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Everything posted by skimom
At least one of the diamond runs is closed due to coverage. Other trails have spots marked off, and the NASTAR course had an "unusual" turn due to snow coverage issues. The terrain park area looked fine, and you can still ski around without ruining your equipment.
They have done an amazing job holding up in this rain. Fortunately, we are in for a cold snap next week
Not that much damage: We will be running NASTAR tonight.
They couldn't control the powder, but there were groomed trails for most of the way to the racecourse. Since they went out of their way to encourage recreational skiers, it was their responsibility to konw how to get those skiers to the start without burning them out. Altitude sickness is related to altitude, but physical stress can be a precipitating factor. I don't have an opinion on whether MSRT can be useful for competitive, recreational racers under some circumstances. But, they largely disregarded the recreational group during the previous preNASTAR clinic so I wouldn't do it again. Pops, when you preface your message with something like this, you must have some awareness that what you are writing will strike readers as inflammatory.
Pops, having had personal experience in the MSRT clinic, I don't agree. MSRT aggressively recruited me to their training program promising that it was suitable for racers at all levels. Of the three recreational Mums who attended, the knee-deep powder, black diamond expedition to find the race course precipitated acute mountain sickness in one, and another had to be escorted down by patrol because the conditions in the bowls proved too much for her. Granted, I was proud to be the Mum to make it to the start gate, but burning out my quads the day before the NASTAR Nationals was the last thing I wanted. Second run we got lost again, and had to do the same thing over. Then, instead of MSRT training, it deteriorated into a testosterone rodeo to see who could wipe-out most dramatically. I learned nothing about MSRT that day. It chipped away my confidence and and wore out my quads. That MSRT was not suitable for recreational level racers, and it was the coaches responsibility to know how to find the race course. The 'dude got something out of the clinic, as did other expert-level racers, but it was from Warren Wilkinson, who was an awesome coach for expert racers trying to peel off a few more microseconds. But, no one made an effort to teach the recreational group anything that day. I liked MSRT Liz and the Tai Chai fellow, and might recommend a MSRT clinic, but not to recreational-level racers if there was an important race the next day. Do I smell another locked topic?
How about graphite when it's cold but dry - don't we get more static when it's dry?
It is the sport of all sports.
Whatever happened to the Pops v. Volkl race, anyway?
Yup, BC rocks. Let's pray that the temps allow for snowmaking...
Let me see if I have this right. The Ski Clubs are mostly for adults. Some of the reasons involve the presence of alcohol after some events. Since Ski Clubs sometimes attend ASRA, ASRA must be just another excuse to drink? Is that it? ASRA is great competition - like NASTAR, you can race against your handicap, your age/gender group, racers a similar speed, or everyone on the mountain. But, the courses are more challenging than NASTAR, and it's just plain fun since you are grouped with your peers. It's probably less expensive than NASTAR too, since the combined lift ticket and race fee costs minimally more than a regularly priced day ticket. Pops, do you ever change your views on anything? You are missing out...
We aim to please. Glad to see them used for what they were intended.
Sugarbush and Windham hold the SG. Being a speed demon, Doug, I think you'd love it.
I see less drinking at ASRA races than I see in parents at the bar of USSA races. And, the ASRA folks wait until AFTER the race if they have a drink. Many prefer to ski and don't drink at all. Pops, what qualifies you to comment on how much ASRA racers drink, anyway?
ASRA is the major forum for Masters racing in the midatlantic region. They don't have USSA Masters races in PA or areas south. ASRA offers super G, GS and SL and have a similar points system to USSA. If Pops disregards ASRA, it's his loss. I'll see the rest of you there. Metzy, you can borrow the 160 salomon SL skis I inherited from racerchick - they are too long for me for SL, and they have demo bindings. My middle son is almost your size and he does beautifully in them. I wasn't planning to go to MC's ASRA this month, but you are making me want to. Ummm, ASRA GS and SL...
Yum..., MC's ASRA.
It's south of dumb, but the ad makes me laugh. It starts out like the ad for natural male enhancement drugs. I'm thinking they may use the same voice in both.
I heard something about a noreaster for next weekend, but it doesn't look like it's materializing.
I figured it had something to do with static. But, how much friction does static add anyway? It certainly is the winter for old, man-made snow...
Anyone know the rationale for graphite waxes? And, of those who have used them, how do they measure up with otherwise comparable nongraphite waxes?
Pops, the difference I see is that some people use NASTAR as their final challenge while others use it to test new equipment and techniques, etc. If all racers are full throttle ahead, doing their best on their fastest equipment, then head-to-head NASTAR is a valid test. Comparing someone who is experimenting or training with someone who is going all out for that day is not a test of who is really faster. MetzyBoy: Less than a month ago at Tanglwood you were hardly carving - now you are rolling. Keep at it. You get he most improved award and points for great ski energy.
The NJlets are little rippers. It'd be great if they both qualified... and their Mum too. Yesterday the snow conditions were about the best ever at CB. It was fun meeting NJSKIFAMILY, though brief. Metzy and the male NJlet - who will be the first to the silver...? Maybe they will both do it next weekend...
Chase Middleman was 12 or 14. That kid rocks - he never misses a practice.
Atomic, do a real race if you want to go head-to-head with the 'dude. It's not too late to join USSA, if you think you are so fast. You can get temp USSA privileges for up to two races a year. You still have a week to sign up for Seven Springs. Dude doesn't even bother to wax his skis for NASTAR or ASRA. It's just practice to him.