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Everything posted by tretiak

  1. tretiak


    bus trip sounds good to okemo whos with it?
  2. tretiak


    i think we should go to okemo instead
  3. tretiak

    next week

    i juss read the accuweather pages the correct way the lowes are gunna b like that till the 18th
  4. me needs a ride up there
  5. sounds good to me
  6. ummm jeff u cant lie to me i can read u kno even tho i go to northampton and that .
  7. hell id pay the 20 to go up to killington but i aint payin for no speeding tickets or ill split on the gas
  8. jeff you wont beable to stop all of us so u might as well give in
  9. hmmmmm bus or heli??? let me get back to u on that 1
  10. tretiak

    next week

    it would be better if the highs were in the low 30's
  11. tretiak

    next week

    its not blue tho blue would be better if they would start makin snow next week
  12. haha y eai wish i could do that but i cant afford to miss school im just barely getting by as it is now
  13. i would but i got alot of projects due monday wow im being a today
  14. that aint a bad idea im up for it
  15. tretiak

    next week

    i think atomic would love to see that to
  16. tretiak

    next week

    all i want to see is the lights on at blue then ill be very very happy!
  17. tretiak

    next week

    http://hurricane.accuweather.com/adcbin/pu...lines.asp?iws=0 were gettin a polor surge next week !! maybe blue will start getting ready to open soon!!!!!!!
  18. its gunan be 32
  19. yupp
  20. monday isnt a good day for me either school kinda comes into play there now a weekend would be great ill pay half for gas if we go
  21. tretiak


    northern texas got 8 inches of snow they suck
  22. tretiak


    snow looks so nice to bad its not here... how comes texas gets snowbefore us????thats bullsh*t
  23. tretiak


    i picked mine up for 25 bucks
  24. tretiak


    think,i go the small one its 50 oz. but hey it works for me plus i use it for work all the time adn i drive around in a cart all day so its pretty light so i would recomend u get one
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