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Everything posted by Justo8484

  1. Better get the latest info from NJ Avalanche Center! https://www.facebook.com/NJAvy/ Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. At some point Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. I don’t remember ever seeing that 2nd photo with the major trail expansion. There’s already bike trails over there, and that part of the ridge is super gnar rocky. Would take a lot more snow to get that open than what’s currently in existence unless there was a large scale rock removal effort. This pitch is good for some more interesting terrain though; more/better glades would be nice. Maybe a more advanced area a la east mountain at frost? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Looks like a good way to delam your bases if you’re not careful Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Is it just in my head that I should be on something longer than 172, even for a bump ski? That seems brutally short for me at 6’1” tall, right? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Midway’s got some rocks coming through at the moment Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. Wiss ski club is awesome, I’ve been there for a few events with friends who are members. Never got the chance to ski it unfortunately, but their lodge is so cool. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Yes you can Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. I went to the warren Miller premier in philly 2 years ago pretty much for the vouchers. The movies are generally terrible, and the vibe usually about the same. I think the glory days of rowdy movie premier parties in the mid Atlantic are pretty much dead, sadly. We almost walked out of the WM one two years ago it was that lame. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Any idea on day tickets for under 6? They're not listed at all on the site, and i swear they used to specify that a regular day ticket was for ages 6-69 or whatever, so i assume that means free, but ya gotta go to the ticket window to get a ticket and verify they're actually under 6. I don't see the 6-69 designation anymore, nor do i see a 70+ lift ticket now either. So a 5 and under season pass is $25... which means that $25 is really just a convenience fee to not have to go to the window every time? Am i following along correctly here?
  11. Pivots. But make sure whatever you get works with your boot. Gripwalk, WTR, MNC, etc had to go and make things complicated again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. almost positive that trail would be going uphill. i don't think you'd be able to get from paradise to coming soon without a bit of a hike
  13. @enjoralas might be able to speak to this a little bit more accurately than me, but it seems absurd to me that a phone company would take back old equipment, then take it apart for parts, then rebuild other potentially broken equipment. Labor to do that in the US is almost certainly more expensive than just swapping out the broken device with a new one.
  14. Like, a monthly payment for the physical device itself? Nah, my phone is all paid for. But it’s $45 a month for unlimited talk, text, and data, with Wi-Fi tethering included. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  15. yup, i ditched ATT for xfinity wifi (no, i don't get an employee discount), and i pay less than 50 a month for unlimited everything. My ATT bill was close to twice that without unlimited service. It piggybacks on verizon's network, so coverage is very good for me, with the exception of like two spots in south jersey that I didn't get good reception with on ATT either. Only downside so far is that international talk/text is pay-by-the-minute/text, as opposed to a flat rate to enable it for a week or month or whatever if you're traveling with ATT or verizon.
  16. Maybe I’m being naive here, but isn’t it somewhat irresponsible to just prescribe antibiotics without knowing that you have a bacterial infection, and not a viral one? For whatever it’s worth, your symptoms are pretty spot on with what I get for a few days if I surf a lot and end up taking a few on the head and getting an Atlantic Ocean netti pot session. Happens a few times a year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  17. title sponsor for the thursday night snowmobile race series
  18. pretty sure proximity/visibility from the AT was one of the major sticking points of what could actually get built up top for the condo thing. i don't remember the number off hand, but i believe any structure needs to be more than x feet from the AT if it's visible from the trail, or something along those lines. vaguely recall that that's why the proposed condos weren't gonna be taller.
  19. That's not really a problem that requires money though, at least not at a "large capital investment" scale. They've got the machines already.
  20. bear's hotel is booked solid pretty much the entire winter, not sure about camelback. but yes, hotel on premise for weddings would be a stupidly easy money maker.
  21. sounds kinda like the 700 club? but they just have a toilet right next to the DJ platform. frankford hall has a trough.
  22. probably the last time i was there as well. it was cool when they were still doing ski movie premiers there, but their beer list hadn't changed in like 5+ years as of the last i was there. food was standard brew pub stuff, nothing was bad, but nothing was really good or exciting either. can someone buy BMDI and turn it into a B&B? by that i mean bed & brewery. place would make an absolute killing during the winter, and probably be good enough to survive during the summer.
  23. A legend that says they just bought land to expand, then when explains where said land is... i'm near positive they've owned said land for years?
  24. not sure that state of the art and fixed grip belong in the same sentence. also, no foot rest?
  25. Well I know which bar I’m going to next time I’m up in Stowe! Congrats moe, sounds like VT is treating ya well. Hoping I can get back up that way this summer for a few days on the bike. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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