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Posts posted by Timeless

  1. Man you guys are mean lately. Isn't EPIC a relative term?



    Epic is only relative in the way it's commonly used, typically to describe something that surpasses the accepted norm. It's roots however are (I think) from Greek, and relate to events about which songs are written, usually grand events in history.


    So by it's common usage, the abuse heaped upon Chippy by the Blue members on here would be considered epic, but also, should Chippy decide to stand in Blue's parking lot singing about the quality of blue's snowmaking then I guess this would qualify.


    Whatever the outcome, give the guy a break. He's obviously just as stoked as the rest of us that the season has finally gotten going.

  2. SkiCB


    Thanks for the update. And a big thank you to the snowmakers/groomers for the conditions over the last few days.


    How is it that you are not making any snow despite the low temps? I see the prediction for next weekend is still 26 trails, I would have thought with the weather this week you could have opened the last few trails, or at least the more used ones like Big Pocono.


    What gives?

  3. I was fortunate enough to be able to get out 3 times this weekend, with a Friday morning session at CB (only 2 hours) then unfortunately was persuaded by a skiing friend to go with him to Shawnee on saturday, then back to CB on sunday, early morning and late afternoon with my kids.


    Bottom line: with some decent snowmaking weather, CB has really got it's act together and Friday morning was one of the best days I've had in PA. The snow quality and grooming were excellent and there was enough loose "powder" blowing over from the trails they are still making snow on to provide an awesome surface. Yes it was 'kin cold at first lift but both the quads were running, Rocket was in great condition (marjies less so, a little "pebbly"), raceway and pharaoh were great. There were no crowds, most times the trail would be empty in front of you. My friend from work that I persuaded to come for an early morning session before we head to the office was amazed by the conditions and lack of people as he has only ski'd CB on nights and weekends before.


    Saturday at shawnee made me appreciate CB all the more. The conditions were very patchy, they are still blowing alot of snow and had many trails closed off, the crowds were horrible and it seemed that 80% of the people there were one-weekend-a-year types stood around in family groups getting a photograph on every bend in the trail. I usually quite like riding at Shawnee, I find it is usually quiet and although not very challenging it has some decent runs, but this weekend has really soiled that perception.


    Sunday morning was another great CB morning. Parked by the Stevenson, my son and I were one of the first on the lifts, Nile, Pharaoh, Raceway all in fantastic condition, beautiful weather, we had a blast up 'til around 11 when the crowds started to build (still not bad). We left and I came back at 2pm with my daughter and while the surface had deteriorated quite a lot on some trails (bactrian was particularly scraped off), the conditions were still very good. Lift lines were quite long on the quad when we arrived but were down to 3-5 minutes by the time we left. Raceway triple had a small line when we arrived and none by around 3pm. We didn't venture to the west side, but a couple on the quad said it was much "more icy" on the east side. We didn't see a single patch of ice all day, I assume they just meant scraped off.


    If the weather stays as predicted they should be close to 100% by next weekend :wiggle

  4. Best trail grooming of ANY resort I have frequented


    Okemo is the only place I've been that was better.


    Great season pass parking at the stevenson.


    Make the most of it while you can, next season it'll have a whoppin' great hotel on it :angry:



    Nice things about CB:


    Agree about the trail variety and the decent grooming (MUCH better than Blue, maybe not as good as Frost this year so far)

    As mentioned above, for now, parking by the stevenson is the best lift access anywhere.


    I also like that there are lots of trail "edges" to ride on / up, I just wish they would make some of the more open tree areas a little more accessible




    It's really close to my house




    I'm sure there's more but I'm struggling a little.


    What else do you need, varied trails, decent grooming, easy access and close to home.

  5. i was a snowboard instructor at CB a few years ago and i can tell you that some of the instructors are doing it just for the fact they get to ride for free, so most of the instructors really arent qualified at all. When we had to do instructor training a few kids couldnt even ride! I would only trust a few of the older instructors there


    Interesting to hear that view from someone that has worked there, I have expressed some opinions on here before that the quality of instruction is extremely variable and some of those taking the younger kids in ski school really do not inspire much confidence. However, both of the one-on-one sessions my son has taken there this year have been with very good instructors, maybe it's easier to get better ski instructors than boarders?


    I don't think age is relevant though, I learnt with a very young guy (Bob) who was excellent and I was riding within 30 minutes, but I have had friends and relatives go through lessons with other instructors who were able to ride, but not teach.

  6. Could someone from CB please explain how it is useful having all the new trails open on the middle section of the mountain if you are not going to run any lifts over there? It seems from todays trail report that your are only running the main base area quad plus some minor lifts, so how (without hiking back up from the sunbowl) are you supposed to access lower cleo's, marc anthony, upper moores ramble, near east, home again?

  7. Learning how to fall correctly is an absolute art form. It was hard for me to figure out on a snow board after all the years of skiing, but once I got it, it made a big difference. I think that they should some how teach that during lessons.


    They did teach it in my first lesson, it's just difficult to overcome that reflex to try and save yourself.

  8. My roomate broke his wrist this week at camelback, he will probably be out for the season. It seems to be mostly beginner types that haven't figured out the art of falling in on a snowboard that have the wrist problems though. Any comments on that?


