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Posts posted by Timeless

  1. I got bigger things to worry about. After my 2nd run, I was skiing on the right hand side of Lower Chute (I believe) and didn't see the little valley on the right hand side 'til it was too late and crashed. A toboggan ride to the bottom via the NSP's and 6 hours in the ER with CAT scans and x-rays I got nothin' broken and no concussion. But have limited movement in my right arm and I'm happy I can walk again. But I'm getting better already. btw, I got a medical voucher to go back anytime ... so atleast something went right for me that day.


    btw, I heavily recommend the idea of wearing a helmet.



    Ouch! That's one way to start your season....


    Get well soon

  2. engineers represent! :rock



    One big thing with engineering here in the US is that it's recognised as a profession and paid as such.


    In England a well qualifed (and experienced) engineer could earn maybe $70k in telecoms, as little as $40k in some of the less demanding markets. It's easy to double that over here.


    When I was 21 (yes, many moons ago) I was the lead electrical designer for the oxygen generation system for the (then new) F-22 "raptor". I was paid less than $30k. Now I manage teams of engineers in a US telecom's company and even my tech's get paid more than that (even allowing for inflation).

  3. i dont need to prove anything to you




    and i really wish lib didnt edit this post now.



    I assume I missed your first grown up response then....


    oh, and im POSITIVE i wont be skiing at cb :lol:

    not because im "mad at cb because i got hurt there" (which is totally ignorant by the way) but because youre dumbass will be riding there


    Interesting that you would make such a decision based on my being there given that you don't even know me.


    This post has been edited by librider: Yesterday, 10:25 PM






    I started this thread on a positive note, I'm sure everyone local to CB is really stoked that they are firing up the guns.


    Find me one positive (or even neutral) thing Mr Shadows has said about CB in the last 6 months and I'll post a full apology.

  5. No pussy footing around, the shit is garbage. Straight up. Thats lowest level rental stuff, not worth purchasing if you aren't even getting better than a rental.



    That was his intention, to buy this instead of getting rentals, I'll point him towards a better solution.

  6. What steve said to my recollection is true.


    Basically what I've seen from Lamar as of late is consistent with Huffy quality. It's not price (cheap) oriented gear with little regard for performance. The gear is rideable, but don't expect to be tearing things apart, unless by things you mean your equipment.


    I'd stay away from this company.


    It's not for me, I'm more than happy with my current stuff and I would only go upmarket from there.


    I was asked for an opinion at work and don't have any personal knowledge of their stuff so thought I'd ask those in the know.


    It's funny that they are owned by Huffy, my daughter had a Huffy bike with tassles on the end of the handlebars...

  7. Anyone got any first hand experience or views on Lamar boards?


    They don't seem to rate very well in any magazine tests but I suspect that these are heavily advertiser biased.

  8. Sidenote - some of the plastic helmets are one shot only, I.E. that shot would have been the end of the helmet. Metal helmets usually aren't one shot helmets. However, about 90% of helmets are one shot helmets now, including all the R.E.D. and Giro ones. This doesn't mean the helmet is going to dissintegrate and you'll have a bunch of pieces. It means that the strength of it is compromised in that area, so if you hit it again there it won't help as much. Metal just bends a tiny bit but is still just as strong. This is one of those things that not many people know and you get a huge amount of BS from manufacturs about, but check out the websites and you'll see in the fine print it says that.


    My understanding was that's it's the liner that's "one-shot" not the shell. Once the foam has compressed once (as it's designed to do so your brain slows in a controlled manner) it's no good to do it again. Pro-tec has moved to a "multi impact" liner for most of it's range now.


    I had to replace my Giro Fuse this year after banging it hard on some rocks last season, I think it saved me a severe injury (punctured the shell in a couple of places). Giro offer a service to check your helmet after an accident but it seemed pretty obvious in this case so I didn't bother.

  9. Blues runs uninteresting.... :o Switchback, Razors, Sidewinder, Lazy Mile, Paradise, Raceway, Chute, Burma Road....whatever you were smoking when you visited Blue you should have shared..


    Hmmm where to start:


    Burma road: interesting but full of (slow) traffic.

