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Posts posted by Timeless

  1. I honestly was hoping this message board would be a good place to find out what the ongoing conditions are in the Pocanos on a daily basis. Ideally both from the mountain reps and the customers. So much for that idea. The mounain reps can't even report on daily conditions without the thread turning into a whinefest.


    I see no reason why those of us that don't give a crap about the park can't keep condition report posts going.


    I certainly will post every time I make it up over the next 2 weeks, I can't help you with judging the quality of the moguls on rocket ('cos me and my board don't play well with tightly spaced bumps), but I promise I wil not whine about the parks.

  2. conditions were good this morning but the overcast skys made it difficult to see bumbs ect..


    Yeah, that "flat" light made it difficult to read the surface, I ended up riding with my goggles up most of time (and my eyes streaming), if it's the same tomorrow I'll try a different lens.

  3. It's good that you'll still getting out with having a newborn baby...Are you taking advantage of the family leave act for time off work???



    The what? I may need to know about this.... :confused


    I'm taking an few vacation days and working from home so that I can help out for the first couple of weeks with the little one. This seems to allow me to go to the mountain first thing in the morning for a couple of weeks, either before work or as the start to a vacation day. :wiggle

  4. First hand report from this morning:


    Conditions are still holding up nicely, I did 12 runs this morning, 6 off of each quad.


    Asp & Marjies both very nice (if you have edges), not much surface but decent "pack" underneath allowing an edge to hold nicely.


    Big Pocono was a little crunchy and rutted at the turn but should improve as it softens up with the warmer temps today.


    Didn't do rocket but the bumps looked clean and well spaced, just not my thing on a board.


    The middle green trails for crossing over from east to west were nice, not scraped off at all.


    Nile was OK, lots of cord.


    Cliffy was good but a little crunchy/scraped in places.


    Pharaoh into Bactrian was really nice, fast and loose


    Ceasars to near east to raceway was OK on top sections and lovely carving cord on raceway.


    All in all, no complaints, no crowds, nice conditions, had my helmet headphones going this morning so my apologies to anyone that caught any of my "singing"

  5. I've been thinking this one over a lot recently having spent quite some time at CB and reading the slating the rhodo park has generally got from people that don't work at CB.


    To me it looks like they have done a reasonable job of creating some quite challenging features and they do seem to have been slowly adding and improving as they've gone. Now I'm ot a park rider so my view on how good / bad it is is irrelevant.


    However, it strikes me that the effort required to build a maintain the park as it is now is completely wasted. There seem to be very few people that use it at all (presumably something to do with the park passes but more on that in a minute) and of those that do, only a tiny fraction (less than 5%) are hitting the jumps with enough speed to reach the landing and even fewer are attempting the rails.


    Back to the park passes, they need people to watch those in the park and take away the passes if required. I watched from the raceway lift today as a young kid (maybe 12) rode up the side of the big flat-down rail and sat no more than 6 inches from the end of the rail (by the side of it) watching his friend have a go at the wall ride. While he sat there he was running his hand along the top of the rail. Presumably he had watched the video and gotten his pass :banghead


    3 options for next year:


    1) hire a big name park crew so that the label-concious park rats think it's a cool place to be.

    2) down-grade it to be an extension of the laurel park, don't try to be something it's not

    3) scrap it all together and use the trail for something more interesting to a wider variety of riders like a boardercross run, or plant it full if christmas trees for a man-made glade.


    surely something has to change, no one seems to benefit from the current arrangement.


    Feels free to tell me to keep out of this as I don't ride park, but I just wanted to share my thoughts.

  6. My first day out on the snow this weekend and I was pleasantly suprised that the conditions were really good despite the obviously very busy previous days.


    Didn't do too many of the bigger runs as I was with the kids, but those up to the "double" blues were all really good


    Lift lines were very bad at the sullivan quad but less so at the stevenson and very few people at the raceway triple, even fewer at the Mark Anthony lift.


    There did seem to be a high proportion of n00b's and crazy asians today.

  7. Don't need a stalker to find you. You are everywhere like a bad rash. Change your name to PapaShanker or PapaHerpes.


    This is too fun. :rofl:rofl:rofl


    Glad to see they have Rocket marked down as having bumps!!!! :rock:rock:lol::lol::bow::bow: It would be nice if they left a couple runs ungroomed but that would be too much for all the noobs to handle.


    The "bumps" on rocket were nothing to note today, just ungroomed like the rest of the runs after the storm. Maybe they will groom them up tonight.


    Conditions this afternoon were unusual, the snow was actually OK if a little heavy but the wind was horrible, at times on the upper trails it was like being shot-blasted with ice chunks.


    Very few people up there, only one (slow) lift to the top.

  8. I am curious, for a mountain that focuses on beginner ticket sales. Why would they put this picture up?




    They're obviously just about to get off of the lift, that's why they are looking ahead, checking for loose clothing and keeping their ski tips up.

