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Everything posted by DiMe

  1. DiMe

    Snow Snow Snow!

    It's rellevant to the question that was asked. I talk to snow makers everyday at work and the projected night time start date is monday weather permitting of course. Rest assure if the temperature permits it will happen. As far as weather.com vs accuweather.... I don't know what to think i hope accuweather is more accurate in this situation. Either way weather.com shows lows of 31 everday except fri-sun it jumps to 37 and drops back to 31 monday in their 10 day forecast. 31 degrees at night add a little elevation and windchill and hopfully it will be cold enough to keep making. Anyways this thread was intended to share some information and keep our spirits up that the season in NEPA will start soon at Camelback.
  2. DiMe

    Snow Snow Snow!

    I work there. Plus check out the accuweather 15 day forecast for Tannersville. http://wwwa.accuweather.com/forecast-15day...72&metric=0 They probably wont be making during the day but night time snowmaking should start real soon.
  3. DiMe

    Snow Snow Snow!

    I'm not laughing thought the smiley was a thumbs up. I'll change it, im glad! **Arg no more edit option for that post I guess I can't change it
  4. DiMe

    Snow Snow Snow!

    Camelback is supposidly ready to start blowing snow monday night!
  5. Ok after doing some research and reading through some other threads on this forum I've figured out that majority of the resorts use UHMW aka Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene. It is a bit pricey but for what it is I think its worth it. I found .25" thick 24" x 96" sheets on http://www.mcmaster.com/ for $96 which will make ya a 1' x 16' box or two 1' x 8' boxes. Hope this helps anyone looking for a good top sheet of resort quality.
  6. We should all be skiing and riding right now!
  7. Holy fuck. I'm going to answer my own question for anyone else who ends up having the same question as up front as possible. DO NOT USE PLEXI GLASS OR ALUMINUM on a box at all! I slid my board accross the top of the box with my hands a few times and dug into the apparently butter soft angle iron without even trying as well as scratched the shit out of the unslippery plexi with whatever little bit of dirt or debree that was under my board or on the surface. I'm taking the plexi and angle iron off and buying a sheet of ABS to use as a top sheet before the snow even comes for me to try what I have now. DO NOT USE PLEXIGLASS OR ALUMINUM EVER. It will not resemble a mountain box.
  8. How did the aluminum and plexi work for ya? Was it very sticky or very dangerous because of the soft aluminum sliding horizontally? I am going to use ABS plastic for the next box I build. You don't use any coping at all and don't run the risk of catching an edge with it?
  9. I'm not worried about length right now. This is the first box I built and want to make sure it slides well with the materials I have. The frame is already built so extending it is out of the question and I would be really upset if I did extend it and my top material and coping didnt work I plan on building a longer box if this one works out well So anyways back to the origional question. Aluminum angle iron coping and 1/4" plexi glass top sheet? Good or bad idea...
  10. I recently built an 8 Ft flatbox and choose 1/4" clear plexiglass for my top sheet because I scored some for free. I also purchased 2 8ft 1" aluminum angle iron for coping. After flipping through some of the box building threads I noticed many people are against aluminum because its sticky and has potentiel to catch edges. I also seen somewhere in a post that plexiglass can be a little sticky. Any advice on weither pr not I should use aluminum angle iron with the plexi glass. My origional plan for a top sheet was formica and steel angel iron until I scored the plexi and seen the price difference in aluminum and steel angle iron. I'm debating weither I should just put the plexi and angle iron on and see how she works when we get some snow or if I shouldn't bother using the aluminum.
  11. DiMe

    Elk discount

    Why ya gotta be a hater? Can't we all just get along?
  12. Is there still enough snow at montage to hike it for a few runs?
  13. I'm just curious where this information came from. I don't see anything about any rail jam on the JFBB official website. I will definatly be there to watch doubt I'm good enough to compete I'd prob bust my ass under pressure but I will def be there. It would rock if they ran a lift and had a couple trails open to the public for the day:) ************************EDIT************************* After I posed I just seen the rail jam ad flash on their jfbb main page:) Now to find out if any public riding will be available.
  14. Go to Jay Peak. http://www.jaypeakresort.com I was there last week and they are still 100% open w/ tons of snow everywhere including the woods. They are definately gonna last until late April. Smuggs is shot already and Stowe is also doing fairly well but they're pricey and are in a far warmer area than Jay Peak.
  15. The Samsung A950 VCast. Its a sweet phone its the red one w/ buttons for the mp3 player on the front. You can get 1 or 2 for free right now with a new contact w/ verizon.
  16. Hey all, I went up to Elk today to get some riding in before everything in PA is closed and I was fairly suprised w/ the amount of snow they still have considering this ridiculasly warm weather. There were quite a few puddles getting onto and off the lifts but most of the trails still have good cover. Heres some pics I took today around 2pm w/ my phone.
  17. DiMe

    Jay Peak advice

    I was just riding at Jay Peak on 3/24, 3/26, and 3/27. They still have plenty of snow and their glades/off trail riding is purely amazing. I went to stowe on 3/25/06 which also has a ton of snow and a great time although it is a much more crowded tourist trap where as Jay Peak seems to be much less known and have much less of a crowd. I can't recall waiting more than 1 min to get on any lift at Jay other than the Tram to the top which holds 60 people and they only have 2 cars on it. I would not get on the Tram line unless your there at open you might as well jump on or towards closing. I found quite a few secret spots at jay that lots of snow off the trails blow into and dosn't get hit by much sun that and I'll share one with you. Take the quad to the right of the tram when your facing up the mountain to the top and go striaght when you get off and go down the trail "Ullr's Dream" almost immediately when you are on that trail cut right off the trail and into the woods you'll find yourself in waist deep powder after you get down into it cut left through the trees and you'll end up standing on top of burried trees looking down over a horizontal trail below. Take the drop onto the trail and cut down into the woods again for more powder to the bottom. Enjoy.
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