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Posts posted by Timeless

  1. The mountain was a little more beat up than I expected from this report. There were plenty of bumps everywhere, and some hardpack patches in all the usual spots before the sun went down. When things got cooler the mountain firmed up a little, but there was plenty of soft stuff in the bumpier areas. Pretty good but not fantastic. I'm going to do my best to get out tomorrow morning at around 10 to get some of this snow after a good grooming.


    We left a little after 3pm and there were fairly long liftlines, maybe the traffic and the afternoon sun took it's toll.


    Sorry for getting your hopes up, it should be good again today after a grooming.

  2. Of course we close them just to piss people off! It obviously has nothing to do with safety, wind, ice, or anything like that. For the number of people that were here, the Bailey lift was plenty. The groomers got out on the rest of the mountain early, so whatever falls later tonight will be on top of fresh groomed. It will be sweet. We had wind around 25-30 with gusts up to 60mph coming straight up and from the north west across the mountain. Maybe our exposure is different than other places, I don't know. I would prefer to not have to do a lift evac because someone wasn't being cautious. If you made your decision to not come out tonight because you can only ride high speed lifts, than I feel sorry for you. I had a whole bunch of really good runs in some really good snow. Tomorrow is even going to be better, because the east side was preserved a little.

    Go ahead and fault us for leaning towards safety and cautiousness. Remember that when your stuck on a lift that was derailed by the wind and you have to wait to be rescued.


    The only problem with the bailey is that it's a double and I was with two children who though very good skiers are not happy riding the lift alone, any solution for that one? That's what sent us home.


    The fact that the new snow was preserved better for the saturday crowd doesn't really help when you are a sunday-friday pass holder and have made the trek through the snow to get there Friday afternoon.


    It's got nothing to do with caution, it was about making it easier to get open on saturday when the bigger day ticket crowds arrived.

  3. Just got back from CB, great conditions today, the fresh snow from Friday still giving a great top surface and didn't really deteriorate much through the day.


    Liftlines were quite bad and for some reason they didn't open any of the quieter "back up" lifts like the marc anthony or glen lifts, but whatever, it was a great day today.


    Coverage is still good, temps for the next week don't look too threatening, could they make it to April?

  4. Just come back from fantastic conditions at CB, but they have shut down nearly the entire hill because of the snow!!!!!


    They now have one lift running (The Bailey, a slow double) which really limits you to a couple of runs without hiking at both ends.


    The poor guy (Mark) turning people away from the quad was embarrassed to be having to tell people they were shutting it down because they are worried about the snow sticking to the chairs, even my kids were dissin' such a lame excuse.


    Amazingly nice conditions though, 6-8 inches of creamy poe :drool


    The snow still coming down hard, this could be a massive dump by the time it's finished.

  5. Need some input from the more travelled amongst you:


    Me and 2 friends (both skiers, I'm a boarder) are heading out to Utah at the end of the month.


    Having been out there last year, I really have to do Brighton and PC again but cant decide on the other two days.


    Both the skiers are very experienced whereas I would describe myself as a high intermediate / low expert but I'm really not looking for super-steeps and moguls.


    I'm concerned that the 'bird maybe a little "expert" for me, and I've heard not too good reviews on the canyons.


    We'll be there Friday through Monday so weekend crowds are a consideration.


    OK, let have those opinions.....

  6. Does this thread have any value at all?


    Bottom line is that CB does close down list / trails for some very "conservative" reasons, has done so for several seasons and will continue to do so.


    For those of us that actually ski / ride there this might be reason for occasional comment or complaint but it's not going to change anything.


    For those that don't ride there, it's just pointless bickering and sh!t-stirring. It adds nothing to the value of this board and just degenerates into the personal attacks and misinformed crap that is rife in this thread.


    All the ski areas will be closed soon, make the most of it while you can.

  7. word. i'm going out there in about 2.5 weeks, maybe i'll get lucky and it will snow some. either way its gonna be sick


    when are you leaving and where are you going?


    I'll be heading out on the 29th for 4 days, staying in SLC, planning on doing brighton, snowbird, PC and the Canyons.

