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Posts posted by Timeless

  1. And yet your home mountain is Camelback.  It looks as if Camelback can do whatever they want, because you will still get there pass, and if you won't I will, and if I won't 6,000 other people will.



    Yeah, distance (or the lack of it) is a real selling point. If I moved my "home hill" to MC, I would probaly not go nearly as much. Being 5 minutes from CB is a strong argument, and one that's likely to have me paying their seemingly high prices yet again.



  2. Camelback could do with taking some tips from MC, they have some REAL benefits with their season passes:


    1) $239 for an unlimited pass ($529 at CB) if you buy 4 together (no discount at CB)


    2) Free season pass for under 6's (I'll have to go and beg at the guest services office every trip at CB)


    3) 1 hour season pass holders "first tracks" every sat. and sunday.


    4) Free ski/board check (rather than pay locks which damage your board)


    5) 50% off at other intrawest resorts


    6) free TWS or skiing subscription


    etc, etc now go back to the price again it's half price....


    I'm pretty sure they have more runs and more vert too, and a good park.

  3. ROCKET  They even tried it there last February.



    yeah, but did you see it after 3 days of traffic, it was like an ice rink with speed-bumps. :(


    This would only be a good idea if they are willing to maintain it.


    The one thing that CB doesn't seem to do is keep ungroomed / blown trails open, or better still have them open while they blow. Both Blue, and even Shawnee do this and it adds some much needed variety to the limited runs around here.

  4. Lots of big talking, no commitment to numbers....


    are you all :o


    or :unsure:


    or :ugh2gay:


    BTW the reason I suggested Nile was that it's long enough that small diffrences in how the run was taken will have less effect, a lot of the people on this board would be fairly close if it was just a case of straightlining one of the front four.


    Now cliffy is a different matter, but this wasn't meant to encourage suicidal headlong charges down the hill and straight into ER. :no

  5. I can't have a goal for it, but if you count ski off chair to ski into lift line, I am sure it can be done in three minutes or less.  You need to establish an official start and finish.



    don't fancy a trip out east to show up the youngsters?


    I would suggest the "bench" just past cliffy, to the bottom of the last drop. this will avoid any crowd issues and boarders moaning about time to strap in.

  6. Specifically for CB'ers, although I guess anyone else could nominate a (long) trail at their home mountain.


    I have an idea for a season long, fun challenge. There should be no judging unless it gets more serious as time goes on. Do this for personal improvement and for fun.


    How quickly do you think you can ski / ride Nile Mile?


    Before the snow arrives (so no-one can get any baseline), we should all post a time that we think we are capable of getting down Nile.


    respect will be duly given to those that have acheived their target time, and for the fastest time acheived.


    Being old and slow, I'll take a first stab and set my initial mark at 4 minutes dead. I would have gone for 3 minutes but I don't know if this is realistic, 20mph being a fairly fast average given the flat bits at the top and near the bottom.


    any takers? maybe we could have a late season run-off for those that claim the fastest runs....

  7. ha shawnee has to open early because they made a commitment to their timeshare holders that they will have skiing by a certain time. If they get real desperate they would probably buy ice and grind it up and call it snow. Even when they do make snow early, they usually have like a 6" base which is bad news for your ski/board base.



    If it's just the groomed ice they call snow around here, does it matter if its 6" or 60"? :confused


    As long as nothing comes through and it doesn't melt who cares how thick it is.


    The leaves are falling.... winters coming


    I would ski shawnee all the time if it were the only place open

  8. Do we have any representatives from the local ski/board shops on the board?


    The Loft, Starting Gate, Mike & Matt's?


    I know we have some from Nestors.


    I'm looking for a recommendation for a good boot fitter at a store that stocks Thrity-two's and other high end board boots.

  9. The 10 Greatest Soccer Players in History:

    1. Pele (Brazil) Got to see him play for the Cosmos. Amazing...

    2. Eusebio (Portugal) Led Portugal to the third place in world cup 1966, made "Benfica" European champion, etc. almost entirely by his individual efforts. The best "attacking forward" ever lived.

    3. Maradonna (Argentina)

    4. Beckenbauer (Germany) The best European player (Eusebio was born in Mosambique) and the best defenseman who ever played. (Next to him as defensman probably comes Bobby Moore - captain of Enland, world cup champion of 1966)

    5. Cruyff (Holland). Beckenbauer's competitor as the best Euroean socccer player.

    6. Di Stefano (Spain) Born in Argentina, playd in Spain, made "Real" what it is.

    7. Garrincha (Brazil). The best "dribbler". Another Brazilian - Jairzihno comes close to him but still not "up to".

    8. Puskas (Hungary) The leader of Hugarian "dream team".

    9. Zidane (France) Made France to be among leaders of world soccer.

    10. Yashin (USSR) The best goalkeeper that ever played, simple but very reliable. Was like a wall to the opposite team. Transformed the entire way of how goalkeepers should play.


