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PASR Supporter
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Everything posted by ThinkSnow

  1. Hey, when you're bringing me in as a judge you need to let me know! Anyway, send me any news articles online or any scans of newpapers etc... I'll go ahead and ban chippy. Short of that, seeya!
  2. I'll be in Maine the weekends of the 21st and 28th.
  3. Thanks for the TR! It was definitely a good time yesterday, I always enjoy meeting up with people from the site. I finally got to meet both Capt_Dave and Mixilplix for the first time, a couple of knuckledraggers, but we didn't mind. I like when Sexkitten comes to the PASR days, she makes us slow down and chill a bit, and none of the guys has the balls to argue with her. Anyway, yesterday was fun, and Blue on 2/7 is bound to be even better!
  4. Note - This date is solid and not subject to change... We'll be there!
  5. Ok all, due to President's day, and me being out of town for the two weekends after president's day, I've gone ahead and set the Blue PASR day for Saturday, February 7th! We'll meet at the base entrance (where they scan your tickets) at 9:00am. See you there!
  6. Seemed to anger ski patrol...
  7. I'm a Doug groupie about 30% of the time, and the other 70 I wish I could kick him in the face, but the 30% is worth it. Was good meeting you too. I'm glad things went the way they went and I held onto it. I had a ton of fun yesterday.
  8. Anyway, yesterday was lots of fun and I'd like to keep talking about it without locking this thread, any chance that's possible?
  9. Today was fantastic, I had a lot of fun and I'm glad I got to meet you guys. I wish I had known you guys were hitting the bar, I would've met up. Thanks to everyone for coming out!
  10. Thanks Toast... Heading up now! Seeya there!
  11. Woohoo, can you bust out that black and white jacket from a few years back for old times sake
  12. Doug's just scared of meeting TTC6. Come on pansy, bring it.
  13. I noticed yesterday at JF that the seats were pretty slippery with the snow and cold, even got a little too far forward once myself. 15 feet can definitely cause some damage if you're landing isn't just right.
  14. Today was really nice at JF, we had a lot of fun. We swooped in around 9 and were gone by noon, but it was a very very nice morning to be out!
  15. Man am I jealous... awesome
  16. Haha, I know I've been saying I was gonna get more skiing in for a couple of years now, but I really think I'll get to this year... Money and time are both in higher supply than they have been... I hope to get to meet some more people this year too, and to hear another steezy lift rap from dizzle.
  17. Hell yeah, I just fired up the fireplace for the first time of the year, it's that time! I'm getting excited to actually ski this year...
  18. Please see the original thread here
  19. WTF... there is no new policy to let you be a complete ass, Ski. If really you think Rob is endangering his child's welfare, nothing is going to be done by posting about it by calling him out here. If you actually care, go through the proper channels, if you're just trying to be a dick, don't.
  20. And you didn't yell vulgarities at me from the lift? Doug... I expect more from you...
  21. We were there from around 8 till around 11... Didn't see any of y'all... I don't know if you're just hanging in the park (I tend not to go there), but i was looking for peeps. We did park a few spots down from the Doug-mobile, but that was my only brush with the dizzle. Snow was pretty good today, nice to get out again.
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