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Everything posted by GNU_rider

  1. Now that's some good news from mark I can't wait to see how everything turns out with the improvements, I'm also glad to hear that we finally have that separation for the lower part of the park!
  2. Hey I was wondering if anyone has any low down or any pics of the new guns they added; also did they fix the lack of snow guns around the big staircase?
  3. I'm sure they'll find a way to fill that pond up by season besides we've still got around 100 days left Besides they wouldn't spend the money and time to make something like that without having a plan on how to use/fill it. Also that rainbow rail was fine I never saw any rust on it nor did that slight bend at the end of it matter besides it was all about popping off before that bend anyway....
  4. I have a group of 15 friends including myself interested in passes to bear, I couldn't find anything on the bear site about the group pass deals so I should email bear right?
  5. Yeah they do need another old timberline that trail got so boring.
  6. The steps at blue are the most annoying thing I've ever dealt with to get into a park.
  7. We raised the same issues after last season, and some of it worked note the fence between black bear and cascade and the trees and all that there was a lot less of the problem this year then there was last season; I still say bear needs to institute something like mountain creek and in order to ride the parks you gotta get a park pass, otherwise you're S.O.L. on getting in. This would cut down so much on the amount of people that just shouldn't be there!
  8. The idea of hiking after closing came up last year, and I remember the answer being no you can't hike and it can be a punishable offense if you do? although I'm almost 100% sure that was the answer clarification would be cool.
  9. So true, they care so much about the customer it's amazing just look at the activity of their reps and their GM on these forums!
  10. Mark that's the kind of answer I like to hear thanks for debunking my illusion of this being the last weekend!
  11. Well after a point in the season it's pointless to blow snow because it's not cost effective, because you've got to worry about how fast it'll melt and all of that; plus the fact that you never know how fast the temps could change and a big rain could come in and just away a good amount of what they would've made. Also there's a guide to snow making on the bear creek site if you really want to see what the wet bulb thing is about.
  12. yesterday was great fun time good conditions and great ideas thanks bear!
  13. All of you guys talking about selling your free ticket on here are idiots, you're ruining a great promotion and they might never have it again it's a great way to get new people to the mountain and maybe come back again.
  14. GNU_rider

    butter pad

    I really like the sound of this thing I hope it stays around until sunday....
  15. Good day mid to late jumps and such got rutted out you guys might want to look into some how grooming the in run for cascade too.
  16. I wish I could go
  17. So where do shop employees fall in this hour early and everything, same as a normal ticket holder?
  18. That has to be the best reply I've seen on these forums, but anyway I thought we had that really wide but kind of short butter box from last year; also that fence is there to keep people out and from crossing over and cutting you off or getting in your way between the features on cascade it's amazing how well it's worked for it's purpose!
  19. They get 100 bucks for each bad pass they catch, and as long as your pass is good why's matter if they scan you but I will say if you get scanned more then once in line for the lift it's a little out of hand. (this happened to me tuesday at killington)
  20. Damn I hope you heal quickly and feel a lot better soon!
  21. GNU_rider

    FREE day

    Well it's not that they could be held responsible for the driving accidents but it could at some level come off as bad P.R. for them, but You're right there's a very small percentage of people that are as involved as we are through forums and everything.
  22. Yeah but think about how crowded it was when it was just park rats, also if other mountains close before hand anyone who sitll wants to ride would come slinking in and buying their bear creek tickets which means even more kids then usual; don't get me wrong I'm all for being able to ride even later and have a longer season.
  23. GNU_rider

    FREE day

    We already know bear creek cares and they wouldn't need to do something like that, not to mention that would almost show they care less because of the danger when driving on roads with conditions like today; Not to mention they would lose that much more business and money because everyone that heard about it would try and make it so they'd also loose income there. Also they would have to pay all their employees with money that wouldn't really be getting made back due to the issues above, the one thing I do have to ask is would you also think food would be included in this free day because that's just one more huge way the make income for the mountain.
  24. Everything was perfect until night fall when it got icy, even though it was the small stair was amazing and the other jibs were great but the big stair forget about it way to icy by night to ride safely. I also love the jump line the hits were perfect all day!
  25. Hahaha their here to anal probe him!
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