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Everything posted by Seymour

  1. So I guess I'm the only one that thinks schibbs vids are complete ass? I respect the fact that hes getting money doing what he loves and getting notoriety for it aswell but his videos are terrible. Did anyone notice how wezlos and matt roberges edits crapped on schibbs when they were on the site? Note to schibbs if you're reading, cut down on the friggin transitions.
  2. 2 Weeks later, only the stairs are fixed. I am std to say i will be Traveling the extra 45 minutes next year to go somewhere better.
  3. Honestly man, it sucks. flat down is good, stairs are good, down-flat down is good and everything else is shit.
  4. Is the first jump in the tylenol park a legitamite 40-45ft?
  5. Lexan is bulletproof. I think the mian problem is the shoddy construction of the boxes, rather than the topsheets from what i now know.
  6. Thanks for your prompt response. I know how low your budget for the park is and I know your doing the best you can. No lexan, I understand. Wallride I can understand that aswell, different strokes etc. About the lexan though, i feel you are being ripped off and it must com it other sizes. I want to know how creek was able to have a 40ft flat box covered in lexan in a single sheet but it only comes in 4x8. But I really appreciate your openess to suggestion. Just one thing I forgot to mention, consider moving the flat rail. It makes the jump line impossible. The park groomer richie didn't come back this year either.
  7. Foremost, I am upset with Shawnee's park because as Keith had shown us last year, it can be much better. I have compiled a list of everything currently wrong with the main park with possible solutions. 1. The pipe. Your have more than enough snow piled in there. Solution:Spend the few hours cutting it 2. The Jumps have no lips whatsoever. We have kickers that would be found on top of 70ft step downs, which is funny cause we're barely pushing 20ft. Solution: make you park crew do their job. I rarely see maintenance, and when I do, they aren't even building anything right. 3.The Landings are terrible. I know there is nothing you can do about rutting but the landings aren't good in the beginning of the day either. The second jump landing actually hurts the knees the land in the sweet spot. Solution: Knuckles. Add knuckles. This allows for a steeper and safer landing, which ultimately decrease the number of spills taken by riders. 4. The wallride...What were you thinking? Now that you put plexi on it all the more reason to face it upright. Its way too short to have it like it is. Solution: Put it on the the third table next to or instead of the hideous spectacle of a jump, upright. 5. Stairs. You did not buy the stairs to be ridden over. That's more dangerous than hitting the rails. Also the lip onto the handrail is massive. Handrails are the definition of street style features. Have the lip reflect that. The stairs are also covered in snow. Solution: Place a sign next to the up box saying not to ride down them. Throw it some maintenance and they are good. 6. Down-flat-down The lip is rounded. It looks like its never been shaped, ever. Solution: Again, maintenance. 7. Dual Layer box. Screws and plates of plexi stick up. Lip is non existent. Solution: Stop with the budget plexi. You need one solid sheet on lexan with countersinks for the screws. Slides better and a very low expansion coefficient. +Maintenance 8. Flat-down-flat. Ewww. It is the most crooked rail i have ever hit. Solution: Reset 9. Last but definately not least, Overall maintenance. You fix everything for contests to create the illusion that we have a good park, then let everything dwindle until the next contest. Solution: I'll work for free.
  8. From what I hear you don't let the park crew make lips in the incubator because everything has to be ride on.... scrap that. let them make small street style gaps where you can hit it street style or straight on. You going to have too steep of a learning curve or a bad main park. Also, take the rail out of the bottom and put them in the incubator.
  9. If they're doing this froma economic standpoint its makes perfect sense...+they have the capabilities to blow enough off peak to keep themselves a nice base. Their snowmaking system is good enough that they really don't need to blow 24/7.
  10. he used to be a shawnee local. Now he lives in tahoe and films for http://hollywoodsnowfilms.com/
  11. I think the chopped up clip effect only works so many times in a video.
  12. I don't like this video at all. Maybe its just me
  13. I only have enough cash to head up 2-3 times this year and I want to go while the big park is open. Think it'll be open before next week? I wanna head before schools back.
  14. Philip Caporaso
  15. They didn't even blow in the park
  16. hey keith, whos the new park guy?
  17. big shawnee shred news 14 stair set being erected
  18. They made their own creekesque rails. Check the site.
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