    As someone that was a beginner not too long ago I would agree that the majority of fall onto your wrists are in the early stages when the type of fall you take is different (or at least it seems that way for me). At the early stages you are still prime for that unexpected front edge which slams you forward with the unavoidable reflex to put your hands out to stop you, or the very sudden loss of the back edge and the hands going down behind you to cushion your fall.


    I still have (and use sometimes) a pair of Level gloves with a type of wrist guard built in, in the early days I'm sure this saved me a few times but recently I am wearing them less in favour of more lightweight gloves.


    Was your roomate a beginner?

  9. interesting that there are 30 views and no comments. why does your school epxerience sound and feel so similar to other customer services?


    It is somewhat typical of the customer service at CB, but on the other hand it was a busy weekend in peak season and they are looking to maximise profits in a difficult season.


    I'm not of the opinion that this is wrong, just thought it was worth mentioning.


    More importantly, his instructor (Toni) was excellent and he is making good progress under their tuition. They really do have some excellent staff.

  10. aside from the excellent conditions this weekend, two other events stood out, one good, one less so:


    Firstly, a happy ranger incident:


    In contrast to most ranger dealings (involving whistles), I was approached by a yellow-jacket called Larry this weekend while riding with my kids and he presented them both with "tickets" to get a certificate from the welcome centre as "role model skier / riders" (cant think where they get that from :rolleyes: ).


    Yes, I know it's a bit cheesy but at 6 and 10 they were both thrilled with this so thak you ranger Larry.



    Second: private lesson experience.


    I wanted to get a private ski lesson for my son so went to the welcome centre desk as required (before buying my "voucher") to see if a lesson was available around 10-10.30. It was 9.30. The man at the desk told me: " we cant tell you if we can give a private lesson until all the group lessons have lined up and we can see if we have any instructors left over, come back at 10 and it will be on a first come first served basis. And no you cant put your sons name down now to reserve a place"


    I don't think this is acceptable given the amount you pay for a private lesson, it seems they are just used to take up the slack instructors after the (higher earning) group lessons are satisfied

  11. At Brighton and Solitude (Utah) they have these 'orrible little "doubles" with only a centre pole to hang onto, one of these on millicent goes over the biggest drop from a lift I have ever experienced and the one to the peak at solitude is not much better.

  12. I wish I could write an intelligent post.





    my parents now 64 & 74 yrs old .........


    The experience at CB of my parents this weekend on Saturday was cause enough for them to want to go to BB on Sunday.....


    aren't they a bit old to want to go to a 400ft molehill with jumps and rails?

  13. They were running the lift from the base of turkey trot on sunday PM (the glen lift?) so you had a good view of that area. They had a tripod gun blasting straight down from the top of Rhodo but none further down the hill. There were alot of guns and the areco's (sp?) running on raceway.

  14. Camelback on sunday (maybe saturday too) had a load of new trails open (including rocket) and great conditions, easily the best at CB this year by a long way.


    Most of the trails were genuine "packed powder" with a nice loose surface dusting and it really didn't deteriorate much through the day.


    Crowds were not too bad considering, the quad was busy but the slower lifts were no more than a couple of minutes wait.


    They were blowing a lot of snow on raceway and pharaoh / bactrian so expect them to open soon. The conditions page says they are blowing on Nile.


    They were also blowing on Rhodo!


    From the trails they look to be focussing on I would expect the other quad to open soon (next weekend?).


    Thank you cold weather :wiggle:wiggle:wiggle

  15. Little Caesar is not open today (Sat 1/20). Julius Caesar is one of the 15 trails that is open today and can be accessed by the Sullivan Express (one of the 9 lifts in operation today). Winter weather has finally arrived and we got about 2" of new snow last night - the conditions are great! We are continuing to make snow on lots of new terrain, including the Rocket, Pocono Raceway, and the Oak Grove Halfpipe.


    will you have raceway open tomorrow?

  16. You are exactly right. Too bad you are trying to talk sense to a moron.

    That's where I learned. Ironically by going up on Tuesday nights with my Jr. High and High school ski clubs


    I'm not sure Moron is fair (but I haven't met him in person yet), I just think P'steeze's expectations are too high.


    Camelback is a small regional resort and waterpark that is looking to make a significant profit for it's new owners. I don't think their attitude to the "core" matters much in this respect. if we all took our season passes elsewhere it wouldn't dent their bottom line.

  17. Need an opinion. I'm thinking of taking off work for the afternoon and heading over to Camelback. Is the limited terrain (with no black trails open) worth my 1.5 hour drive? I haven't gone skiing yet this year and I'm getting desperate. Thanks.


    If they really have the 9/10 trails open today (anyone confirm this?) and you haven't skied yet this year then I would say it's worth it, but it depends how "picky" you are.


    Bottom line is that there are 4 runs down from 1 quad (2 blue-> green, 2 green ), note that all of these end on the same 2 green slopes. There's also a small but generally well kept terrain park branching off of one of these green trails which is also serviced by it's own lift. If that's enough to keep you happy after a 1.5 hour drive then you're good to go. Have Fun.

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