  9. I agree, leave poor danger-chippy alone.


    it's not as if he doesn't have enough problems getting that baklava out of his hair....


    He's entitled to voice his opinion regarding CB's conditions, doesn't matter who agrees with him.


    Danger, you should try and get to CB earlier on the weekends, or on a weekday if you really want decent grooming, once the mob gets there it's going to deteriorate pretty fast because the trails are quite narrow and alot of people tend to stick towards the centre.

  10. So boots mold to your feet over time. I'm going to take a guess they mold to your bindings as well. I'm getting some pressue points riding one board, and none on another board. They are the same model but have different years heel straps, so they are shaped differently. I'm just wondering if anyone else has had problems like this, and if anyone has multiple pairs of boots for different board. The pressure points aren't bad, and I don't have the money to buy a second pair of boots right now anyways. Just kind of curious if the different bindings is the cause, or if I should looke else where.


    You could be right, my boards have different shape heel straps (basically curved on the technines but more angular on the rides) and having ridden the technines almost exclusively for a year the rides certainly dont "fit" as comfortably. Would the boots change to this shape over time? Not sure but it's a reasonable assumption.


    Is everything else equal? stance etc, also are the bindings properly centred (heel to toe) on each board or are you maybe compensating for an off centre binding subconciously?


    just some thoughts.

  11. It was a bit crunchy this morning, suffering I'm sure from a large saturday crowd, but icy? give me a break Chippy. If you think that's icy you shouldn't be skiing in PA.


    I was there from 8-10 today with my 6 year old and we had a great time until the crowds (liftlines rather than trail traffic, why is that?) got too much.


    What trails did you try?


    Do you have edges?

  12. I have never been up on Sunday is it crowded?


    8 to 10 is very quiet.


    Before 11 it's fine, after that it depends on the weekend and conditions. If it's a sunny (or even dry) weekend this time of year then it gets pretty bad between 11 and 3 then it dies off a bit.

  13. You'd rather ski at BB instead of Blue, in April :confused ?


    Blue wont be open in April, they will close 1 hour after CB so they can claim to be open longer.


    To be fair, I think they were open a whole week later than CB last year, we had fun surfing the slush over there.

  14. Just a quick 10 runs for me this morning but conditions were generally excellent everywhere except the newly re-opened marc anthony top section which was crunchy crud, looks like they just plowed it rather than running a groomer over it.


    Of the runs off of the sully I tried Tut's (very nice today), Asp (Excellent), Rocket (v.good as yesterday), Marjies (better today) and big pocono (even better today than yesterday although the surface "powder" seems quite thin).


    Scooting over to the east side via Mark-Anthony, passing 2 very bored looking park crew at the top of the pipe, skipped over to raceway, then did ceasars to raceway (raceway was good today but not as stellar as it has been lately, can we have some more "blow-over" from the park guns please?), then pharaoh (excellent) into bactrian to finish.


    Didn't have time to do cliffy or the now re-opened nile, I would have liked to have started over this side but the lift was shut down when I arrived (8.15). This was at least posted on the website so no real complaint here.


    This weekend should be excellent conditions for anyone planning the trip up but do yourselves a favor and come early, get the best conditions and avoid the crowds for as long as possible.


    A great way to blow out the morning cobwebs and start the day.


    Also, thanks to the lady ranger for the offer of a pole at the top of ceasars, unnecessary but a nice gesture.

  15. The Stevenson has been kind of squirrely this season. WTF? :confused:confused


    How is Margie's now?? It would be sick if those lanes were so they could groom a nice mogul run. Maybe groom some moguls on half. That would be too nice. :drool:drool:drool


    Lanes have pretty much gone this morning, much nicer.

  16. Great snow report Timeless. The lanes on Marjies were strange, but at least it was fresh man-made stuff and no ice. Overall the snow was really good this morning.


    The one part about this morning that you left out was the 35-minute delay in the opening of the lifts. At 8am we were told that one of the detachable chairs was spaced incorrectly and they needed to cycle the chairs through. 15 Minutes later we were told that the groomers were still on the mountain. It wasn't until 8:35am that the groomers left the mountain and the lifts open. Would have been nice if they just told us they'd be opening at 8:30.


    Thanks, I was "late" arriving (8.25) and they were just starting the stevenson but I assumed it was only that lift that was late starting. I feel better about not being there before 8 now.



  17. Yeah they are open. Like you said they are there to stop accidental entry from honeymoon lane. Notice how the fence only went accross as far as the mogul run.


    As long as the fence is not all the way accross and there aren't any closed signs then it's open. :yes


    That's what I figured but it looked like no-one else had been down there all morning (this was around 10.30) and I didn't see any tracks.

  18. disclaimer : this is not an expert opinion and I know nothing about the technicalities of park riding.


    The original edit on this thread (the wezlo one) had some of the best riding I've seen from a "local" film, genuine skill AND with style.


    One or two of the shots at the beginning seemed a little unsteady but the composition and editing looked great.


    Great work, hope you are successful with it.

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