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Posts posted by Timeless

  1. How much do you weigh? 164 is outrageously big unless you want a pow board.


    Also, I've got a buddy who's trying to sell a brand new Timeless in a limited edition colorway, I forget what the size is but I know he's trying to get rid of it pretty cheap (retails for like $600, he won it at a premiere and already has a board).


    I weigh around 190lb's (maybe 200 geared up) and I'm just short of 6' so I figured I would want something over 160 for fast freeriding.


    Pow board :lol: remember where I live....


    Have you or any of your bud's ever ridden a timeless? Any opinions? I've heard some negative things about cap construction boards but looking at a few articles on construction techniques I can't see an inherent weakness.


    If you've got some more details on this board (size, color, price etc) I might be interested.

  2. Just got back from CB.


    They are blowing on meadows, coolmoor, marjies, nile and honey moon lane (as a way back from over by nile?!?!?). They may have been blowing on more, I didn't take the time to find a good spot to stop, and I was driving...


    Coolmoor was the only area I could really see the snow clearly. They had a half inch cover at best. Not bad for only a few hours of blowing though. I'll try and take a trip out tomorrow and find out more.




    Thats what I saw. After looking at the trail map again, there must have been blowing else where, but thats all I saw... hopefully better report tomorrow... if CB's site doesn't beat me to it.



    I took a drive by this morning, they are blowing on all the bits you showed except Nile, no sign of anything over there. They're also blowing on upper marc anthony. Looks like a lot of trails to start with. :)


    Cover at the base area and on coolmoor is starting to look pretty good.

  3. i just called belleayre .. automated system saying they won't be open this weekend but it also said tent date is still saturday? so who knows i was thinking of going up if they would open though


    I e-mailed them first thing this morning, no response yet. Looking at Hunter's daily pic's it doesn't look like they will have much open, but I think both Bellayre and Hunter will open something for the weekend.

  4. glad to see blue made those changes to the park and pipe. aside from their astronomical prices for season passes that was the only reason i never went there. so between the changes and my sly manipulation of my parents i will be at blue a lot this season.


    yes i am alive for those of you who remember me. :cheers:


    Welcome back :band

  5. Anyone have any experience or views on the Ride Timeless (164), I've been offered a nearly new one one at a reasonable price, but the owner (ex work colleague) has moved to Texas and so it's difficult to try it out.


    I would like it as a second board for freeriding, I'd like something a little more stable at speed than my M3 discord (158.5) for when I'm riding with my mostly skiing friends.

  6. NO way bellayre, huntah, windham etc are going to open this weekend (at least not for saturday AM), look at hunters website, they have lost nearly everything they blew last week.


    Bottom line, of you want to ski and ride this weekend you'll have to go to VT.


    Also, Mount snow has pushed back it's proposed opening date until next wednesday.



  7. not to bad.. i love goin up to stratton though and getting the 10 dollar lift tickets with my MC seasons pass..

    what all has killington done to its park theses past couple years.. i havent been there since oh say 4 years ago


    They've added a whole load of new park features over on Bear, that's now like one big terrain park, including a superpipe. Last spring (last time I was there while Bear was open) it was amazing, the whole of two trails just lttered with features. There are some pictures somewhere on their website.


    There are still a couple of other parks on the other hills, but Bear is now very much the place to go if you like to ride park.


    None of this will be open at the weekend, they'll just have the mini-park on upper reason/rhyme? (can't remember which), better than nothing this early in the year.

  8. I don't think CB would make snow before Thanksgiving, regardless. Too busy deflating the plastic flamingos.


    When I picked my pass up yesterday, the only comment I could get was that they had no plans to open "any time soon"




    Looks like a few weeks of driving north.

  9. Do they fit well with a helmet?


    I've just bought a helmet (Giro Fuse) and my smith goggles (with amber lenses, and yes they are good at night and in low light) do not fit very well. There isn't much gap, but they just dont sit right.

  10. I finally bought some new bindings today (Burton Cartels) and they're fun.


    You actually paid for them?


    They have the cap-straps don't they, I'd be interested to hear how you rate that.


    New stuff is always fun, when do you think you will get to try them, I hear everything over there is opening.

  11. Got my new snowboard boots yesterday, Ride "Amp" , from The Loft in their "50% off last years models" sale, $110. Can't wait to try them out now, my wife thinks I'm wierd for wearing them around the house, My daughter understands....


    When will something be open again? :woot


    For reference to everyone else looking for boots, now that both my daughter and I have been to both the loft (this time) and Starting Gate (last time) I would say this:


    The people at the Loft were very helpful, but didn't really seem so keen to try different boot shapes or have much advice as to what would fit, or the advantages / features of different type of boots. They had a standard fix for not quite fitting properly (heel ramps).


    The Starting Gate was a much more "personalised" experience, you really felt they wanted to find the right boot for you in your price range. They also had more "tricks" for tailoring the fit of the boot.


    However, I'm really pleased with my new boots especially for that price... :D

  12. 3 hours and 45 minutes by no far crazy. they say it takes 4 hours and 45 minutes why going the speed limit, so if we drive a straight shot of 80 mph it will be done easily.


    I left at 5 from Reeders (nr Tannersville), took the slow road (209) up to I-84, drove a little above the speed limit and was in K-mart car-park shortly after 9.


    It's definitely possible, it looks quicker if you are going from Scranton 'cos you don't have the slow bit getting to I-84.


    The drag up from Rutland takes a bit longer than you think.


    The drive is definitely worth it, though driving home does indeed suck, though at that point you are so happy you don't care.




    if you think thats crazy im looking at a day trip the 2second weekday that their open. and i live 2 hours south of Montageskier


    Any further than our area, unless you drive for a living, will make it a very unpleasant experience. Go for the weekend and relax.

  13. Trust me, it's a wall ride.


    Maybe it's a multi-media / sound unit that will play non-stop ski/snowboard vid's and live shots from thr park.


    Wow I am really happy right now, this just made my day. I just hope its not set up diagonly but like facing you when your looking straight down the trail.


    Nope, it's set up straight down the hill, parallel to the slope.

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