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Everything posted by tretiak

  1. happened last season it was the first time trying a box and the first time i got it but i was goin to slow so i went at it a little bit faster and i slid off and bammm huge chunk out of my shin hurt like a bitch still hasnt healed yet. its still purple and that happened almost a year ago
  2. they put my arch enemy up i have to conquer that thing after it took a chunk out of my shin
  3. this is like the 3rd thread like it today if im correct
  4. i might be there not sure yet i might be working tomorrow morning
  5. tretiak


    i was there from 2 till 10 and holy shit was it cold and icy at night i took about 10 runs and that was it
  6. tretiak

    oh baby

    call in sick there is no need to work ont eh first day the season opens
  7. ill be there 8am waiting for that rope to drop. looks like no school or work friday oh well boarding is more important
  8. tretiak

    oh baby

    blue is going all out on snowmaking tonite i have a feeling top to bottom runs for first day check out the cam
  9. if u want cute lifties u gotta go to the school hills and they work there most of the ladies work at the main lodge cafe i am friend with them most are 18 or close to it metz
  10. ill make sure to have mark miller escort u guys off the mountian
  11. ill make sure i jpush u both off the quad onto the rocks head first
  12. no only if my season was doug and jeffless
  13. what days did u work comet, i worked them on the weekends at nite and sometimes pulled a double if i needed the money badly
  14. i havent but my friends have. from what i heard last year everypne who worked at comet is being sent over to the new 6 person, im trying to see if i can get put on vista with people i know
  15. did they call u yet because the first day blue has another meeting for new lift attendents
  16. yea a 90 gsx for 3500
  17. im down to steal that cash thats a nice down payment on a car
  18. umm they deff do have the old challenge chair in storage, how do i kno this, maybe because im a liftie and i get all my info from joel synder the head of lift operations
  19. i agree with justo. blue is different then other mtns so why not have a flat section looks pretty sketchy cant wait to see the falls off of it
  20. dude he deff is am i not correct kmar
  21. umm hes a snowmaker there moron
  22. how about u share that info kmar
  23. lets not talk about that
  24. bastard u beat me to it
  25. i got a feelin that where will be alot of people sitting in the bus
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