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Everything posted by DiMe

  1. Rode Camel from about 3 to 5:30 today. Snow was suprisingly good creamy mashed potatoes and very little watery slush. Impressive depth in areas but key top crossover trails are super thin. If they farmed hard and wanted they could push one more weekend but I dont know if they will.
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  2. DiMe

    Zee Lights

    Reminder to RSVP to party went out today. If ya didnt get it prob need to update your email on the Blue website in your account.
  3. Rode from 2 to close. Snow was suprisingly good for how warm it was. To sum it up after those 2 hours my feets were still bone dry. Coming soon is basicly a narrow burm run along the guns on the steeper part. Looks like they have plenty of snow to push around to get through the weekend. WROD on the very bottom stretch of lower paradise but plenty depth where it's wide above to keep that going. Chances are we may lose Coming Soon and Paradise soon but NMDW, Razors and Lazy all have excellent coverage. All in all JADIP at Blue The True.
  4. DiMe

    Zee Lights

    It was 5 days ago that I received it.
  5. DiMe

    Zee Lights

    I received the email
  6. Awesome someone got up there and caught this storm!!
  7. @toast21602For what it's worth and I have no idea what if anything is required but literally everytime I've been to Camel this year, there has been people skinning up Nile Mile.
  8. Gak looks like the intention. They need to make big kumbaya circles of ground guns and run long hoses to every nearby valve set on the thin spots and hammer down!!
  9. Solid morning of riding spring snow and excellent apres company. All in all JADIP at Blue The True.
  10. Hurry, see you in 20 min.
  11. Start his TR thread for him to encourage him. 🤣
  12. Inventory check, we good. Plenty peanut butters.
  13. I got some exclusive lighter buttscotch shots from Mass cant get in PA. Also jager and some sheepdogs(peanut butter)
  14. Ill bring my box of shooters 😇
  15. The only logical sense I can see is marketing to show people. "Look what we do we push it as far as we can for our passholders, buy our pass or Ikon for 24/25." How much does maybe 10 snowguns for 20-30 hours last week of March expense vs the potential marketing value, I dont know? It probably isnt far off.
  16. No, I may take Camel first tracks tomorrow. I'll return to Blue Mon-Thurs this week and Saturday. I know man, I never put so much thought or gave so much credit to the idea of climate change until I returned to the sport last season. It truly is completely different than 2000-2010 times I remember on the slopes. I just hope Blue pushes it as long as they can given the snowpack. Mostly so I know what I have to do to get my turns in sooner than later. VT, maybe Ikon stop west, and alas finally resign to Big Snow until next season. I don’t so much feel crushed my seasons over when Blues done but I WANT to know! 🤣 You'd be suprised how hard it is to extract $$ from me, I have a goal of not having to worry at about a job in the next 7 years, mid 40's. Also, dont put me in the ground just yet damn it!!🤣
  17. I see we have a pond skim next weekend and carboard box the following scheduled. Who knows we shall see. Im just happy if it fact it does die this week its run it till its done mode.
  18. I think there's a chance to keep NMDW alive pushing all the features out on it and if the night temps hold add a little refreshing on the runout. Will it happen? Only time will tell. Do we have a pond skim date yet?
  19. True but also on the other hand. I'm not sure how late they ran the guns last year bit I do recall them running in March. The week leading to that weekend has nightly snowmaking windows. Maybe they will really surprise us and light lower paradise up to resolve that for closing weekend.
  20. Such a negative nancy. If they push all the features on NMDW we can have that on the 23rd & 24th 😇
  21. Limes are kind of stumpy. I left before the 6 opened and the quad was maybe 2-3min.
  22. I guess passholders do have a voice 😇 Thank you Blue!!
  23. Can confirm due to many complaints midweek is a go this coming week. Its beautiful out here.
  24. DiMe

    Zee Lights

    I still love Blue at its core. I dislike the big wigs decisions.
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