    Paradise: flat, slow, full of idiots.

    Raceway: 30 yards long

    Chute? where is that?

    Switchback, Lazy Mile and Razors were good

    Sidewinder would have been OK if it wasn't full of park stuff :P


    You forgot mainstreet ( good, but short) and Challenge (good but felt the same as razors)


    Don't get me wrong, I really like riding at Blue and the new trail next year should make it even better.


    I don't smoke.... :P

  10. You can find lift stats by year of installation at the following link:





    That's a pretty interesting site, some interesting information:


    Sullivan express (main quad by lodge at CB) only 671 ft

    Stevenson (by cliffy) only 797 ft


    Blue's main quad 1083 ft


    Shawnee aparently had a 970 ft lift installed even though they only claim 700ft vertical :confused


    Shawnee's Tomahawk quad 671 ft (same as CB's :lol: )


    So it would seem for vert freaks that Blue is the clear choice. Now if only they could learn how to make "un-lumpy" snow and make the runs more interesting they'd be a clear winner.

  11. That article is a joke. It looks like a bunch of press releases thrown randomly together then fluffed up with unresearched terms he found on the internet. He so blatantly has no clue what he is talking about. I could have written a better article in 15 minutes; granted, it probably only took him 5 to hack that sorry piece together.


    That bit about Blue mountain sounded like Doug wrote it, the only thing missing was the phrase " mo-fo booters"

  12. Unfortunately there is no mention of any new trails or lifts. It seems from the (very extensive) description in the magazine that the stevenson lift will be directly outside the hotel, as will the tubing park, so that pretty much defines it's position. The downsides I can see are:


    No more parking on the east side for acces to the stevenson unless you are staying at the Hotel.


    Increased traffic on the eastside of the mountain, especially early in the day when it's usually quieter.


    The upsides? As a local I can see none, unless the extra money it generates leads to more trails.

  13. onthesnow.com has CB's projected opening listed as 12-13-06 and they give a projected closing of 3-13-07. Blue is listed as 12-1-06 and a closing of 3-31-07. I was surprised to see a projected closing date, this early.


    Given that CB have dates on the calendar through March 17th weekend, I can't see them closing earlier (or later) than that.

  14. fuck, if i was from the city, and i brought my family to ski at CB (unlikely), I would just stay at great wolf, so much better than CB's hotel will be..



    It's claiming it'll have "the biggest indoor waterpark in the poconos" so it'll be interesting to see how well Great Wolf will do, especially given their lack of success in their "feacal (sp?) matter" testing.

  15. I picked up a CB magazine this morning while getting breakfast and there's a huge spread about a new hotel complex between the stevenson quad and the tubing park.


    Supposed to be up and running by Fall '08

  16. OK, so to summarise:


    Buy smaller adult board

    Buy a larger kids board

    Buy a cheap board (no adult / kids choice) because she'll outgrow it in a year.


    Thanks for the input anyway, especially ForumYoungblood, as someone who's been riding a "too short" board for some time.


    The differences of opinion just about reflects my though process at the moment but as Glenn said I probably cant go too wrong with the quality of gear nowadays.


    Has anyone ever ridden a board that was too big for them? To the extent that they couldn't turn it or flex it properly?

  17. My daughter will soon need a new board and she now falls into the range of either larger kid's boards or smaller womens boards (she's 11, 80lb's not sure how tall but a 138 board comes to the tip of her nose, size 5 boots).


    I want to get her the best fit for her riding (she's now 3rd season (30 days?) and very competent), but I'm concerned that a 138-141 womens board will be too stiff, long or heavy for her. The specified weight ranges on something like a Ride Vista is like 70-130lbs. On the other hand I dont want to buy another "kids" board and find she's over-powering it.


    Any small people out there riding bigger boards?


    Any recommendations?

  18. my current 5th grade report card is straight A's

    where is the money coming from to pay for all these free tickets?



    Ever heard the expression "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth...."


    With this (and the PA scheme for 4th graders) the ski areas see it as a way of attracting future customers and they rely on the kids either needing rentals (not free) or at least coming with one / both parents (also not free)

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