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Everything posted by jsong83

  1. anyone have any idea when theyre going to open lower sidewinder and the lower terrain park? i dont really go into the sidewinder park but i usually cross into lower sidewinder and the lower terrain park after tuts lane and lazy mile so im really interested in when theyre opening. also, does anyone know when theyre going to start blowing snow on razors and challenge burma and paradise? those are some of my favorite trails and im trying to go when they open these trails. on another note, 1.5 weeks after i fractured my wrist on the second day of the season, i could be back at blue by this sunday morning. i cant wait to ride. =)
  2. whats a death cookie?
  3. to all those bastards that are at blue mountain right now, i hate you all because youre all out there riding while im stuck in my f'in office. fkljdsakl;jfaskldjfklsdjfklja to those who went today, can you please tell me how much the lift ticket price is? i heard that since blue doesnt have all their trails open that it will be a discounted price. also, report the conditions please
  4. ^niice. if they blow on challenge all day, do you think it will be ready by saturday morning?
  5. nice...not that it wouldnt have stopped me from going if it was full price
  6. jsong83

    oh baby

    what trails do they usually open with? i really hope lazy mile, razors and challenge is open... cant wait until this weekend.
  7. jsong83

    oh baby

    damn, i wish i could go on friday but i have work. i will definitely be there on saturday and sunday. this is my first year going to blue on opening weekend. are they usually crowded on opening weekend?
  8. smart move. i was stupid in college and didnt start doing that until my senior year. but that didnt stop me from skipping fridays anyway to go snowboarding. im unemployed right now and as much as i want/need a job, i hope my finances can hold up until snowboarding season starts so i can get at least one run at blue mountain before my weekdays are swallowed up with endless weekdays at work.
  9. all i see when i look at the webcam is a helicopter. cant see anything else...its too dark. god i want to go boarding. i would pay $200 for one hour of snowboarding at blue mountain right now.
  10. is it absolutely guaranteed that the new six pack lift will be up and running by the time blue mountain opens?
  11. thank god for the new lift. hopefully, everyone will be amazed and intrigued about the new lift and start heading over to the right side of the mountain so i can have challenge, raxors edge, and lazy mile to myself. the only thing that is going to bother me is because the new lift will be so effective in getting more people on the trail, wont that make the trails more crowded? the thing i hate most when i go to blue mountain is when people are sitting down across on lazy mile and yelling at me to slow down.
  12. you guys sound like idiots with your park pass ideas. the park is not yours. it is for everyone to use. if you dont like it, find a new mountain to go to or else learn to fuckin share with those who pay their price of admission to be on the same damn mountain as you do. i agree that i do get annoyed of people that just sit in front of a ramp or a rail or whatever it may be but they paid to be on the mountain as i did. i am obligated to share with those who may be a lot better than i am and with those who may not be as good as i am but want to learn more. it is not your right to say who should be where on the mountain. thats for blue mountain to decide and obviously they have decided to not put in park passes or else they would have done it already. to implement a park pass, they would need someone at the top to check if everyone entering the park has a park pass. when theyre not making anymore money by charging more, why would they want to implement a system that has no effect on their business whatsoever by losing money to pay for the employee? the only way they would even consider a park pass is to add a park pass fee ON TOP of the existing lift ticket rate. or else they would just be stupid and lose money.
  13. you should try again in a few minutes. ebay is having problems. it'll come up eventually. i just put up the auction a couple hours ago so its end next friday so theres plenty of time
  14. I bought this a couple months ago and I couldnt fit into it. Its been sitting in my room for 2 months and I havent been able to wear it since its too small so i decided to sell it. It still has the TAGS on it and you can still see the crease marks on the shirt to tell that its brand new and never been worn. i put it up on ebay with a buy it now price of $0.01. whoevers interested check it out but clicking on the ebay link below. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...MESE%3AIT&rd=1
  15. i like nestors but they dont have a store near me. just the one store on the way to blue mountain. buckmans is also nice as well.
  16. is it wierd that i wash my ski clothes after everytime i go snowboarding? gloves, hat, ski pants hoodie included. i dunno, i guess i just like my clothes clean. =/
  17. im sure a mountain like blue mountain knows all the dangers of kids entering the park before they learn. thats the whole point of them having signs and warnings of blue mountain not being responsible for injuries. there is 0% chance that blue mountain will implement a park pass in our lifetime because it will just be added costs for them. if you hate the park filled with kids and inexperienced people at blue mountain, go to a park mountain like bear creek or mountain creek. theyre not going to chance the way they do business just for the park enthusiast. they would stand to lose so much revenue if they implemented your idea.
  18. well then why not just ask if people would prefer to go to a mountain where there aren't any "nubz" i get annoyed of beginners a lot too, especially when idiots cant get off the lift and they have to stop the lift for 5 minutes while im dangling in the air but skiing and snowboarding with beginners comes with the territory. to ride an expert mountain is an oxymoron because beginners will always be there. i dont get upset with beginners on black diamonds or blue trails because theyre just trying to better themselves. dont be so selfish. share the mountain. the trails arent only for you to use
  19. god you people who start these polls are idiots. why would blue mt ever do this? then they would have to pay someone to enforce this by being at the top of the mountain to check the passes. and plus, theyll lose money also by not making as much because people who would want this will only get this and not have to spend extra to be able to ride the whole mountain. use some common sense before you come up with these stupid polls
  20. i went to whiteface twice last year and i did notice a LOT of patches of ice on a lot of the trails. i like the mountain layout but they could make some more snow to cover up the ice patches.
  21. from personal experience, the blacks are tougher at blue in m opinion. camelback isnt very steep and blue's razor's edge and challenge are much steeper and longer than the blacks at CB. i havent been to CB in a year and maybe it changed but the mountain at CB isnt as challenging anymore now that im not a beginner. blue isnt really challenging either but its better to drive 65 miles to blue mountain than drive 110 miles to CB. dont get me wrong. i like CB and CB is always going to be my number 1 choice mountain in PA but its not worth the extra 50 mile drive and extra $15 for lift ticket. if they started offering student discounts on the weekend, i might head there once a year but theyre too cheap to do that. i wont pay $50 for a lift ticket unless im on a huge mountain in the northeast.
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