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Everything posted by GNU_rider

  1. Yeah my friends and I just called it the m rail haha.
  2. how about that M rail that apparently got hit by one of the groomers it that going to get repaired or rebuilt?
  3. I'm really glad to hear we have alot of urban stuff coming out for the season, are you guys also bringing that crazy j rail thing back that showed up late last season?
  4. This thread has just made a great night that much better I don't know how I'll make it 'till season this all has me dying to ride
  5. Those pics make my mouth water I can't wait to hit up that down flat down rail anyone else got any input?
  6. Sounds like all around good times and fun hits I know I'm stoked!
  7. These additions and changes sound simply amazing I can't wait to get a ride in to see everything.
  8. The site is quite dialed a good change from last years version!
  9. It was really really good especially when they had a launch set slightly off center to the right so you could slide across it but I think that got flattened kinda quickly. Also why was it set up on cascade like it was?
  10. Yeah that mailbox looks like the one they had for quite a while at the end of the park near the lift and then it made a new home on cascade park on a large bank/quarter say 10 or so feet on the left of the last box jump.
  11. I swear there are two topics goin on in here but I'd say these kids set the grind questions straight one easy way you could find out google image search it!
  12. Yeah it was very good this year!
  13. I got the downlow it's gonna be one large jump on black bear no lifts you gotta hike it
  14. Is the whole park going to be open or is it just one jump for the comp?
  15. Ok first off my friends and I ended up working with park crew one day and made that right hand side hip (the bigger one) the way it was with that lip and I'd love to see that come back next year. This whole cliff idea would be amazing and a picnic table gap would be sick, also at the end of the run I remember last year you had a giant quarter pipe I forget the size but what if you had that again with a mailbox on top or maybe just a really high mailbox like you had in the small section for a bit this year. Another thing I'd love to see is some real street stuff like someone mentioned earlier like ledges and maybe just some small kickers and some movable objects to ollie and trick over like some road blocks and such. Ah also that whole park pass idea would be GREAT, this season I must've argued with 5 to 10 parents whos kids could barely ski that were in the parks and on the landings of jumps and I'd come up and over and see them laying or standing there and I'd have to wash out one guy was just like rolling over the side of the jump next to the launch and exploded on me about my "being to close to him" when he was just standing on the lander. Please inact the park pass for the bigger park or just the parks in general next year, I know so many people that had problems with people being in the parks that shoudln't have been there also please bring the big hit park in the tubing back next year!
  16. GNU_rider


    Next year I want to see that rail to rail gap return and or that tri-rail battle ship to make a come back oh and that rollercaoster rail but maybe NOT LET THE GROOMER HIT IT WITH A SNOWCAT. I'd also love to see a picnic table to picnic table gap and maybe a stair set with rails like that one at blue!
  17. Personally I felt let down by blues park the times I went this year and would rather be at bear but that's just me.
  18. My friend and I hit some rails in the local area last summer compliments of an ice skating rink near my house so I say grab that "snow" and take some runs!
  19. Very good call and question! so how bout it BC employees what's the deal?
  20. GNU_rider


    should I be psyched on the park or bummed their closing sunday?
  21. Let's hope they can blow some snow and save us from midget jumps or 3 features!
  22. I would never listen to ski patrol about blowing snow, as for on site I want to know where this 42 inches of base is hiding out besides we've got pond skimming this weekend so why not just go with it and hope for the best?
  23. Guys I hope you'll be happy to hear I got the DL from a liftie at bear today, long story how but the temps are dropping this week and their ideal would be to blow snow thursday friday and saturday but their not totally sure they'll be able to drop it that whole time. Please realise this was from a liftie so I'm not totally sure about it just what I've heard but hey let's hope for the best! if not I think I'll end up
  24. Yeah I talked to a couple of my friends that are lifties about this last night and after I heard about the safety bar thing I'm almost positive he was going to drop off the lift somewhere along the line but then just pussied out or got freaked out.
  25. Well if you crouch and flatline it you could probably make it especially if you just did a HUGE tailpress across it all.
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