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Everything posted by C1erArt

  1. Got to the top of Challenge at 8am and were the second tracks down. Thunderbolt was groomed to perfection, but they must have put the B team on Challenge. A couple of chunks out and ruts from the Cat, and half was freshly groomed and the right half was soft. Everyone was on Thunderbolt, so I did laps for a couple of hours and then hit the showers. Some phone cam pics of the top of Challenge and the Thunderbolt headwall from the chair. One of looking back up at the top East Mountain-Challenge connector. That's me lining up to take off down Challenge
  2. JF was unbelievable for first day after all the rain we had Thursday. Got there at 8 and did laps on Challenge until 10:30 - about 30 runs. Perfect grooming - groomed it and blew snow on it last night and had about an inch os soft stuff on top. They had the right half of Exhibition open, but the guns were going down the whole slope. So who has the H3 and Spanish Fly on their racks today? Don't you know boating season is over?
  3. It looked like just some race kids with their dads running some drills. I didn't see any of the instructors or Jim D there. About 1/2 dozen kids in all, I think. With basically only one slope open, it wouldn't be practical to have the whole team there. Jon is off to college, so I'm on my own this year.
  4. From the WAWA bags in the parking lot, it looks like you are not the only one hitting it for breakfast - I was third row back. Nice day on Sunday though, it cleared up pretty quickly and got sunny out. Did some runs and left about 10 after the race team started hitting the slope. Snowdrift was a lot more bumped up than last week, so only tried it a couple of times - wasn't pretty so I lapped Boulder park the rest of the time.
  5. No, I've never noticed that. (sorry, just had to)
  6. Looking at the Jack Frost trail map on the snow reports section of the website - Did they cut a bunch of new cross trails on east mountain and redo Thunderbolt? or is it just poor map drawing?
  7. Thanks for the info - he took quite a shot from the gate and had all of us pretty worried - looked pretty good until then.
  8. Anyone have any info - what club and if he is OK?
  9. That's it for Floyds - long runout back to the lift at the bottom. There are two headwalls in the parallel trail (Rivershot) from the point where Floyds starts.
  10. They added a essay section to the math and reading sections. Most schools don't use that section for evaluation of a student yet.
  11. It looks like they updated the website, and it agrees with the emails now for unlimited pass skiing at 7:30 - now we just have to get out of bed early enough.
  12. The email says it is for unlimited season pass holders - but the website says the 7:30 ski is for VIP pass holders only - $100 more than the adult unlimited (although you get to forgo getting the ticket and just use your pass for the lifts). Wonder which one is correct? I don't think the unwashed unlimited holders would get to ski at 7:30 with 'top management' as the email says.
  13. It was pretty quiet Sunday afternoon. But we old guys might go into cardiac arrest if someone skis too fast near us. ;)
  14. Maybe the problem was your 'shooting back on to the trail'. If you come out of the trees and hammer someone on the trail - I don't think that would be appreciated. Especially if you come back on the trail just below one of the little headwalls so people on the trail can't see you. I keep telling my son if he is going to do something unexpected look up the trail to be sure it's clear. The glades are great at JF, and if you wrap yourself around a tree its your problem, but if you blind spot a 12 year old on the trail JF is going to have to reconsider the glade policy.
  15. Was at JF early Sunday, conditions were great. Didn't have East Mountain or Exhibition open, but DeMattes, Thunderbolt and Challenge were covered edge to edge, no ice or bare spots, and the grooming was impeccable. Was worried after the spotty grooming last year, but if they keep this up, my knees will thank them. Did a great job cleaning out the glades between Thunderbolt and Challenge and also downhill right of Challenge - still thin cover there though. Glad I got the season ticket this year - almost didn't after last year.
  16. So Camelback and Blue Mountain started blowing snow - any action yet at Jack Frost?
  17. Anyone know Michele from Monroe Twp NJ? They had an accident on 80 coming back from Boulder yesterday - apparently everyone is OK. Weren't wearing seatbelts though and got ejected from the car.
  18. Are there any stores in NEPA that stock racing boots besides Nestors? Thx
  19. I like (or liked) the bumps not the roller coasters. My third run down Floyds Sunday my downhill ski tail caught an edge on the soft stuff in front of a mogul, I rotated over the ski and ripped up my knee pretty bad. Fortunately I had a rossi binding with a turntable heel, so the heel released, but not before the tibia fractured, ruptured a muscle on the distal side, and probably did a job on the ligaments (waiting for an MRI right now). Looks like my ski season ended early.
  20. So are they ever going to groom the snowgun mounds off of Thunderbolt and the bottom of Floyds? And Demattes was left like a roller coaster ride. Its one thing to leave a fresh snowfall ungroomed, but to blow snow in giant piles and leave it there is another thing. Did Peak fire all the snocat drivers?
  21. If a couple of people have season passes do all need to go to the window or can one person get lift tickets for all the passes?
  22. They have snow fans on Challenge, the parks and beginner slopes. None that I saw on Exhibition, Demattes or Thunderbolt - I didn't go over to check on the east mountain.
  23. Sounds like the people owning homes in the Big Boulder development are getting shafted by Peak. If they want to spend a weeks vacation at their condo they have to drive over to JF to go skiing, and how are they going to rent out their condo if there is no skiing in the area?
  24. Whats with BB's new posted hours - opening at 3pm on weekdays and closing at 8 on Sundays? Are they trying to exclude local skiers?
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