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About AdrenalinRush4235

  • Birthday 06/10/1991

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  • Sport
  • Home Mountain
    BEAR Creek

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  • Location
    myyy roooom

AdrenalinRush4235's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. Heyyy does anyone have pictures from the slopstyle........... like possible the girls that went?? thanks!
  2. Hey everyone yeah so im getting together all my footage for the year and i really dont have that much from the big air comp. does anyone have anything?? i need more snowboarding than skiing...... not that i dont ski or anything i just dont have like any snowboarders between the guys and the girl riders thanks
  3. hey just wondering what aboout skatelite for a top cover??? i heard its pretty good...... anyone know??
  4. mainly carpet but, when i get a bunch of people together were getting ice rink shavings............... we'll just pile it on the carpet
  5. thanks that worked
  6. So yeah I am trying to build a summer set up......... that being said I know what materials I need like pvc piping but does anyone know of a website that could explain how to build a kicker or possible a box.......
  7. hey is this race program going to be open to boarders???
  8. what??? your pics dont work
  9. during carnival weekend i think march 17-19 thanks if you can put the video on this site that would be awsome!!
  10. ya sorry about that i didnt know what i was doing it was one of my first post sorry
  11. Hey i was wondering does anyone have any pictures or video of the slope style comp. at Elk??
  12. Are any other mountains going to by doing rail jams and or big air comps.
  13. ok thanks anyway!! ok thanks anyway!! ok thanks anyway!!
  14. Hey I would pay the same for a Park Pass and i would a season pass because i a lot of the kids and people who go into the park and dont know how to ride wont be there unless they pay for the day, so that leaves a lot less crowd!
  15. hey does anyone have and pictures from that day or big air comp because the person who took the ones didnt do a very good job you cant see the riders air or hight or anything!
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