anyway?2 points
I’ve also noticed that when it’s cold and the weather cooperates, the snow quality at bear was always much better than blue. JFBB used to be similar. I’ve heard that not using snow max as an additive can cause the product to be wetter and denser (aside from just air/water ratio). Also, the quicker a pile is pushed out and groomed the crappier the snow. If the piles are allowed to drain for a bit its a drier product when groomed.2 points
They do. The two north peaks (Vernon and Granite) were one ski area and south and bear peaks were another. When it combined into Vernon valley/great gorge a connector lift and trail was installed. There’s a lodge at each area so you can chose were to park. It’s not that big an issue, if you get tired of lapping south and bear peak, you have one long lift ride to get back to granite and Vernon. It’s not lift meant to lap, its there so you dont have to get in your car and drive to the other base. When intrawest bought the area and turned it into mountain creek, there was a massive master plan. The open lift was supposed to be for mountain biking and to get people to a mountain top development/resort center built around the lakes up top. There was always supposed to be a second high speed lift but it never happened. The actual master plan made the place massive. See attached for that. The missing bottom trail that looks to cut across the condos is still there but needs to be reopened. They have stated this is in works with the condo association for when the triple is replaced with the six pack. I assume one other route down to that area will open too. The missing trails in the top left were abandoned because they kinda sucked and you had to traverse to get to them. The trails on the center peak were abandoned because because the longer trail that wraps around was really flat, and the steep pipeline trail had issues with their being an actual pipeline underneath it, and that right at the bottom of the steepest part it turned 90 degrees and was quite an issue for the Jersey Jerry. The pipeline trail used to go full top top bottom before the condos went in. Basically, intrawest wanted to make the place stratton south, started a bunch of small things but never finished. Then the few owners between them and the ownership group now kinda let the place go. New owners are on it and are addressing things bit by bit.2 points
I need the exercise and never been safer my THC is higher than some of yall SATs believe that1 point
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1 point
How much to be jerked off by the Camelback Camel and I know there’s a chance the camel is a dude but as long as we don’t make eye contact it’s ok right.1 point
Probably rattle can overhauls. If I hear any more rumours on the mountain this weekend I'll be sure to let you know1 point
Soon you'll earn "Camel Bucks" for hiking or skinning up the mountain when the lifts are broken. 50 Bucks earns you one free trip to the Paid Bathrooms, 75 Bucks gets you 15 minutes off free Basic Parking, and 100 Bucks gets you a photo with the Camel mascot.1 point
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Wow! My favorite kind of skiing is the kind where you go uphill! Thanks CBK.1 point
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@toast21602 This is good stuff. Maybe Camelback will give you tree fitty off parking since you you're a PASR admin1 point
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I’m looking forward to the report!!! My work is so slow now I could go back to Blue. I still have my ski socks on.1 point
Killington removed some trails and an entire pod @Johnny Law can tell you all about it.1 point
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I heard a rumor that Stevenson Lift might be starting to move. Let's all hold hands and send out +++VIBES+++ to the Stevenson Lift so that it may pass inspection tomorrow and that we may rip down Nile Mile this weekend. Amen.1 point
Bear creek doesn’t get the amount traffic that Blue does. Also I think the pitch plays a part , It just doesn’t get scrapped down like Blue. Bear’s always done a pretty good job of coverage even going back to the Doe mountain days. I started there in 74 lots of great memories. They have a couple lower ponds, I wonder what level they’re at?1 point
When I taught at BC I had a repeat student whose mom was a bunny at Vernon Valley...1 point
My dad learned to ski there in the 60s when it was called Vernon valley/Great gorge and a bit later they even had a Playboy club there. Was a mountain hideaway for schmancy New Yorkers, now they go to Hunter1 point
1 point
It’s a slow day at work and i just read through this thread. Im a current season pass holder at mountain creek. I have ridden there in the past and their super cheat 270 dollar season pass was cheap enough that I completely forgot that it sucks. The good: Their snowmaking investments have paid off big time. Conditions have been fantastic. The allow for uphill and open an hour early for season pass holders on weekends and holidays. The bad: The steep stuff is the last to open, despite only having 3 trails i would consider steep. 2 of them are on the main peak and have a green trail cutting each route down in half. Despite them claiming a new six pack is coming to replace the triple lift, we are still stuck riding that stupid gondola. The triple serves as backup on weekends. And there’s one narrow trail down to the triple so it’s always a clusterf*ck getting to it. They have removed more than one trail. Attached is a screenshot of the trails removed. The removal of those trails absolutely ruins any flow of the mountain. They claim they are bringing 2 back on Vernon when the six pack goes in. Marked in red on the attached photo are the removed trails. Will I be back? This season, yes for uphill and some early weekends, but I’ve already broken even on my pass and will most likely do some midweek days at the ‘Tage for 40 bucks, and go ikon or ‘tage next season unless this elk mountain rumored sale happens.1 point
1 point
The Knob is fun. Road up is dangerous when it snows because it's an upside down resort on top of a 3200 ft mountain. The lodge is where the old missile defense shield radar base was. That's why its upside down, when the military closed the radar base they repurposed it to a ski area, but the road and facilities were all at the top. Snowmaking is marginal. It's an old system that's in need of a lot of maintenance and upgrades. Really shines when there's a lot of natural snowfall. Sometimes it can get that owing to elevation and catching the same weather pattern WV resorts benefit from.1 point
Y’all can’t be scared of the wind. If you wanna ski go skiing. I’m scared of customers and used to hide from them, for real ask my office manager, but now I need the money and like rolling out the red carpet and missing mad morning sessions.1 point
I thought things were a bit slicker than yesterday. Main Street, NMDW, Sidewinder, TCS all good, and of course, Switchback- my favorite that can do no wrong-was ROTD. I didn’t see a groomer broke down on Razors, where was it?1 point
1 point
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