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Posts posted by Timeless

  1. this has been an outstanding March for all moutains.  The average high in March is mid 40's, and the new few days, it's still in the low 30's.  Hopefully mountains will have a good weekend (not too great, I want my mountain back)....that a late march / first week  in April closing will be feasible.  :rock


    If I remember right, Blue were blowing really late in the season last year but still closed the same day as CB with plenty of snow left on the trails.


    It's great that blue keep blowing, and they have always had good conditions when I've been over, but why don't they take advantage of CB's closing to get rid of all that inconvenient snow, by staying open for another couple of weeks and taking advantage of sad CB pass holders like me that would do anything for a late season fix.

  2. :lol: I remember you saying "it's nothing structural" so when I started drilling, i got a little nervous when metal shavings started coming out.  I think there is a piece of metal in there just to give it support i guess, but I just kept on drilling.



    Aren't you worried about moisture getting into the core of the ski? :confused


    Have you sealed the sides of the hole with something? Was this just an evil joke by 999 that went horribly wrong.... :o

  3. I bady want to razz you  :drool for going the easy route (riding) and "high five" your 4 year old,  :rock    but I won't  :nono


    I hope I don't start a war - but riding is for people who don't know how to ski.... :wiggle


    I wont be drawn into that particular discussion.... :P


    I chose to ride because I've had some pretty serious knee injuries in the past and the likely injuries from a board looked much less threatening (to me).


    My daughter (at 8, now 9 ) chose a board because "it's cooler" and my son is skiing because most informed opinion seemed to agree that boarding at less than 7 is not such a good idea. Whe he's old enough he can choose which way he wants to go.

  4. Thanks for the advice guys, I think I'll hit up e-bay this evening.


    I did a little web surfing and found pages of complaints about these heel and toe plates on Nordica boots shattering and not being able to be replaced. I guess you just live 'n learn.

  5. OK, so having accepted that my 4-year old son is going "to the other side" (skiing rather than boarding), I've put him into "Explorers" at Blue and bought him some gear (Head ski's, Marker bindings) and he's doing really well.


    My problem is that we bought him used boots and he's broken the plastic screw-on heel pieces. So:


    Does anyone know where I might get replacement parts, they are Nordica but not current models and the guys at the Loft couldn't help.


    Does anyone know a good source of used boots for people this small (size 12-13 US childrens size). I may have to resort to E-bay but the sizing bothers me.


    Where would you recommend for new boots, I'd rather not go down this route until the beginning of next season, but I don't want to cut his season short.


    Also, will the release settings on his bindings still be OK for the new boots or will I need them set up again, sorry if this is an ignorant question but with both my daughter and I going for snowboards, this is new to me.



  6. Was it crowded yesteray?


    My daughter and I left at 11'ish mainly because of other things we had to do with the non-boarding side of the family, but the queues were still short (no more than 6-8 people waiting at the east side quad) and the trails (east side and centre) were practically empty. The one run we took down Tut's / meadows was busy enough to send us straight back to the other side but not as bad as a "normal" sunday.

  7. Well, camelback isn't the greatest powder mountain, and the stuff we got today was heavy and wet. The trails have some fun stuff normally, like natural hits and such, but with the bumps everywhere, they weren't really accessible.


    It may have been heavy and wet, which meant it bumped up quickly, but the first hour Monday morning was easily the best I've ever seen at CB (this is only my second year here). Pharaoh and Bactrian were a lovely combination :drool


    By 10.30, most of the runs were back to bumps and ice... :(

  8. Hahahaha dude I've been reading the CB forums for 3 years and it's fun fucking with all the idiots that post there.


    But SHHHH keep it quiet that I'm not some gaper :)




    I've been watching that thread on the CB forum, and thought you'd pushed the sarcasm a little too far, but the people left posting there (aplogies to skimom, sibhusky and a couple of others) since this forum started are so f%^#ing dumb they'll probably never catch on.


