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Everything posted by GNU_rider

  1. Everyone's already said it all the bare spots sucked and the slush was no good, I definitely ate it into the mud/slush next to the double rail on cascade also there was some slow stuff before the small staircase. Other then all that it was a great time love the cliff and the rainbow and that step down box!
  2. I'm really glad people are responding to this, so now we're not just names on a web site was anyone up today?
  3. Ok so I don't know if anyone else has ever had a day where their buddies have either bagged out or can't make it to ride, but it sucks to ride alone so why not start a thread for people to find other riders. So I'll start this off saturday I'll be up at bear from opening till about 5 riding and I was wondering who's gonna be there and would want to ride? I'll be wearing an antifreeze green DUB shell and khaki grenade pants with a black and green GNU Danny Kass come up and say hey let's ride my names John by the way!
  4. I can't believe people are complaining about them opening after spending this whole warm spell complaining about them being closed you people are never happy, you should stop the complaining and be happy we have what we've got.
  5. I will be there at 8 am saturday, thank you so much bear creek for making this happen the season isn't lost!
  6. GNU_rider


    I don't really think because of a shitty start to this season their going to lose pass holders next year, and if they open this weekend what do you think they'd have open?
  7. good call I had a feeling I was talking about something else
  8. You guys have to take this into account, Bear creek has all their stuff made in house B.C.I.W. is right there at bear where as park logic and jib lab is a large group that does multiple mountains so their going to have alot of experience because their making so much more for alot of different parks. Bear has done an amazing job with all of the things they've made because its all in house; I kind of think comparing the two isn't right but I have to say I could care less as long as it slides and it's fun to ride.
  9. consider upkeep snow coverage and traffic it might be a bit of a pain in the ass at first but get better, nice idea though that's also kind of what they were hoping to do near the end of the run next to the quad from what it sounded like I could be wrong though.
  10. Hey does anyone know where there's a guy in a bobcat placing a rainbow rail on blackbear park?
  11. Well last year late season what they did for "reserve snow" was building big features off to the sides of the parks like the hips they had on the left and right of cascade one of the park crew guys told me that's why they made them, I think that would be a better way of having that extra snow more features keeping the snow!
  12. No you didn't theres like one or two warm days relax man!
  13. One can only hope that accuweathers predictions for the 8th and on are correct.
  14. I wish I wasn't working otherwise I'd so be there I hope you guys take lots of pictures and as for a sacrifice what about an old or broken snow gun or groomer?
  15. It's actually apparently illegeal to hitch hike...
  16. Can one of the mods on here please delete all of these stupid hate threads full of ignorance, it's just making people dumber.
  17. So this ice cube notion..... I think we should just get everyone to pitch in on like tuesday night and drop as much ice as we can into the ponds and hope for the best.
  18. Did anyone get to ride sunday before they closed, because despite it being ridiculously warm it was pretty fun and the conditions weren't as bad as I'd expected! Let's hope canada gives up the love for us.
  19. Bummer
  20. I agree with all that was said but I just want to say one small rumor I heard from a liftie, is that they are thinking of closing before sunday because they won't be able to make it; does anyone have any information either way on this?
  21. The total tally according to park crew was 14 and the rails only got rutted out by night fall, because park crew was done by then the entire was fine and up until they left!
  22. Whiteface is actually a suprisingly good mountain if you catch it earlier or later in the season when it's not iceface, I really liked their slides and their parks are pretty good!
  23. GNU_rider


    Really? that's pretty damn good time my buddy who lives out there takes for ever to get anywhere near philly.
  24. Yesterday was amazing got there at opening and rode 'till around 9 PM the conditions were great through the day the features were amazing and I have to say that smaller stairset is a great addition and the cliff drop was amazing, I have to say thanks to park crew for really getting the features together and keeping them up most of the day.
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