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About liftie

  • Birthday 09/11/1985

Previous Fields

  • Equipment
    crappy sims... soon to be ride solace... i think
  • Sport
  • Home Mountain
    Bear Creek/Blue Mountain

Contact Methods

  • AIM
    sparrows barmaid
  • Website URL

Profile Information

  • Location
  • Interests
    swimming, music, snowboarding, drinking, mexican food - the good stuff, not that don pablo's crap

liftie's Achievements

Making Turns

Making Turns (3/10)

  1. yeah, i was going through video at bell and noticed a girl hiking up the park, and totally falls and eats it... it's amazing what you get in some backgrounds.
  2. prom's overrated - especially senior prom... and besides, it's not until evening, why not cram in the rail jam beforehand. not like you have to get all dolled up for prom - that's her job. just shower and suit up and you're good to go
  3. ugh... then why not be open? they could make killer money right now....
  4. if i didn't suck on rails i would go for it... instead i'll prolly go and just watch... you know, be jealous of those that can do and they can have fun doing it... cross my fingers i don't get called in to work last minute... that happened recently and i had to miss the anti-flag concert... stupid work! but i have to wonder.. with this weather we had today and in the coming weeks, will there still be snow there?
  5. bear is brown... i work like 2 minutes from there and yeah... it's brown thanks to their mountain biking
  6. One time at Breckenridge, I had my cell phone in an inner pocket in my jacket. Unfortunately, I had my jacket opened, and didn't know that pocket was open, and hit some really thick powder in the trees and my phone fell out. I didn't realize it until about an hour later when I tried meeting up with my friends. After I got back home, I checked the voicemail and the somebody heard it ringing and turned it into the resort... But it was too late cause I'd already bought a new phone...
  7. ouch!
  8. that's not necessarily true that people that ski this time of year can do blacks...
  9. so mean.... If i didn't have class tonight, and work tomorrow (finally!) I would totally beg to go with
  10. liftie

    Any Advice

    ok... i'm a self-supportive college student on a budget... anymore ideas?
  11. liftie

    Any Advice

    I'll be the first to admit that I suck. I can land my 180s, but not so much on the 360s and yeah... the rest is pretty bad too. Sadly, I'm too old to go to a camp. I wish I went to those when I was younger instead of getting shipped to whatever college won soccer titles... But anyways! Where/How can I improve before the start of next season? Is there a summer sport that will also help?
  12. i feel like a hike....
  13. omg... seriously... was that necessary?
  14. Haha... I have that problem. My boots aren't allowed in the house. They're chillin on the deck... yummy.
  15. Yeah... febreeze def doesn't work for me... my boots... wow! you're looking at wearing those things quite a few days in a row.. mostly with dirty socks... mmmm... miss that smell in the trunk of me car
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