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Everything posted by skimom

  1. skimom

    Snow at CB

    Check out their webcam quick, before dark. They've got a lot of snow down.
  2. There is no way they would understand. It's the Mother-in-laws flagship holiday. As it is, they will talk plenty about us behind our backs when we leave at 5 AM on Friday ...
  3. We have to be just north of Boston by about 2 PM, and clean. Ha,ha maybe we can put a shower in the car...
  4. No way the bottom half is a black diamond.
  5. skimom

    Snow at CB

    I'm glad the premiere pass thing didn't go. I'd prefer not to watch everyone else skiing from 730 until 8 AM. Plus, it's pretentious. Who would want to ski with someone who prioritized designer utensils in the cafeteria?
  6. Stratton is our only hope for skiing Thanksgiving morning. The snow gods will pull through for us...
  7. Hunter is SO efficient. As soon as the conditions permit, they are out there blowing.
  8. The webcam shows blowing on the base. Why would they blow in all those areas? It doesn't make sense, especially with warm temps coming. They should be focusing on runs from one lift -
  9. Which is it? I just rechecked their website, and it said 10/23. After Thanksgiving just is not right...
  10. 100% chance Hunter will be open, right DMC?
  11. Belle doesn't announce. What happens if Belle doesn't post which it will be?
  12. Just have Atomic drop the GS:9's off at Belleayre. Half at Belle v. full at Huntah...a tough call. I'll need to confer with the parties that be...
  13. We need pics, 'Freakie. And, don't blow up your Moms laundry room this year, ok?
  14. I'm thinking half way Saturday at Belleayre, and maybe the full run Sunday. We will see you there Sunday either way, right?
  15. Thanks, Atomic. No way! Hey, Buddy, watch who you are calling a queer. Not my husband's son.
  16. That's unacceptable. We wanted to ski there over Thanksgiving.
  17. I'll say nothing Saturday. One run from the top at Hunter on Sunday, and a half a trail at Belleayre. If so, we will see you at Belleayre Sunday. The question is, "which skis"
  18. Anyone know if this program is actually going to happen?
  19. Ha,ha, thanks, Sibby. I'd buy it if I could do it justice. You've gotta earn the right to wear a jazzy speedsuit like that. This winter, I'm taking over the 'dudes old racesuit. He says he left fast germs in it.
  20. I don't think CB would make snow before Thanksgiving, regardless. Too busy deflating the plastic flamingos.
  21. Sibby, you gotta get out there on the slopes. Find an old pair of rock skis and go...
  22. In the morning the snow is nicely groomed-to-firm. Later in the day, the sugar-over-hard-pack is generally not deep enough to require a wider waisted ski. I can count the times I've wished for a wider ski in the Poconos on one hand. New England, Rockies...go wider. There is no reason not to use a wider ski if you like them - it's just not necessary...
  23. I'm thinking the 'dude might do better to travel to other states for USSA points, rather than travel across PA, to go to cra@@y little hills, for the PA program. What do you think, '999? Looking towards the future, is he better chasing USSA points or dogging around with this PA stuff?
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