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Everything posted by skimom

  1. Ha, thanks, bigdaddyK. I didn't know they had a quad that wasn't slow... maybe they are slow and slower. Now that you mention it, maybe the left quad takes slightly less than an eternity to get the skier up. My son will be racing those ski team members, so I'll be there to cheer anyway...might as well ski. Let's hope it stays nice.
  2. We need new brushes too. Also, good portable shaker containers for fluoro powder. Hey, Dr D, how about making a minibrush (small enough to fit in a pocket), good for overlays that require brushing? If you are a chemist, why not patent something that rips on new, dry (squeeky) snow. Also, an overlay that lasts for several runs. The list could go on and on...
  3. Thanks, bigdaddyk. In fairness, I should include the male Camelbeach equivalent:
  4. Thanks, Bigdaddyk. Approx what percent of their trails are open? And, how do you think the snow will hold out for the weekend?
  5. Looks like his SL points from Gore will help - just a smidge - but a smidge is great when competing against those elite Northerners in their territory.
  6. Ummm, fluoro powder... Maybe we should buy a case...
  7. I had to chuckle the other day when I pulled my bag of leftovers out in front of a bunch of people at a car wash. I figured trying to explain would make me look guiltier. So, I just smiled nicely at them.
  8. It wasn't that bad, Beachie. 99% of each run is fine without rock skis - I noticed the brown mostly because I have one month-old skis. You don't need skis on the way to the grave, but if you have old and new skis, use the old ones. The hill to the left as you go up the lift (skiers right) has well preserved terrain on its cruiser and on why not. The middle of the main face is also fine. The cruiser runs on skiers right and the steeps to the skiers left of the main face were sketchy at points. Doug, I don't think 1550 is way off, but maybe a little optimistic. I'm thinking 1400-1500. It's a nice place, and who knows, maybe they'll have another promotional race...
  9. Wow, what a deal. Can't beat the price. I went Saturday. Most of it is still open. It's wet granular - bulletproof early in the day. I used my good skis - based on the report from a regular who said it had been great the previous weekend. DO NOT use your good skis! After it softened up a bit, it was a blast. Some radio show sponsored a race, with prizes to the fastest three racers. The Bode's flew, and I came in first of the women, but fourth overall. I got 500 points towards something (but I can't figure out what) for beating the pacesetter. It was fun - opportunity to chat with Windham racers while they were working out the timing issues. They had pondskimming too, but I didn't do that - watching it was fun. Get it while the going is good - another warm day or two, it will be slim pickings... Thanks again for the heads up, Beachie...
  10. Hey, Beachie: Thanks to you, I went to Windham yesterday - the ski free went smoothly - no hassle about getting a ticket. Most of their runs are open, but it's rock ski time - most runs have brown spots across at one point or another. It was frozen wet-pack early, then mushy later. To Hunter today, also for their ski free day - they have better cover - no need for rock skis, except on a few trails where it's obvious. It looks like they got snow for some of this rain storm - and I think they are still blowing on some trails. If cost is no object - I'd go there. Both places have high speed quads, and the lines were short at both. Have fun... 'Mum
  11. skimom

    Any word?

    Any word on our folks at the NASTAR Nationals?
  12. Wow...
  13. Wow, how aerodynamic - better go with 180's.
  14. Way to go, Sibby.
  15. For Bear Creek NASTAR, 180 is good for their straight course, if you are young. Maybe 175 for their offset version or if your hair is gray. Better to err a little short for NASTAR, don't you think, '999?
  16. Hiking for turns is definately skiing. It's hard work. Speaking of which, any talk of a PASR day at Tuckerman Ravine?
  17. I tried their crossmax demos - they don't feel like demo skis - I think they must get company rejects. They'd be ok for pond skimming or rock skis, but not mch else.
  18. The fastest male gives the awards to the females and the fastest female to the males. NASTAR and ASRA results could be added to the stats. ASRA already tabulates total points - It parallels the USSA system. Metzy, you came in 97th of the men with 14 points. It's easy. Your muscles are composed of two fiber types. Sprinting fibers (twitch fast) which are big fibers that make you go fast, but they tire quickly and "slow twitch" fibers which contract slowly - these are good for endurance. When you get older, your some fast twitch muscle fibers die, so it takes more effort to stay fast. That's part of the reason old folks go slow. My point was that as you get older, you don't need to accept slowness - there are things you can do to maintain your speed or compensate. I've gotten faster over the past few years and aspire to continue doing so.
  19. That's right, and build your muscles up when you are young so you have a lot of reserve.
  20. Your fast twitch muscles drop off with "normal aging" faster than slow twitch muscles. So, totally correct, if you do nothing, you're cooked. And, it takes more to rev up the system when you are older. Still, if you focus on what you CAN do, there are intermediates around waiting to be converted, and our type II's retain some ability to hypertrophy and do other good stuff like get improved blood supply and mitochondria (ummm, more mitochondria... ). And everyones Type I's can easily do more - look at Sibby's > 37,000 K vertical from the other day! A problem in determining how much potential our type II's retain is that study populations rarely include people who remain fast-twitch-active as they age. Ha, maybe you would be a good person to study - sprinting around after Zonked...
  21. That was it. I was in the area when they opened, and can confirm your impressions of it being like a giant snow cone. Well, nice try. The theory was that it could make snow at 90 degrees. Unfortunatley, they just couldn't keep it from melting at that temp... maybe as technology improves - heat extractors running under the surface of a run, etc.
  22. Ha, for someone who thinks they are a teenager, you sure sound like an old man. We all have tons of indeterminate (intermediate) fibers which can be trained to act as fast fibers. You can also improve the blood supply and aerobic capacity of your fast twitch fibers with a good exercize program. Use it or lose it, I plan to get faster...
  23. Anyone can do anything, but quickness, rhythm, ability to change rhythm and mostly a greater degree of technical skill is needed to win SL. I see a lot of compact people doing well in SL because they can duck around the gates more efficiently...just as fatsos have a distinct advantage on straight, less technical courses.
  24. Some resort in NH bought a gaint snow cone maker for summer snow... it cost around a million. They were supposed to use for summer skiing, early winter opening, etc. But, I haven't heard much about it lately...
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