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Everything posted by tretiak

  1. yea same here
  2. thats what it was i couldnt think of what it was called. that sh*t is really hot. just the smell makes my eyes water
  3. mine too that video was great
  4. is the freerider snowboard program the same cost as the skier one? ive been thinking about joining it for next season
  5. tretiak


    ive tired to get people from blue to join but noone has yet
  6. i paid 40 for mine and still alive
  7. so whats the news with it or havent you gotten an email back
  8. they werent all that bad tho it was just the wind would go throught them because of that stupid breathing system that they have
  9. i bought a pair of level pipe gloves and the only problem i had was that the wind would go through them and my hands would be freezing
  10. if they actually really cared about the park they would make park passes and kept adding new features and stopped caring about the weekend crowds
  11. its blue were talking about they dont kno how to set something up and keep it looking half decent
  12. found a carve board on ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...7158562639&rd=1
  13. yea he deff does. i wonder if the park will be anybetter
  14. haha yea ur one of a kind no one can b like you
  15. of course u could always have a hot girl on a pair of skis or a snowboard in a bikini
  16. tretiak


    damn thats alot of snow
  17. the sight of snow
  18. yea that sounds like a good idea
  19. i most likely will be going to bear creek this year.
  20. if i can get a ride then ill be there
  21. i was going down towards reading yesterday and drive by terry hill water park and i seen what was left of what looked to be some jumps and i also seen 2 fan guns sitting outside
  22. they dont like you jeff face it no one does
  23. i heard that they are widing out sidewinder kmar is this true??heard it from a few friends who worked ther this year. im sure if up slope the trail abit more you could get a 50 maybe 60 footer.im getting some stuff from friends that they are drawing up for me and ill send them to you
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