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Everything posted by tretiak

  1. some kid on snowblades was throwing 9's and he did a corked 7 in practice.others were throwin switch 3's and 5's
  2. i talked to the park crew and they said they were goin to
  3. oh my god the set up was insane.the first hit was a flat down box with 3 different ways to hit it left middle and right. then there were 2 tabletops set up next to each othera small one on the left and a huge one on the right.then u had 2 choices hit the rollors or u could hit a tabletop that went across the 2nd and 3rd rollor.then the another choice on the battleship u could hit a step up hit a small jump or do the battleship. then there was a huge gap on to the mailbox.there was a huge step up that u could hit if u didnt do the mailbox. then there was the shark fin and another table. and that would b ur run. they only used half of sidewinder park
  4. i will b at the slopestyle with my camera prlly by the rainbow or by the first jump
  5. congrats jeff
  6. forumpl let me kno when u go up to blue ill take a few runs with u
  7. steph what place did u get?? yea i heard she broke her leg and i think i saw u
  8. i will b there with my camera to tape some people doing crazy shit on the rainbow. i kno a kid who was working on a 7 spin on the rainbow rail
  9. are u goin to the slopestyle burton??
  10. im up there like every day i tell them whats really bad and they go out and make it better then ever.
  11. anyone wanna met up saturday or sunday at blue i will b there both days since i have nothing better 2 do
  12. lol walmart or target might have one 2
  13. i would but i dont kno how 2
  14. blues got a nice one goin on by the vista lift
  15. how bout a few boarder smiley's??
  16. ill b there but after my haircut appointment so around 12ish i should b there. let me kno if u wanna meet up friday night if u go up to blue
  17. tretiak


    nice video camrea was a lil shaky when not doin the following shots
  18. welcome burtongirl
  19. i will b there juss not competing. ill have my camrea with me.im willing to meet people at the valley lodgelet me kno.
  20. i kno some ppl who are in the park crew and i tell them when things get shitty
  21. they do have a quad im not sure if its high speed tho
  22. tretiak

    The rant

    yea thats becuase they knew u were coming
  23. well i not on but near it they were goin towards razors edge and i had to sneek around and i cut them off srry if it was u
  24. 999 i think i saw u at blue did u have ur daugter(cant spell) with u? if u did then i almost ran into her when i was on paradise.u both have yellow atomics right??
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