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Rodeo Steve

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About Rodeo Steve

  • Birthday 01/04/1991

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  • Equipment
    K2 FastPlant Rome 390s Acid Print DC Superpark Boots Analog Perimeter Jacket (Multiple Colors) Analog Perimeter Pants (Black) Candy Grind Gloves (Multiple Colors) Black RED Helmet
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  • Home Mountain
    Blue Mountain

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    Getting inverted

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  1. Sidewinder is definitely my favorite trail but it makes sense to get everything else open first. From a business perspective, the holiday crowds are where the money comes from, not a bunch of kids that dress like they can't afford properly fitting clothes. haha but like Justo said Id rather wait an extra week rather than have a terrible park the rest of the season.
  2. Eh if an s box is built right I think they are more fun then s rails. I mean I love rails just as much as the next guy and Ill take either I just really want a legit s feature, no down flat down double c box haha. The sbox out at Park City was amazing. The banked curves were perfect and it was such a fun feature. I imagine its different on skiis though I wouldnt know.
  3. Honk if your with me.
  4. For me, Blue lost all hope when they stopped serving fried oreos.
  5. Ill be up today through the storm and tomorrow most of the day. If you see me feel free to say hi and take some epic powder slashing runs on Switchback with me!
  6. Bag on skiis is scary. I have a fear of being punctured by a ski. On a board its not too bad though. You can definitely get wrecked on it though. I'm glad to hear there's an actual lip on it this year. Have a few wild ideas ive been playing in over in my head. See you's all early January!
  7. The database is a bit of a joke. Just don't light mortars off the 6 pack on New Years Eve. You will be escorted off the mountain. It was only for a day though.
  8. Yeah as Blue employees we do have the right to sell them. Ask any manager, its not even frowned upon. You get one after a 100 hours of work or 2 for 80 hours in March, which means it is basically a bonus. Its not like they give them to us for free. I sell mine for about 30-40$ because I have no one to bring. Selling them at the ticket office may be a little unethical, but its not undercutting Blue.
  9. Yeah Park got pretty beat. All of the rails are still in good shape for the most part, but the cbox lip is gone in like 2 hours from opening. Jump line is tiny as expected. The first jump could be considered a roller, the second pushes about 20ft maybe, and the third is a little smaller than the second. Speed has not been an issue at all in the warm weather. You can drop from the landing on the second and spin the third if you wanted. I personally say second is the best though, cause the landing on the third turns to chop real fast. This soft snow makes it prime to learn new stuff.
  10. There were two jumps, one was around 35-40ft (on the left), and the other was right around 50ft. They were both step downs, and were really mellow. The downfall was that they built them only hours before which made the lips soft which caused some problems for some on spins and also the jumps were on an angle because of how falls is. The landing was so soft which was awesome, but wasnt exactly steep enough. A lot of us just pushed it deep because there wasnt really a knuckle either. Either way it was way better than last year, as nobody was injured. All around just a great time.
  11. On a good day I can go 3 off the first to back to back 7s. Spinning all 3 in a row is definitely doable when the snow is in good shape but most days its definitely like a first to third combo. Rumor has it that the jump line was made smaller because of the invert ban being lifted so there is less chance of serious injury. I totally agree with the fact that the parks are not set up for progression but technically right now we dont even have a big park because that last jump is like 30ft max. As for the airbag and using it for progression, I personally have used it for a ton of tricks and even just to clean up some older tricks, and like 10 of my friends are all throwing some sort of invert or bigger spin in the park now because of it. Ive also heard a few rumors from park crue, Jim Daily, and the manager of the BigAirBag that Ill share with you. Nothing is etched in stone and Im not saying this will happen but here is what I have heard. The airbag could potentially be moved to central park (as said before), and there was talk about a magic carpet lift. (I agree with you Ashy that central is a nice place for a rail garden except for the fact that it is fairly steep to hike over and over again, and the current little setup they have next to airbag now I feel would be a better place for a hikeable rail garden) Also, the top of the jump line where the roller is for the first jump, there is a straight line from there down to where the c box is, and they were thinking about clearing those trees out and making a straight jump line starting from where the last set of features is at the top. I have also heard about a Superpipe within like 5 years when the pipe demand comes back up, but I dont see that as feasible. All in all, Blue has a lot of potential, and it has a shit load of good riders compared to most mountains. Barb is doing a great job, and its nice to see someone following through with ideas. Its the end of the season basically anyway so we will see whats going down for next season shortly.
  12. Really? They were doing that for awhile but I guess they stopped. Sorry about the false information. On a better note, the invert ban was lifted on the entire mountain.
  13. They have a little shack right next to the airbag where you can purchase tickets and even rent helmets in exchange for a drivers license or cell phone.
  14. Rodeo Steve


    Like 85% of the inverts are by accident though, the lip is real poppy so people that arent used to spinning lips like that will go inverted by accidentally corking or catching their tail. Id say backflips would be easier on skis. Frontflips seem like they would be weird.
  15. Rodeo Steve


    Ive rode the airbag 2 nights in a row now and its seriously awesome. Even with the invert rule its sweet just for spins. The boss is loosening up a bit, but the invert rule is still mostly enforced. If you look like your know what your doing they are pretty chill about everything. Nobody says anything about corks even if they do go a little inverted but if you do like a straight up backflip/frontflip, you could have your pass taken but they usually give a warning first. The employees that run it really dont care but if the boss is out he will enforce it. The only downfalls right now are speed and the size of the jump which they plan to fix for this coming weekend. The jump is basically level with the airbag which sucks cause you dont have enough room for bigger tricks and the drop in isnt high enough. Other than that Id totally recommend it to learn aerial awareness on new tricks. As soon as it gets dialed it will be way better and im sure that whole invert thing will just be frowned upon and not completely enforced in a couple of weeks. Employee season passes for it are now 25$ and for non employees its 10$ for 3 hits, 15$ for 4-9pm and 125$ for the season pass. Definitely worth the money.
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