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Posts posted by Timeless

  1. it's riped right in half. the first doctor said the ACL was damaged. the 2nd doctor confirmed it was riped in half, the 3rd doctor is the one doing the operation and he also confirmed that it was not fluid in the knee and that in fact the ACL was totaly torn in two.


    Have the operation, take all the sympathy and try not to think too much about the rest of this season.


    Hope you have a speedy and full recovery, and please post the MRI pic's if you get them.... :yes

  2. I have no comment to make on this but I've just got back from the pub in Stockholm (all empty and no live music anywhere) and I'm really hacked off. Still at least there is snowboarding on the TV..... <_<


    :postwhore this is my first bit of Ho'ing

  3. Let me get this straight...You are compairing a trail the day it opened (trails the day they open are always bad, due to the snowmaking 'balls' that get left on them) to a mountain the day of a snowstorm?


    Doesn't quite seem like it is even  :no


    Dont get me wrong, I love most of the trails at CB and Big Poc' is one of my favourites, somebody just mentioned that it wasn't very good on opening day and I was agreeing.


    Are you sure you're not Dave K??? :P


    It seems that the snowfall did alot of good to most of the pocono hills, bring on the weekend storm.... :rock

  4. I went Shawnee (first time) yesterday 'cos some of the guys at work are pass holders, the conditions were amazing and it was very, very quiet (as was CB the previous night when big pocono did indeed suck

    :bj ).


    A few observations about Shawnee:


    Whilst lacking in absolute vertical, their runs make good use of it with the black bits at the bottom, which was quite cool as you got a nice cruising run and then some big drops at the bottom.


    The park looks amazing, not being competent enough to hit much myself, I'll not pass judgment. I can say though that there are many more features than at CB and it has a really nice flow from top to bottom. You park peeps should be very happy with it.


    There was very little difference between thier blues and greens, maybe because both had big piles of new snow being blown on them.


    All in, I had a lot of fun, as did the ski-boys I went with. I will no longer make any negative comments about Shawnee.

  5. I went up to CB last night, apart from the fact that it was 'kin cold, did anyone else notice how different the base was, it seemed to have had a decent amount of new snow blown on it and then REALLY compacted. Very different to the surface at blue at the weekend which was nice and powdery :drool .


    I wonder if they are aiming to stop blowing after this sustained session when they will get up to 100% open , then just see how long they can re-groom it until it wears out.

  6. Just standing outside yesterday you would hear branches cracking and falling down every miniut or so.  It was pritty bad.  But on the bright side we've had 3 days off school and now its the weekend.


    I've got three trees down outside my house, one of which hit it (small one luckily), no power, no water (no power = no well pump) and ppl saying they'll try and get it back on before monday but no promises. :angry:


    Looks like I'll have to spend all weekend at CB instead :D


    More ice predicted tonight, I should have moved to Colorado..... :rolleyes:

  7. Yeah, I decided not to go into work today because the roads were blah. Plus the 1/2 inch of ice covering my car didn't look like it would be too much fun to clean off. I was hoping up in the poconos they wouldn't have had the same icey fate, but it seems the snow gods are just playing with us right now.


    having scraped the ice ans snow off my car this morning to go to work in NJ, my wife just phoned and told me the ice has taken down a tree which just missed the house and landed where my car was....


    this weather really sucks :banghead

  8. i was really leaning on my toe edge trying to carve really deep and lean as much as possible to see if my toes dragged but hey didn't


    it is just such a pain in the ass when i strap in


    If your heels are dragging but your toes are not then you are not centred on your board and you need to sort your bindings out before you try the risers or chuck out your board.

  9. like a size 10 an dmy board is really small for me 2

    i a like 5' 8"-9"  and hte coard is like a 152


    It sounds as though your board is too narrow for you, but to confirm this, is it just your heel that's dragging or do your toes hang out aswell?


    If they've fitted a new heel cup they may have just pushed your boot back relative to the mounting. This would be really bad as it would put your weight and COG away from the centreline of the board. If this is the case you may be able to adjust the heel cup position or re-mount the bindng using the slotted holes in the disk.


    If your boots are hanging off both edges, you can as someone suggested try the risers (try the-house.com for good deal on palmer ones), or just bite the bullet and buy yourself a shiny new board :drool:drool


    you might find these websites interesting for binding set-up.





  10. hahaha no thats not what i meant..im talking about the whole feel of the board..as in Flex, base etc.. yeah completely different. Im the last one to setup a board wrong haha.


    how tall are you?


    5'11, 190lb but quite happy with my discord (158.5).


    I've e-mailed your board details out to some newbies at work, but I've left off the part about it "nearly killing you", I thought it might put them off :)

  11. How does the rest of it look?


    I was up there for a couple of hours on Thursday evening, it was soft & slushy but OK for that. They kindly shut off the bactrian (i think?) but left gaps in the fence so it was like having your own private trail for most of the evening. :D


    I'm looking to get back up there tomorrow morning with my daughter but I'm a little concerned about the conditions, any updates?

  12. Well, it looks like blue has taken a pretty aggressive stand on opening this year, with Burma Road and Raceway opening today... I wonder if it'll give them the edge or if it'll bite them in the ass with the weather coming in the next couple days.... I guess we'll see, but they're 50% open now, at least by trail count, and paradise was really looking like it had just about enough snow to open last night.


    camelback are taking a different approach, they stopped blowing yesterday (no sign of any new snowmaking this morning (conditions were lovely though :D ). There was not much snow on any of the west side trails, I cant see them getting many open for the weekend.


    2 trails (Tut and Bitches) is getting a little tiresome :angry: But I'll still be up there every chance I get. :)

  13. Just wanted to add:


    My new technine dominator (justin hebbel model with "baltimore" toe strap) are the best thing ever invented, by anyone, in the history of snow sports.




    They are soooooo comfortable, everything anyone has ever said about how good the toe cup idea is understating it. Everyone with a snow board should try these.


    as for platic / steel, they have metal rods in the polycorbonate base plate and an aluminum heel cup. They weigh less than my old plastic Sims.




  14. Just got back from CB, I mamaged to sneak a couple of hours in early before my "weekend jobs" needed doing. Conditions were really nice, managed 10 runs down Tut / Birches (alternating based on traffic) and onto the meadows.


    Apart from laurel glade (with a few rails) that's all that's open today but it looks like they might have some more open tomorrow morning. I'll be back up there first thing tomorrow.


    It's getting pretty busy up there right now, the meadows is turning into a bit of a slalom course.


    Hope you all had similarly good first days (in PA)



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