  8. It was all about where I should have invested my time. The options would have been: run back down the hill to an auto supply store, or wait for a bus. I chose to wait for the bus, and the auto store idea would've been a better bet. Because I had only hoped for a morning/early afternoon session, by the time 10am rolled around, it was too late to do much anything else. When my sister and brother in law get off work, later, they won't be happy either. This morning, they should have taken the Nissan and I should have taken the 4x4. Its all about choices...


    Hope you have better luck tomorrow, the snow reports look great for you out there this week.

  9. What a crappy start to what would have been an awesome day in the Wasatch, today. My plan was to head up Big Cottonwood and ski Brighton. Got to the bottom of the canyon and the signs were all lit-up that chains or 4WD was required. A cop was there turning folks back, like me. :crymore: So I popped my sister's Nissan into the park and ride lot, right there, and found the second to last parking spot and took it. I geared up and headed over to the bus stop. There were about 25 people ahead of me. When the next bus came by, at 8:20, he was able to take about 10 people. I had my skis already strapped on the side of that bus, and had to quickly rip them off and wait for the next bus.


    Another bus came through at about 8:45. Again, I strapped the skis onto the side of that bus, but that bus could only take about five people. So I quickly ripped them back off again and had to wait it out. Another bus came by around 9:20, but it was already packed. No one got got on that bus. And then we waited, and we waited. About 10:10, knowing that I couold only ski until about 2pm (becuase of other commitments), my time wqas running out and I bailed-out.


    Here's a photo of the line right before I boogied. Its now nearly noon, and I'll bet there are still people waiting there for a freeking bus!




    This is my first time in five years of being denied access to the canyons in my sister's car. The weather is supposed to warm up over the weekend, so I'm certain that access will not be a problem next week. I still have four days of skiing to get done. But my program has changed a little:

    1. Monday - Snowbasin
    2. Wednesday - Brighton or Solitude
    3. Thursday - Brighton or Solitude (whichever I didn't go to on Wed.)
    4. Friday - Snowbird

    Reports daily next week. I'm bummed not to make it up there today. I'll bet it was some of the best conditions all season!


    Sorry to hear your first day was a bust, but couldn't you have gotten some chains?

  10. We close it at that time every night, since the beginning of the Stevenson. Not only does it take a long time for some to make it down, ski patrol, "sweeps" (checks very closely) every trail (and in the woods) to make sure there are no leftovers for the groomers. That takes just under 45 minutes. Then we have to do it again on the rest of the mountain. Sometimes we have to make a few trips, depending on how many volunteer patrollers show up that night. An accident at that time really slows things down. Sorry.


    Oh well, conditions were so nice last night I could have stayed till midnight, it's just really dissapointing when there's no crowds, great conditions and then they shut it all down. :crymore:


    BTW Ski911, just looking at your signature, if you are only faster due to physics you must have way more mass than the rest of us.

  11. A bit off topic, but I had a conversation with a part time ski school supervisor at CB that worked at Blue for a couple of seasons and he said that he had to leave Blue due to the fact that the instructors were for the most part unpleasant and in it for the benefits.


    Interesting view, my experiences with the ski schools at both mountains (through my kids) have been the opposite. Blue seemed to have the better staff more focussed on getting my kids progressing, CB seems to be full of kids doing it for a free pass and running it like day care rather than a teaching program.

  12. Eh, usually they shut it down between 9-9:15 depending on how organized the ski patrollers/rangers are. With a novice boarder it takes an ungodly amount of time to get from one side of the mountain to the other. An hour is a bit extreme but I wouldn't be surprised if it took over a half hour for some.


    How long can it take to go ceasars, marc anthony, honeymoon lane? It's one run with two potential places you may have strap out and skate for 30 yards if you're really crap / unlucky. It's not as if you would need another lift ride to get back over.


    There is no NEED to shut down this lift before 9.30 - 9.40 for a 10pm closing.