    And the Next Generation:





    I'd have to take exception at Maradonna, after the "hand of god" incident, he may have been skillful, but a cheat is still a cheat.... :nono

  10. Thanks for all the input guys, interesting to hear some negatives on DC and BOA systems.


    And RomeOp, no harm in self promotion, looks like I'll have to take my board/ bindings, find a local dealer and see what fits best. This might be nestors although it's a shame you don't carry the thrity two stuff.

  11. It's more than just the length.  I've ridden boards that were the same length, but because of a difference in width, cut and flex they really felt different.  The ability to really carve and hold an edge and snap out of a turn change more with the stiffness.  tell us what kind of riding your in to and we could recommend where to start.



    Well I'm 2 years in and managed a pretty good season last year with lots of (short) days and some weekend trips to killy. I am still on the learning curve but am really enjoying myself now on all that CB/blue has to offer, though Killy has a few runs that still scare the crap out of me. I hate moguls but have learnt to deal with them.


    I've been on the park once, may venture in a few times this year but this will not be my main "thing".


    Most of the people I ride with (other than my kids) are skiers (not freestylers) so that tends to dictate the type of riding I do most (long fast runs).


    I'm 5'11" , 190lb, currently on a 158.5 M3 discord, Technine Dominator bindings. I love this set-up but I'm just really interested now to see what else is out there.


    My one criticism of the current board is that it can be a little "nervous" through fast straight sections where the board is flat, especially when it's icy. This might just be me, but that's the whole point of wanting to try some other set-ups.

  12. The loft at camelback does "high end line" demos for something like $30. I don't know all the rules. Nestors does a demo day at CB and presumabely other mountains. Hunter had a HUGE demo when I went early in the season last year. They had ALL the vendors with boots, bindings, skis and boards. I think it was a $150 deposit and you got a ticket which you gave to the vendor when you took the equipment out, and got back when you returned. You could try out as much as you wanted, assuming the equipment wasn't out on the mountain. At the end of the day you returned the ticket and got your deposit. I would recommend that or something similar.



    That sounds ideal, I'll contact hunter (and others) as the season approaches and find out when and where they do these kind of demo days. I'll give the loft a call too.



  13. I'm getting the urge to buy a second board this year (although my M3 is still much better than I am), but now that I can actually ride one, I do not want to buy blind this time.


    I think I would like to put together a short(ish) lightweight set-up.


    Rather than just buy from reviews, I would actually like to try a few different lengths and styles before lashing out $600+. Do any of the local dealers do board demo's and how accomodating are they likely to be.


    has anyone actually ridden a variety of board lengths / types? How much difference do you really feel?

  14. I'm planning to replace my salomon (defcon) boots for the new season, I'd be interested in everyones input:


    My current thinking is DC (Judge) or Thirty-two's (TM2 or 304's), my questions are:


    does anyone have any experience of either of these?


    anyone have any other recomendations

  15. Dear:


    [ ] Clueless Newbie

    [ ] Loser

    [ ] AOL-er

    [ ] 12 year old

    [x] Troll

    [ ] Pervert

    [ ] Geek

    [ ] Spammer

    [ ] Wannabe

    [ ] Asskisser

    [ ] l337 d00d

    [ ] Flamer

    [ ] Whiner

    [ ] Other:


    etc etc


    Have a nice day, now!



    Don't waste your time on Mr H, he is the reason American's don't "do" sarcasm. It just comes off sounding like bitter, pointless ranting. I'm sure if you met him he's (?) probably an OK guy/girl, some people just like to portray a "cool" online persona.


    It was much funnier watching his posts on the CB MB, where people thought he was serious and got all wound up and upset.

  16. I'd just like to point out the "MINIMUM" $100 I mentioned to start this thread, the actual wording was along the lines of "what would you be prepared to pay for it, $100, $200, $300" ... you get the picture.


    Maybe they'll have a "premium park" policed by the new park gestapo... <_<

  17. So this one mostly for boarders but the technical side (bullsh!t?) may interest the skiers too.


    I womdered if anyone else has seen the new Lib Tech "revolutionary" board design with the crinkles down the side. Lots of claims made about better edge hold, control etc.


    Does the theory, which is explained somewhat vaguely on their website, make sense to anyone with a technical knowledge of how a ski / board turns?


    Anyone seen one?


    Anyone tried one?


    Should I buy one?




    I really like lib-tech stuff, and have been looking at a "dark" as an alternative to my M3 discord, but now I'm wondering about one of these.....

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