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Everything posted by tretiak

  1. tretiak


    well i got me one of those
  2. tretiak


    too bad they dunt make stuff like that for snowboarding
  3. when i lived in allentown(by south mt.) adn i wouldhave my mom bring me to blue i could see the light form 78 adn lehigh street
  4. when do u think blue will open?
  5. how about this ... saturday nite they want it 29
  6. tretiak


    ok thanks ill prlly get my board done this weekend since i have to go up there to get my pass anyway so it will b easier
  7. tretiak


    what about army navy or amatuer athelte? would they do it ?
  8. tretiak


    where can i go to get my old board waxed adn that for really cheap and is the northampton area
  9. well i was right i juss wasnt sure thats all
  10. ill split as long as i get shot gun
  11. i dunno i remember blue opened on teh 8th or 10th last year
  12. snowbunny!!!
  13. 2 nights of frost in a row!!!
  14. i might b getting a job at blue this year so i will let u guys kno if i get it
  15. ill go i just wanna get outta pa for a day so i could board a bigger mt other then blue
  16. TENT SALE RENTAL SHOP TENT SALE NOVEMBER 13th & 14th NEW & USED EQUIPMENT LOCATED AT THE SUMMIT LODGE 10:00AM TO 4:00PM just thought u guys should know that
  17. id go but i would need a ride
  18. AHHHHHHH THERES SNOW !!!!! i miss that white shyt so much y=an i
  19. i'll be at blue everyday so like atomic said, "everyday is blue day"
  20. tretiak

    Best tune-up?

    i liked my gnu g1's that i got last year they were pretty decent and i juss bought last years forum destroyers brand new so i dunt know how they are yet
  21. they were thrown out on me on monday nite adn i found out tuesday morning that they were so i guess this thread is pretty much done
  22. adn board i should ganck the pressure washer from school now so i can start makin snow at my dads house
  23. wow it was a little chilly today when i was at work i actually needed gloves as i was driving around in my golf cart.
  24. stop making me hungry damnit
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