    I think it was a personal attack, just to get me back for saying their snow was "clumpy" last week... :tinfoil::tinfoil:

  13. I'm leaving for Park City/Canyons on saturday with Justo, KT, and Trevor will be making an appearance. should be a good time. i hope we get dumped on. i have never been there before so i dont really know what to expect.


    I didn't make it to the canyons but PC is great. Utah is starting to get dumped on regularly at the moment, march seems to be the best time to be there for last few years.


    Try not to eat on the mountain too much, PC can be veeerrry expensive.

  14. Conditions tonight were really good on nearly all the trails except the flatter stuff which was kind of scraped and a little rutted. Asp was phenomenal, Hump, marjies and Cliffy all excellent.


    Then they closed the east side down at 9pm, WTF. IT WAS 35 DEGREES, not raining, snowing , sleeting and I'm sure there was no forecast for a plague of frogs.

  15. Anyone have experience/input on using Flexmeter or Level gloves with the wrist protection for riding?


    yes, I've had the Level gloves with the "biomex" inserts and other then the fact that the gloves (with the liners that the inserts attach to) are too warm in almost all conditions, and the breathable membrane has broken away from the inner in several fingers so they can be a pain to get off and back on, they have been pretty good.


    Bear in mind that I've had these since I began boarding and hence to alot of falls on my wrists in the first few weeks, no damage done so I have some confidence that these are worthwhile.


    In a big fall I'm not convinced they would do too much to prevent over-flexing the joint, but the seem to spread / dissipate the load well and offer some flexion support.


    I don't notice the inserts when riding in them, though I tend to use them less nowadays due to the warmth issue mentioned above.

  16. My co-workers and I were talking about my K-Mart trip and I realized there were some weird things I noticed about Killington that I had not expected. Take them for what they are....

    1. There were no snowboarders. OK, I saw 3 in the parking lot one day but that was it. We even skied Bear for a while and there were none there. Hmmmm?


    2. There were hardly any women. Everywhere we went (including the slopes) was a total test fest. I seriously only saw a handful of chicks the entire time and most of them were in the lodge. Come on women... represent.


    3. The Brits totally out number the Americans. I'm OK with this one though cause they are way nicer than us.


    4. There were no fireplaces in any of the lodges. We were in most of them and unless I just didn't go where they were there wasn't a fireplace to be found.


    5. The food off the mountain was not that expensive. I was really surprised that they didn't gouge us at the handful of restaurants we went to.


    6. The food on the mountain was horrible and overpriced. OK, I expected this one but paying $4.50 for a chip witch hurts me a lot so I put it on my list.


    7. The "heated" gondolas heat vents never work.


    8. The Snowshed crossover blows my Dad. Sorry, I had to put that one in. Why the hell would you make the trail that is supposed to get you to Snowshed quickly completely flat and in some places slightly uphill. Ugh. I hate polling.

    Well, that's it for now. Agree, disagree, ignore me, whatever.


    1) I've always thought there were a high number of boarders at Killington but then I mostly get there at the weekend, maybe more to do with the local weekday crowd.


    2) not noticed this at weekends but you maybe right


    Obviously I would have to agree with the latter part of 3)


    4), 5) 6) dont spend much time in the lodges and don't care if they have a fire, if you eat on the hill you expect to get fleeced. if you think K is bad, don't ever go to Park City.


    7) They have heaters?


    8) I don't know your Dad, but I agree about the crossover, it's worse on a board so you just have to try and carry enough speed down the first hill.

  17. I think it's kind of intersting that slushy isn't a industry term. Wet granular is a misnomer, as slushy clearly doesn't have enough stability to stay in grains. On the same note, 75+% of the time variable is the snow type. If the mountains are going to "average" the conditions over the mountain perhaps a tertiary condition should be listed as well.


    On the weather channel conditions report a few days ago the listing for Blue was "wet"



    ,,, the only people I can convince to go to CB can't ride very well :banghead


    These are all skiers, but hey, you take what you can get.....