    Keep up the good work and good luck with 100 days. :rock

  9. They blow up to Feb 21st.  Never after.


    Maybe they will surprise us all and keep blowing as long as the weather allows, then they could stay open 'til the beginning of April and still give themselves a month to get camelbeeyatch open.


    wishful thinking? :rolleyes:

  10. I drove up from Philly last night...And it was wonderful :)

    Had some training on raceway...Nice hard firm snow.  Only problem was the gates were breaking right and left (and uhh up and down).  Gates would get hit, and smack the snow (err hardpack) and just start to shatter.  We broke about 15 our frist run down.  That is an expesive night for someone :banghead


    Anyway the good news for most people is under the hardpack, the snow is pretty soft.  So after the groomed it out last night, there will be plenty of not hardpack stuff to ski on.

    Personally, I would take those conditions all the time :D



    Doesn't sound so bad, maybe my boss was just being a little :ugh2gay:

  11. I hear camelback were refunding tickets last night because it was too icy to ski safely :no


    My boss drove his kid up from Jersey, was told they only had three runs open "because of the wind" but that they were going to open more during the evening. Then having paid for his ticket, the next three people in line were demanding refunds because it was too dangerous.


    I didn't see any mention of this on the website, I would have been really pissed to have driven any distance for that... :angry:

  12. Well said young 'freak... :rock


    Everybody should just remember that anywhere you can ski/ride around here is a bonus, we are all fortunate to have a choice of 6/7 slopes within an hour of each other.


    Time spent bitching on here is time that should be better spent on the slopes. :)

  13. Did anyone else think Pharaoh was f#$kin horrible Monday night? (did anyone else try it?).


    Most of the trails seemed OK, if a little rutted, it seemed like they had not groomed too extensively after the weekend (snow preservation?) or they had had a very busy day (unlikely).


    What I couldn't get over though, was the complete lack of people there, I think there were more ski-nazi's and patrollers than there were normal skiers / riders.


    At times it felt like I was the only one there.... :D:confused

  14. How was everyone else's weekend?


    The weather and conditions at CB yesterday AM were just amazing, warm, clear, nicely groomed trails and a really nice surface, short lift lines (if you avoided the quads).


    I hope it was as good for everyone else....



  15. I've heard several people now say that camelback has a good "variety" of trails.  No.  While it may seem like they have MORE trails, they do NOT have more variety.  Blue Mountain has a variety of trails, from dead straight trails right down the fall line, to winding trails, to mile long blue square cruisers that hold the same pitch, to the 6400 foot paradise, to Swithback, which is an amazing trail.  That's variety. :D


    I'm a blue whore, what can i say?


    A Blue Ho' indeed....


    Whilst I really like Blue, and would agree it has some amazing trails, it doesn't feel like it has even close to as many as CB.


    I forgot to add Cameltop to my list of likes, especially when you can sit out on the deck. :D

  16. As a new(ish) and improving boarder with a young daughter also learning I would add the following positive points about CB:


    1) Nice variety of trails, it seems like many more than Blue or Shawnee and as someone else mentioned the hill is wide so you can usually find quiet areas.


    2) Good snowmaking and (initial) grooming, I dont even really care about them not re-grooming during the day as the bumpy bits can be entertaining later in the day. They should monitor some of the more heavy traffic trails (like Birches, Marc Anth. etc) and maybe re-groom these when the cover gets very thin / icy.


    3) Nice ski-patrol / medic types, they are always complimenting my daughter on her smooth style, which does wonders for her confidence.


    4) It's 4 miles from my house


    5) "ride-up" parking at the sunbowl and easy access to the quad by Pharaoh.


    6) The board service shop is excellent, they cleaned up my board soooo nicely.



    Overall, if you live close, have a season pass and can time your visits to get the most quiet times (before 10 and after 6, or weekdays), it's a real nice ski area (by PA standards). If you can only come on weekends and holidays, can't arrive before 10.30, have to queue for tickets, or worse rentals or have to eat in the main lodge then I don't doubt that you will not come away happy.

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