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Everything posted by Zonked

  1. haha-nah not skidudes gf just friends
  2. yup..twas me
  3. anyone heading up to blue sunday?? If not where are ya'll goin?
  4. I'm seein Hawthrone Heights tonight for a second time, my friend had an extra ticket so why turn down such a good offer. anyway-I'm deciding between what places are open by this weekend, where to go. My friend and I were thinkin about takin a day trip somewhere maybe sunday. Not sure we we wanna go :-/ maybe we'll go here. havent been there for a while
  5. I'm always late for everything. o well. haha Gurp will be there waiting for me and skidude to arrive. so count us three in
  6. haha That is true. Anytime she wants to talk about horses you send her my way ha
  7. I wish!
  8. I'll be there saturday..not sure when I'll arrive because I'm being super uber nice and picking SOMEONE up cough cough haha
  9. crazy video. Man I wish I could ski like that haha
  10. I may try and get up there..It all depends on my plans for this weekend
  11. It was snowin while I was drivin to my doctors appointment today. I had the biggest smile on my face, I prolly looked retarded But i was sooooo happy!
  12. Do you really? thats pretty crazy. Hope you guys have fun!
  13. no sorry. Won't be there. Gotta go shopping
  14. Thats what I love about Greek Peak, hardly ever crowded. Maybe right after lunch time the wait is a bit longer but its nothing compared to other mountains. Im sad I won't be up there much this year. I'm gunna miss it
  15. YAY for greek peak!! except I'll only be up there once or twice this year
  16. beautiful! Im jealous... really jealous
  17. I wish. but I highly doubt my rents would let me and that would be one hell of a lie haha
  18. I've been there! Alpine meadows is one of my favorite places.. Heavenly was pretty cool too. Squaw is so weird. It was like wide open, it was such a different veiw from what we have on over here but it was awesome. Hope you have a good trip!!
  19. Zonked


    Last year it was not lit.. They prolly won't have it lit this year either. bummer. Nice trail though
  20. Zonked


    good! the more the merrier! O I can't wait haha
  21. Zonked


    I love Greek peak!!! its like my third home but we arn't going up as much as we usually do this coming winter I know every trail like the back of my hand..I hope you can keep up if I'm the tour guide
  22. I saw anberlin live..they were awesome But for me i listen to some led zeppelin, acdc and Guns N roses then switch it over to some falloutboy and bands like them.. I definately can't live without Incubus. Pretty much any type of music is cool with me.. If I forget my ipod, I'll just sing whatever song is stuck in my head haha
  23. I always sing!! maybe ur friend and I should get together!
  24. thanksgivin is my birthday! YAY lol thats the only reason Im lookin forward to it
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