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Everything posted by Justo8484

  1. the landing wasnt really that hard... take it 5 feet past the knuckle, thats pretty much the sweet spot for that jump right now.
  2. who else would wear such an ugly hoodie?
  3. CONCUSSED! you got bucked, son! jump line was pretty nice, the lips were awesome, the landings could be a little steeper though. whats with the really narrow lips onto everything right now? the right side of the dfd rail had like a foot wide lip on it, and the down rail in the plaza was no better? park crew was raking and salting and whatnot, which is awesome, but the lips on most of the rails just seemed kinda weird to me.
  4. first half sounds sick. c rail, or c box? please bring out the old double barrel c, that'd be sick. why does snowgrind want to use the worst two features they created this year? square coping + wide boxes = crap. they'd get better photo/video ops on simpler stuff. set up the octocone for that matter if they wanna showcase their work, that thing's way more fun than either of those boxes.
  5. buy his shit so he can afford a plane ticket to whistler!
  6. while i agree that part of it is the editing (the wierd asian thing; i go to boulder's site to watch their videos and get and idea of how the parks are, not to see some dumb girl in a bed with an alarm clock,) the fact that almost every rail trick was 'landed' at 90 is what bothered me the most.
  7. i thought so too, and it was, but that still doesnt explain the lack of properly landed tricks throughout the rest of the video.
  8. so what's up with the crappiness that is the newest video on boulder's site? half the video is some dumb girl in a bed with an annoying alarm clock, and the other half is kids landing 90 out of a mailbox. there's plenty of kids who ride boulder who warm up with tricks better than that....
  9. congrats on making finals kev!
  10. so the dfd rail is gone... lips on everything are horrible... but park crew was out doing work? can they at least maintain one rail and one jump until the end? it is honestly not that hard to fill in the sides of the rail where snow melted away, and then reshape the lip, especially with how soft and workable the snow is right now. i know, i did it last weekend. i'm pretty tired of stuff not being maintained in the park. it gets old.
  11. amen. better grooming in general wouldnt hurt.
  12. i heard kevin performs sexual favors for the ski fairy.
  13. one minor detail... twas not a good season for PA. we got 10 inches of rain in february, and sidewinder never really got built up to what it was supposed to be, or even to the size it was last year. jump line flowed pretty well, but the size just wasnt there.
  14. beat me to it. i threw up in my mouth a little bit when i saw that spectacle.
  15. wasnt he at salomon jib academy riding for salomon...? i thought brogan's edit was more fun to watch, and his style is arguably much better than anyone else in the contest, but martini's got him beat on difficulty in the urban department for sure. i'll attribute that to the fact that it doesnt snow in PA, and there arent really any good handrails around here at all.
  16. amen. nothin more fun in spring crud than a nice fat ski
  17. just throwing this out there as a general request/observation... just because the mountain is shutting down in less than two weeks, please don't just give up. at least provide a quality product until the end. even if you don't make anymore snow, at least maintain everything til the end.
  18. its a thursday...
  19. not entirely sure i buy this one... i can't remember when they've ever closed on a saturday.
  20. should have come up korey. the weather was epic obviously. good times.
  21. still on?
  22. definitely should not have postponed it for spectators. the conditions for the setup were actually really good. the setup was super fun, and andy and his crew kept things looking nice throughout the night. unfortunately, work is lame, and i got there just in time for the skier heat to start, so no practice for me. it was definitely a good time, and one of the best comps i've done this year. i'm looking forward to sunday for sure.
  23. so the rail jam is on for tomorrow night, but the slopestyle is pushed back til sunday, and no more big air? that means i can sleep in on sunday?
  24. i ride blue. what does that explain? i know which rail he's talking about, i've ridden bear several times this year too. i wasnt calling him stupid. its a rail jam, and bear has a long single barrel rail, that would be a lot of fun set up as an urban down rail, just like blue and boulder have. its a RAIL jam. too many rails jams these days forget the rails and use way too many boxes. if you put it out, people will figure it out and start throwing down on.
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