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Everything posted by skimom

  1. IDK, 400 rooms ~1200 people. On days where there are already no parking spots, an extra 1200 people with slopeside access would be a drag. Especially since those who are attracted to the "extras" are not as likely to be facile skiers. I won't even start with the indirect costs of gambling...
  2. A medal with a green ribbon and a Mountain Dew tee shirt. They gave the trophies to the idiots - one to someone who's pants fell off ( ) and another to someone who fell before the first gate.
  3. I would expect nothing less for either ... Our "little 'dude" was also fastest skier on the Mountain at CB last weekend for the Mountain Dew fest, wearing his Mountain Dew colored sweat shirt and skis. Beating around 200 skiers... ...second year in a row...
  4. Way to go, JohnnyP!
  5. Most teams have a female quota - better add me and Zonked.
  6. Too bad this terrific racer is slated to come during the PA cup races.
  7. Thursdays are hopeless for me.
  8. Pops told me about this - congrats, ridge.
  9. I was waiting for the Bode comment...
  10. skimom


    Hey, I didn't give you permission to use my photo.
  11. skimom


    I didn't receive renewal info for Main Line. But, the women on Main Line are witches anyway, so my ski club card now says "PASR".
  12. skimom


    I'll go when PASR forms a team.
  13. skimom


    Speaking of coaching NASTAR slowbees, anyone have tips on skating? The new BC course is flat for the first 4-5 gates, and I'm 2-3 seconds behind by the time I get moving. I'm getting whipped by 8 year-olds...
  14. Looks like you will have to take over.
  15. I wouldn't mind a little coaching...
  16. He was 20th at Tussey. I hope he's in the top 15 here - I couldn't tell how much he decelerated from hitting the panel.
  17. Today he had to catch a ride back with someone else.
  18. How'd you squeeze that out of him? I know about his first run - 4 seconds off the leader. But he told me he took down a panel with his hand second run (ouch), and wouldn't tell me how far out he was. It's a good thing we have this website, so I can tell how my son is doing...
  19. Busy, busy, busy, plus the lack of snow. Even worse, I'm not even on the race scoreboard yet.
  20. Here's my 0.02: The 'dude looked smooth all weekend, improving each run, until the fatefull fall at the end of his last run. His girlfriend kept him warm - a distinct advantage over the sorry souls who were left to shiver to generate heat. It was not the type of fall a mother likes to watch - and, sorry guys, I didn't have the camera that run. 'dude looked a bit dazed, but I knew he was hurting when he walked back to the lodge, rather than skiing the rest of the way down. Assuming he didn't bust a rib, he will be up and skiing again in a few days. Glad he had a helmet...
  21. His skis are still smokin'
  22. Our girls are pretty hot.
  23. I'd love to , Metzy, as long as they don't interfere with the 'dudes races. His January races were postponed into February, so his late winter schedule is busy, and it doesn't mesh well with the regional ASRA races. But, it's his last year racing from home, so I want to see as many of his races as I can. I didn't know the Wildchild was racing - she doesn't know me, but the last time I saw her she was plummeting down the headwall at the Camelback race on Cliffhanger. Atomic - I've been busy, busy, busy - between work and my cross training device, I haven't had a second. The good news is that I've done cardio all fall and early winter, so, with luck, I will get back into the swing of things more quickly.
  24. Thanks, guys. I love Tanglwood, but knew I'd be worse than pathetic. Maybe I can get there for the go-pro, if the 'dude doesn't have important races then.
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