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Everything posted by ThinkSnow

  1. ThinkSnow


    Thanks, good information.
  2. This is probably more suited for a private message...
  3. That's pretty seeing all those snowflakes
  4. I should be at blue some time on sunday, and maybe even saturday... Don't know when tho.
  5. Wow, the 26th is still pretty late for the area... hopefully someone stays open into april.
  6. I LOVE that blue is still blowing... I go over to CB's site and it looks like they have quit for the year. Nice job this year Kmar! Thanks for the hard work, and tell them to keep blowing!
  7. Wow! That's great for both! Congrats!
  8. Sorry about the hijacking... Again, Kick ass Jamie!
  9. Way to go Jamie! On a sidenote... I thought this was going to be yet another thread taunting jeff
  10. ThinkSnow


    Congrats Ridge! Kick butt!
  11. Last time I tried I ended up with a big red circle on my ticket from a ranger The dude is one fast little bugger. Way to go!
  12. Geez... relax kids I'm sure if you dug through some old threads you'd probably find it.
  13. Any updates from the 'dude???
  14. Congrats Jeff! Nice work! KILL
  15. Go DOOD! KILL
  16. So it sounds like it's just an industry wide screwup rather than atomic... Kinda sucks, and it would probably get better if someone set an example...?
  17. Freedom of speech was not impeded at all. People were allowed to speak freely, and nothing was edited or deleted. As I've been telling people a lot recently, we really only take action in one of 2 situations. 1) if what is going on is illegal, and could result in legal action against us or you, or 2) if members are being bashed. We will not tolerate having any of our members attacked, this has nothing to do with freedom of speech, but think about the kids who are being told they have no talent... That is all.. We will continue to allow people to what they will about anything going on with PA skiing, but the moment things turn to unreasonably attacking someone's talents, goals, or achievements, action needs to be taken. I hope you understand if the bashing is ever coming in your direction.
  18. I'll be there at some point this weekend, I'll let ya know.
  19. Make some nice smileys, and we'll add em! We don't discriminate
  20. ThinkSnow


    Hmm.. isn't a BUMP designed to bump your topic to the top... it already was
  21. I was just thinking the same thing today... I JUST realized I had only a few more weeks to ski in PA
  22. Done!
  23. Sidenote... love that smiley! I'll add it to ours
  24. We just don't want things turning into a thread bashing people (which that was). Competition is great, but let's not let us start putting people's abilities, talents, and achievements down. Last I'll post in this topic.
  25. The thread had outlived it's usefulness. It started to just be bickering and insults, so the decision was made to put it to rest.
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