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Everything posted by liftie
yeah, i was going through video at bell and noticed a girl hiking up the park, and totally falls and eats it... it's amazing what you get in some backgrounds.
prom's overrated - especially senior prom... and besides, it's not until evening, why not cram in the rail jam beforehand. not like you have to get all dolled up for prom - that's her job. just shower and suit up and you're good to go
ugh... then why not be open? they could make killer money right now....
if i didn't suck on rails i would go for it... instead i'll prolly go and just watch... you know, be jealous of those that can do and they can have fun doing it... cross my fingers i don't get called in to work last minute... that happened recently and i had to miss the anti-flag concert... stupid work! but i have to wonder.. with this weather we had today and in the coming weeks, will there still be snow there?
bear is brown... i work like 2 minutes from there and yeah... it's brown thanks to their mountain biking
One time at Breckenridge, I had my cell phone in an inner pocket in my jacket. Unfortunately, I had my jacket opened, and didn't know that pocket was open, and hit some really thick powder in the trees and my phone fell out. I didn't realize it until about an hour later when I tried meeting up with my friends. After I got back home, I checked the voicemail and the somebody heard it ringing and turned it into the resort... But it was too late cause I'd already bought a new phone...
that's not necessarily true that people that ski this time of year can do blacks...
so mean.... If i didn't have class tonight, and work tomorrow (finally!) I would totally beg to go with
ok... i'm a self-supportive college student on a budget... anymore ideas?
I'll be the first to admit that I suck. I can land my 180s, but not so much on the 360s and yeah... the rest is pretty bad too. Sadly, I'm too old to go to a camp. I wish I went to those when I was younger instead of getting shipped to whatever college won soccer titles... But anyways! Where/How can I improve before the start of next season? Is there a summer sport that will also help?
i feel like a hike....
omg... seriously... was that necessary?
Haha... I have that problem. My boots aren't allowed in the house. They're chillin on the deck... yummy.
Yeah... febreeze def doesn't work for me... my boots... wow! you're looking at wearing those things quite a few days in a row.. mostly with dirty socks... mmmm... miss that smell in the trunk of me car
After riding belleayre yesterday I find it real hard to feel bad for you. Must be hard having some sweet powder/nice conditions and have to close...unlike bell and their ice rink runs yesterday... ^^posted by righthandedlefty on wrong screenname...
OMG! this guy eats and eats and eats... then eats some more... what was it... 2 stand and egg bagels, 2 hashbrowns, a sandwich, pizza, a hamburger, a pint of ice cream... then wants more!!! i want his metabolism
haha... serious... not really. just a sore back and bumbum. Nah, it was fun. Waking up at 4 am thanks to phone call from friends. I can't believe how many fast food joints are closed at 5 am... ridiculous! Then driving to NY. Yay! We get there and only one lift is working, and righthanded manages to fall ... on the first lift ride. Things went downhill for him from there. He only learned to ride this January and the only trails open were blacks, and double blacks. First run, righthanded falls half way down and slides the rest. I come slowly along in my own world, completely oblivious to everything. After a few more runs, we found the "park"... First mark, then me, then righthanded... only righthanded didn't land the first jump so we waited to make sure he was okay. When he catches up, Mark goes first, then righthanded, then me so I can make sure he gets down okay... no such luck. He eats it on the second jump too . After freezing our buns on ice for a little while, we go for another run... not a good idea. We shack up in the lodge for about 45 minutes where I passed out... The conditions seriously sucked. Everything was ice. You'd think, as the day progressed into afternoon, it'd slush up a little... again, no such luck. It got worse We figured we'd go for one more run... on which righthanded did not succeed. Got some funny vids of mark attempting a 3, making a 180, but not landing... oh well. So much for ending on a good note. But we did get to end it with a trip to the WORLD'S LARGEST KALEIDOSCOPE!!! As soon as I figure out how tonight, I'll post the pics... the others might have something to add, who knows...
gee papa, i could have sworn i posted this like 2 days ago in another forum where you asked for it... hmm....
w00t! thunderstormin' and i have to leave in 4 1/2 hours... but i can't sleep i hate being a night owl...
well my shoe size is a tight 7 1/2... i could go down to a 7, which i might depending on the boots i get for next year, but i couldn't even fit my foot in the 6... and this was after they said they sold me the 8, which i didn't realize they'd given me a size 9 until i got home from the store... wow... this is confusing
i sports authority. if you hit them at the right time, their stuff is so cheap... ridiculously cheap. there's also the sports chalet on 309. it's kinda hidden, but they have some good stuff for reasonable prices. if i'm looking for a deal though, sports authority's where it's at... or online. i hate nestor's... they tried selling me a size 6 boot when i needed an 8... stupid stupid boy....
I'm thinking about going up saturday. I live about 10 minutes from blue. If we decide to go, we (righthandedleft and i) can take you if you'd like..... let us know.
I guess I can't make up my mind about park passes. I see their necessity and I see their inconvenience. I figure though, it's probably better. Yeah, sure. Go for park passes. W00T. It's better to at least have people acknowledge the risks and make them pay a measly $5 so save lives/prevent injuries than it is to worry about disgruntled families.... so what you can't ski/ride through the park? People are trying to do you a favor keeping you out and safe rather than you going in there, screwing it up, risking injury. Whatever. Now I'm totally for park passes... amazing what typing you thoughts out can do....
any chance you can make room for one more?