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Everything posted by tretiak

  1. tretiak

    Electric EG1

    yea i couldnt make it up either i forgot that my gram has bowling so i couldnt use the car since mine is broken again,i dont think im going to go to jfbb i dont really feel like driving all the way up there even tho it would be fun i guess ill just met u sunday, what time are u staying till on sunday i will prlly be there around 9 or so until i get off work
  2. i just cant wait to see the death on the swing set box or whatever u wanna call it
  3. hmm i was back on the snow the day after i broke my wrist for the second time in 3 weeks back a few years ago.just getting my glove over the cast was a bitch but i lived with it for the 5 weeks that i had to have it on for. i believe it was the first pasr day we ever had at blue when i showed up with the cast on and i beleive jeff greg and glenn all signed it. wrist guards really do help when u fall in the park. saves me the 2k that i would have to pay to my dr.
  4. tretiak

    Electric EG1

    ill try to make it up thrusday if not ill see you sunday then just look for a big kid wearing a blue ride jacket with tan pants and a red hi fi helment with a shit load of stickers on it. ill try to make it up thrsuday do so i can grab my paycheck and give u the cash right there. what time u staying up there till because i dont get outta school till 230 and will prlly get up there around 3:30
  5. haha the ending was the best
  6. tretiak

    Electric EG1

    hey u going to be at blue on friday ill give u the 40 for them if u are there
  7. ill be up for sure
  8. my friend used to go out there jason rice you might now home
  9. selling them blue frames with amber lenses i will try and get pic asap since i dont have my digi 20 bucks takes them
  10. i forgot to metion it was only at the enterance of sidewinder not the whole trail just where you come in to sidewinder
  11. tretiak

    Electric EG1

    hey deff interested i need some new googles since my figments got jacked i cant stand my spy's that i have now from like 2 years ago
  12. thats what i overheard from some ski patrol last nite im not sure if it was true or not,
  13. we cant toucht eh speed because u have to login to the computer and none of us have a username and password to do so, it is all computer operated pretty much all we do is watch the screen. the quad u can make the speed faster or slower. trust me we have tired to make the lift faster but there is no way to do so with out having joel or one of the other guys come in and turn it up and also u wont be poaching sidewinder anymore the snowmakers made the snow extremely wet so u can poach anymore so ur fun has ended
  14. nope i only work at the 6 pack we cant turn up the speed on that but they can on the quad they usually do towards the end on teh nite to get the last riders up there in a hurry. keep it up jeff and ill have mark miller on u quicker then stink on shit
  15. and a bunch on sidewinder again people are really stupid and just cant wait till they open
  16. no but he almost did my buddy ty came up looking for him and rob,patrol nabbed a guy right before he got on the 6packsteve consoder yourself lucky that u didnt get caught
  17. chyeah
  18. whos going to be there ill be up most of the day tomorrow until i work which is at 245
  19. yea but dont most ski areas have like some sort of agreements with the power companies where they would only have to pay a flat rate for the power?
  20. i miss my anons they never fogged on me like my spy's do
  21. all i kno is that i work this weekend so there is a possiblty that sidewinder will be open
  22. that was terrible learn something that isnt a complete was of time yea because they prolly were laughing so hard they felt bad for u
  23. its also at blue
  24. didnt we have an arguement over this like last year?
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