  18. I'm bringing 4 guys from work up tomorrow night, one of them is a season pass holder at Mountain Creek and he has yet to use his pass this year :rofl


    conditions reports are only valid for the hour or so in which they were thought of, most times by the time they are posted they are out of date, the only time they are going to be really useful is if the conditions have been repeatedly good / bad for several days, of if they have reall gone downhill (no pun intended) with no chance of real repair (rocks showing through, really icy, etc).



    SkiCB should contiue his reports, I'll add my comments when I can.

  19. I was hoping to be able to make a few runs at the end of the season, but the Lung Doc told me yesterday, nothing strenuous for 8 weeks. Think BC will make it until late april?


    Only if by BC you mean British Columbia, no chance Bear Creek will be open that late.


    i just got back from smugglers notch and i was ridin all the glades and goin down the mountain on crazy steep glades and i was bein as careful as possible i didnt get hurt and i wasnt wearin a helmet i always used to wear one but this season i forgot mine one time and liked it so now i only some times wear one but now after this i will definately wear one every time.


    anyone that skis/rides glades without a helmet probably already has brain damage so probably has little to lose.

  20. I was there tonight. IMO Conditions were horrible. Not sure if they were like that all day. Rhodo was one HUGE sheet of ice and you couldnt really do anyyytthing. Laurel was alright but the boxes were sticky. Big pipe was a messs and super choppy. I also rode a few other trails, They were alright but still not the best. Yesterday was one of the best days of the sesaon for me. Conditions were excellent.


    There was definitely a changeover in conditions yesterday compared to the day before, moving from the continued cold to the thaw-freeze cycle of warmer days but still below freezing nights. Yesterday in particular suffered from some light rain during the previous evening which didn't help but conditions are likely to stay pretty much like this for a couple of weeks until it stops freezing at all and it all turns to slush for a week or two before they close.


    Some serious grooming might help soften it up by making more surface "granular", any comments from the CB snow people?



    I can understand that the conditions last night were very bad for riding park, especially as Rhodo is essentially going to be the same as raceway from an exposure perspective, landings on jumps must have been really nasty.

  21. Stop saying conditions are packed powder...it got above freezing...that means packed powder conditions are over unless it snows more or there's new snow..frozen granuler turning into wet granuler is what you should say to be honest..


    If it's icy, say it...not fast..not slick..not hard..icy


    Steezewich, to be fair to SkiCB there was stiil a reasonable amount of what could be consider packed powder (or very fine frozen granular) on quite a few of the trails this evening, along with some hardpack (slick and fast but not really ice) and some genuine ice spots showing through, notably on Cliffy, Raceway and Asp. Cliffy was freakin 'orrible tonight and so was big pocono, frozen solid and clumpy (bet they never use that description in the official reports). Raceway and Pharaoh were quite nice, tut's and nile were very good.


    Tonight was actually really enjoyable after 6, when the rest of the people disappeared, I had a couple of friends come up from work that don't ski CB very often and they both loved it despite the "mixed" conditions.

  22. first hand report from the slopes this morning:


    Can only comment on the east side, didn't have too much time today and the conditions weren't exactly encouraging.


    frozen cord' everywhere, with lots of pebbles and ridges.


    Not bad considering the fact we had some rain and a below freezing night. I'm sure it will be better once it softens up a bit.


    Cliffy was pretty bad, with real ice showing through in the middle of the headwall, everywhere else was just frozen groomed granular.


    Pharaoh was the better run on that side, with some nice surface still on the turn and down the drop to bactrian.


    Nile, raceway etc were all much of the same, wait a while till it melts a bit and it'll be better.


    I'll be back up tonight.

  23. The family leave act allows employees to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid time off for a number of reasons including the birth of a child. The employer must continue to provide medical insurance during this time period along with ensuring that the job will not be replaced. I think it only applies to larger companies. It's kind of like a male version of maternity leave. But I don't see many breadwinners willing to give up a few months of income during a time when new-baby expenses are so high. I know all about this due to a Marriage and Family Sociology class I took in college.


    I'm not sure this would apply given my visa status, and I have ton's of vacation time saved up for this anyway. My boss is being really cool about it aswell so I won't burn all my vacation days when I can do some work from home.

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