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Everything posted by jsong83

  1. whoever decided to charge for parking at camelback is an idiot. i will boycott camelback until they get rid of it or they publicly fire whosever "brilliant" idea that was. it wasnt enough for the mgmt to get rid of day passes but now they feel the need to rape the customer with higher ticket rates and charging for parking in this economy. they havent even opened up a new trail or made any lift improvements in years. it's just more money into mgmt pockets.
  2. why is blue closing? i know its late march but there is still plenty of snow. dont they usually decide to close when the snow is starting to melt from the surface?
  3. blue is stupid. with all the idiots out there who can't ride properly already, we need to be selling $4 (massively overpriced) beer so they can impair their judgment and suck at riding even more causing even more harm to themselves and other riders. i dont really care if they start selling beers in a cart but knowing there will be intoxicated beginner riders on the slopes doesn't exactly make me feel safe.
  4. what is the deal with the new trail? i remember last year they had it on their website saying a new trail was going to open for this season in between paradise and razors but now when i look at the interactive map on blue mt's website, the trail disappeared. are they not converting that into a trail anymore? or if they still are, is it not going to be ready for this year?
  5. any idea on what new trails theyre opening? im crossing fingers for pharoah and bactrian to open for saturday....
  6. blue has horrible conditions (at least last year) but i still prefer blue over the others. the snow practically turns into ice at the top of the double blacks and the trails never seemed groomed EVER. but nothing can make me want to go to camelback where you pay $50 for going down a trail that sends you 5mph for what seems like 20 seconds. camelback does have nice snow but snow is found at every mountain. if snow conditions were such a huge concern for me, i would just drive to vermont. but yea, and the lifts and trail layouts are better at blue. the trails are camelback just seem to easy for me but blue still challenges me. probably because of the crappy snow.
  7. anyone know if the trails theyre currently making snow on at camelback are going to be open for saturday?
  8. anyone know what trails theyre currently making snow? it sucks that blues website doesn't have a snowmaking condition for each trail. im just trying to decide if there are enough trails to make the drive. thanks
  9. nice. i wasnt expecting them to start giving out those coupons so soon. im getting my cast off tomorrow from my 2nd broken wrist this season. cant wait to go to blue and start collecting the 50% off tickets so i can make up for lost riding this past winter
  10. anyone have any idea on when blue is going to start giving out the half off coupon like last year?
  11. thats just assumptions. you have no proof. and no offense, since i dont know you or how much expertise you have but im pretty sure that blue mountain (and every other ski resort staff) knows a shitload more about running a ski resort/terrain park than you
  12. this guy is smarter than me and the rest of the people who replied on this thread because he actually sees the reality of the situation while all you bitches just complain and cant suggest anything better than your park pass idea. if blue even remotely cared about the freestylers, they would have implemented the park pass since it came up a long time ago. theres nothing you can do and complaining is not going to help. it just makes you seem like selfish babies. just go to another mountain if you hate it that much.
  13. exactly, at least someone here is smart. then dont you think that blue mountain, who has been in business for so long, would know how to safely manage a terrain park better than you?
  14. haha judging by the way you talk, im definitely older than you by a significant amount. its funny how these little kids talk so much shit behind a computer but wouldnt say shit in real life. ill stick by my comment from before and not reply to any idiots that arent worth replying to. anyways, some of you made some pretty good points about how a person laying on the park can be dangerous for park people and thats definitely true. but heres a suggestion that isnt too hard to figure out, wait for them to move. thats the solution for people on trails. the rule at blue mt is that people in front of you always have the right of way. i dont even know why i care since i dont even go into the park but i definitely think its come to the point that you babies have whined so much that I WANT BLUE TO IMPLEMENT A PARK PASS TO SHUT YOU ALL UP. but seriously, knowing you people, youll find something to complain about next week.
  15. no point in trying to argue with an idiot's argument. what the hell is the point of responding? youre too dumb and thickheaded to listen that youll just keep bitching and complaining. but yea, keep doing that. im sure blue will listen to a dumb shit like you when they have been in business for longer than you have been living. im done
  16. sound like a little baby complaining because he didnt get his way. obviously, they are compromising their own safety. but why the hell do you care? and dont act like you do, because you dont. you just care that theyre messing shit up for you. AND beginners do that all over the mountain, stupid. people lay down in the middle of a crowded trail on a double black diamond getting in the way of people above them speeding past trying to avoid them. what is the solution for that then? all im saying is this conversation has been discussed many times. their is no fair solution and a park pass is not a fair solution. youre just blinded because that is what you want. blue just did what they thought is best. now get over it.
  17. its come to the point where people who dont lock their ski/board up deserves to get it stolen. the ski check is free people!!! how lazy can you be or how badly do you have to go to the bathroom? a minute out of your time can go a long way
  18. jesus christ, cant you people every stop complaining? for the last time, youre not getting your damn park pass idea. if you dont like it, stop going to blue. blue mt didnt have to compromise and put in anything there but now that they did something to try and help out the loyal park riders, more bitching. just shut the hell up and accept the fact that the mountain is for everyone and not just for you. otherwise, go to stratton or mountain creek and stay the hell away from blue if you hate it and want to complain about it so much. yea it sucks that some people dont have etiquette in the park or on any trail. but what can you do? they paid for their lift ticket just like you did. if idiot beginners want to risk and hurt themselves by going in the park, let them. its their own body and theyre the ones that are going to pay if they get hurt. i suggest if you want a park pass, buy your own damn mountain and make your own damn rules. sorry for sounding like an asshole but some people can be so selfish. (and please dont say that keep beginners out of the park is for their own safety because its quite obvious that you're only saying it for your own selfishness)
  19. anyone know when lower sidewinder is going to open?
  20. 2 fractured wrist in 1 season at blue mt. my season is over. see everyone for the new trail opening next season.
  21. http://www.break.com/index/instant_snow.html
  22. anyone have any idea of what other trails might be added for this weekend? i havent been to blue in a month and im dying to ride.
  23. which part is the east side? is that the side where pharoah and the bactrian is? i havent been to camelback in years because of the distance but i definitely want to go once this year if they open up those 2 trails.
  24. what is switch skiing?
  25. i dont know anything about park terms or freestyle terms but whats a jib?
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