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Everything posted by skimom

  1. I can't wait!
  2. In your dreams. He's practicing slalom. If you want to know how he's really doing compare his USSA results from Blue this year and last. He was 50-60 USSA handicap points faster this year compared with last years races. Though cheers to Ridge too. That CB coaching appears to be helping him.
  3. You won't have to find Pops. He will find you - guaranteed.
  4. I wear a facemask and have gray and yellow P50 SL skis.
  5. It's been a tough season. We just got on the NASTAR scoreboard last night for the first time. Maybe I'll see you there.
  6. It was a fun evening - fantastic conditions, fun group. And, a special thanks to Mark for allowing it to happen by giving us a make-up club night. Now if I could just learn to control those evil Stockli's.
  7. Hey, NJskifamily, when are we going to meet for a few NASTAR runs? I may be at CB this weekend, depending on the strength of the ASRA magnet. Any chance you will be out with the NJlets?
  8. skimom

    BC ASRA?

    Hey, Pops, I talked to John Foy, and he's thinking about approaching BC about this. Keep an open mind - ski clubs and ASRA are not so bad... ummm, ASRA races,...
  9. Thank you, Mark. You guys are tops - we all had a blast chasing that elusive platinum.
  10. And Liz was 36th!
  12. "NASTAR will run on Tuesday Night and Wednesday Night this week. We will be offering the $12 Club Special on Tuesday night."
  13. I'm not up to tough headwalls yet either. Aside from one run down Margie's, I'm still sticking to blues and greens. Ha,ha, we can both anchor the group down.
  14. MetzyBoy: I think I walked past the back of your head in the CB locker room - would have missed it completely except I saw a PASR hoodie while walking out with that tall kid you mentioned earlier. Maybe I'll see you there next weekend - ASRA has a hard hold on me these days, but I've only skied with CB's Master's once and still am not on the NASTAR scoreboard for the season.
  15. skimom

    BC ASRA?

    I've seen Mack there, and Flying Dutchman is a major presence. Word is getting out to Main Line, though they have no formal training program. I'm not sure where KOP goes.
  16. Ski999 was busy training the '999let. That's legit - there is now a 5 yo racing ASRA, so she's got some competition. (smart money's on the '999let - her competition is still 100% in the wedge mode).
  17. You guys are the best! The 'dude and I will be there. Just say when...
  18. skimom

    BC ASRA?

    After seeing the great turnout for the ASRA race at Blue, I'm wondering why ASRA doesn't hold a race at BC. Any insights on this? It would probably take turning one of the diamond runs into a racecourse for the day, but I bet the midatlantic clubs would all attend. Any thoughts? The ASRA schedule still has a TBA date or two left.
  19. RC: You guys don't give yourselves enough credit. You wouldn't catch me dead racing down that icy headwall. BTW, where were all our Blue fanatics for the ASRA race? Everyone in the state was there except you guys. Doug, Atomic, MetzyBoy, ...I thought all you wanted to test your skills on an ASRA course @ Blue.
  20. Well, given my extreme advanced age, that's not saying so much, but thank you anyway. I'm more impressed with the 'dude who won himself a position in the top 30 seeding for CBs race. Those guys really know how to ski. RC did quite respectably as well.
  21. skimom


    No problem. I already have my fluoro aliquoted into a salt shaker, and will have the 'dude review the fluoro protocol with me tonight. I'm assuming that the roasting temps will provide a good opportunity to give it a go? I'm hearing there will be a new woman from whiteface in my age group. Plus, Laura Smith will be at RT, so I'll need all the extra zip I can muster.
  22. The real costs of staying open can't be that high - On a night like that, we are talking about keeping one lift open to the top. Lifties don't get paid that much. Caf workers would cover their costs selling warm drinks and food. The rangers and patrol are mostly volunteers. The insurance is already paid, the groomers still have their work and there would be no snowmaking costs. Isn't that the major expense? I wasn't up there, so I have no opinion as to whether it was reasonable to close that night, but I don't see how they could incur huge financial losses by keeping a lift going for hardcore skiers/riders.
  23. skimom


    ASRA update: Saturday will be a GS at Roundtop, PA. The word is that there will be plenty of snow, even with the crazy weather we?ve been having. Registration will be from 8:15 to 9:00, with race start scheduled for 10:30. Sunday will be a Dual at Blue Mountain, PA. Reg. from 8: to 8:45, with a 10:00 start I also heard directly from John Foy that RT reassurred him there would be ample snow. The only remaining question is which run at Blue...
  24. skimom


    I'm hearing ASRAs RT race is iffy. Be sure to monitor the ASRA website if you are thinking about going. And, I will tryo to find out more.
  25. Off topic: Where did this Booter stuff come from?
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